50 facts about moi


Hallo liebe Leute!


I was tagged by my mother to do this.


And in all honesty, I think it's a nice way for you guys to get to know me better. 


Let's get started.

Heh, I just puked in my mouth. This is starting good!


1. My name is Juliet, written as Julie in Danish, because Juliet isn't an official Danish name. At birth, I was meant to be Juliet, not Julie.


2.  I go by many lovely nicknames though, such as - Jules, Jewels, Jewelry, Julibaby, Poodle, Julle-Bulle-Dulle, Julpie, Julius, Tesshi, Junkie, Julitae. ... AND JUNIC!!


3. I was born the 10th of August, 1995. 


4. That means I'm 16 years old, btw.


5. I'm a somewhat fragile girl who easily gets hurt, although I act like I don't.


6. I'm good at balancing maturity with childishness. Basically, I'm half adult, half child.


7. I'm told I'm very modest.


8. I'm good at being kind of a frontman and take responsibility. 


9. And I'm also good at inspiring and motivating others, I've been told.


10. A thing I'm not good at though is motivating myself.


11. I'm kind of a dork with a weird sense of humor, and I enjoy making people laugh.


12. But at the same time I'm also known as more of a quiet person.


13. I'm doing good in school in most subjects, except math and Science. 


14. I'm naive and sometimes I believe things I deep down within know I shouldn't. Like lies.


15. I always seek for closeness and love. Without that, I feel somewhat lonely and useless.


16. I get extremely flattered when people praise my works. 


17. Some say my way of writing is very unique.


18. But in fact, I think it's because English is not my first language, and therefore I use many Danish metaphors to express myself.


19. Oh yeah, I'm from Denmark btw. 


20. I'm a wealthy kid that never has tried to be in any economic crisis whatsoever.


21. You may call me spoiled because of this.


22. I currently live on a Boarding School, which makes my time for writing fanfics very limited. It takes up all my time.


23. I have abs. 


24. The thing about my entire body I like the most is my tummy and my waist line. The rest is just blegh.


25. I visit the doctor on a regular basis because we are still trying to figure out why I faint so much.


26. But thankfully, I don't have Sclerosis, which was our original theory. I got that checked some months ago.


27. My entire life I've watched anime, and I became an otaku at the age of 10.


28. Now I'm more into K-pop though, although I still love manga and anime.


29. I think happiness is what you make it.


30. And I believe that love is love no matter what, which I wrote this oneshot about.


31. I have 3 big brothers. I'm the youngest and the only girl.


32. When I was younger, I always tried to fit in. I tried to buy the clothes the others wore, talk the same way as them, do the same things.. But then I realized that no matter what, I'd never be able to change what's on the inside of me; myself. Therefore, I stopped and just enjoyed being me.


33. I'm not pretty. But it's okay, beauty is just a mask.


34. I hate to let go of things or friends. But eventually, I have to.


35. Lee Taemin is the most beautiful human on earth in my eyes.


36. I always make sure that my friends know that I'm always there to comfort them when they need me.


37. I'm very forgiving. 


38. Chocolate makes me a happier person. But it hasn't always. 


39. My doctor claims that I had a eating disorder before I started on my boarding school. That's not true though - I just wasn't hungry most of the time.


40. I kiss my friends a lot.


41. I have a wild fantasy.


42. Sometimes, I find myself staring a nothing, head deep in thought. 


43. And sometimes, I sleep during class.


44. I'm so imperfect that it hurts.


45. But I don't judge, so I guess you could consider me friendly.


46. I never hold any grudges either.


47. I speak Danish and English fluently and I'm learning German. Besides, I understand Swedish and Norwegian perfectly fine.


48. Me gusta tu Sombrero, Minho.


49. Yeah, I'm random.


50. But all in all, I'm just a person.


It's tag time!!



Now I tag..








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hehe, I love the pics at the end and thanks for telling so much ^^
seineily #2
ahahahhaa...i like that picture of onew with the running chickens!!!
novelle_freak #3
You sounds like a good person :D SERIOUSLY! I mean it!
The Onew macro forever. XD
Val already tagged me. I so wanna do this! :3
Damn...got tagged and I dun talk to you >> but Hi! Im Nut OwO
i am glad to have gotten to know you by this!
and guess what?!
i am the youngest too!
hee hee ^_^
i can come up with these facts, but i am soooo shy and i don't want to reveal my true identity, cuz me writing fanfics is a secret to the world. i am in america, so americans judge people who do this :P
you time!
there is no such thing as a perfect person. so you being "imperfect" is normal. don't feel bad for being imperfect. we all are!
and about the fainting...could it be cuz you don't eat enough?
maybe have a small snack to keep your energy
You... you are clever! ^-^
flamingho #8
SHINing_Exotic #9
Hahaha the onew macro

50 so much @_@

Lullabye #12
bish why isn't junic up on your nicknames .____. yur breakin mah heart DD:
27 = ME TOO! 8D
Oh Juliana :-: I AGREE WITH 35. XD
KYOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U JUL-JUL!!!!!!!!! a lot of things match with me :D kekeke

btw... the macro with Onew..... KIIIIIIILLED MEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!!!!