Tagged by missbeautyyoong

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
                                                                                                                                      ► tagged by missbeautyyoong
Question :
1. Real name? (Azza)
2. Birthday? Age? (21st Nov & 21 years old)
3. Biggest impact in your life? (I'm not quite sure about that but maybe my life in college where the whole college is looking down at my batch/group. I know, that .)
4. A close friend in aff? (Baekhyunladee, ladykirana, syjung & others that I've met ^^)
5. Why did you chose that username you have? (because they are my biases)
6. Things you can't live without? (phone, wifi, computer xDDD lol)
7. Werewolf, vampire, or witch? (Vamps... I love blood hahahaha)
8. What your korean favorite food? (the common one, gimbap)
9. What kind of author are you? Reader, Writer, Designer? (both reader & writer)
10. Let's talk more? Yes or No? (yes...I'm enjoying this ^^)
11. Pretty Selca, please. (now this is tough :D)
photo 2012-10-11-16-29-01_deco_zps59a5317b.jpg

Tagged : kimtaeyeon1234, Thiri27914, sea0horse, ladykirana, taeyeoppeo, baekhyunladee, syjung, taengfist, ametista, Tikatikolala, Loochi



1. Where are you from?

2. How long have you been on AFF?

3. Horoscope?

4. Your favourite stories on AFF so far?

5. What is the meaning of your username actually?

6. Which will you prefer, phone or computer? (lol)

7. The thing that you think there is nothing could ever replace it are?

8. Cat, Dog, Hamster, Rabbit?

9. Share a selca with me, pretty please..

10. If you have one wish, what will you wish for?

11. Is this boring? Tell me.



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. uuuuu ; A ;
. I will do it when I'm free (weekend maybeee) xD
. awwww > w <
. I'm your close friend > W <