Tagged by Overlord_Nim

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
                                                                                                                                      ► tagged by overlord_nim
1. Name? [Wow, brilliant questions, CJ]
- Feng Hua... 
2. Favorite thing or things? No specification. I just want you to share a few of your favorite things.
- My favorite things is my cellphone, headset, and laptop. 
3. Passion for?
- Yixing and Sehun. 
4. If you had a color, what color do you think you would be? Expound on why you chose it.
- Hmm... Sea Blue, and Red... Because I'm calm and I'm easily get angry... (Is the explanation good enough? lol)
5. Favorite genre to read?
- Adventour, comedy, horror.
6. Least favored ship?
- Uhhmm... XiuChen or ChenMin (Sorryy... :(( )
7. Current song stuck in your head?
- Katty Perry - Roar... (i love that song so much!)
8. Ultimate Bias?
9. A turn on you have?
- I don't understand this... -_-a
10. Dark chocolate? Milk chocolate? or Extra dark chocolate?
- Milk chocolate, like Jongin skin, lol
11. Which celebreties body would you ice-cream off of? [I don't know what happened]
- Uhmmm.... Jongin??? OMG!!!!!! I IMAGINE IT NOW!!!! O.O
Question :
1. Where do you from? (just country, lol)
2. What are you doing now?
3. When you found this site?
4. Why you use your username? 
5. Is your username have a meaning?
6. Do you love, like the way I love you babe? (lol)
7. Sea? Fire? Ground? Sky?
8. What your favorite food?
9. Your selca? Hehehehe...
10. Do you have any siblings?
11. Have Line or twitter?? :3

Tagged : --Enchantress, -SehunIsMyDrug, carelesswhispers, HappyVirusBaby, lecrybaby, callmehana, Exosaranghaee, PineapleBANA, -ing, purpleblood, misskailu


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OMG *_____* JONGIN' S BODY XDD and wait so I answer your 10 grey questions at the bottom? And then tag 11 other people with my own questions? :3
OTL ice cream from Jongin's body SGAJSVSJSBSJ dying, idk.
Ugh! Eonnie !!
I got tagged 8times already !!
imma message you at line right now! XD