
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
                                                                                                                                      ► tagged by __lynnryan
1. What's my name? LOL no what should I call you?
Hanna Reyes. But you can also call me Lyn :)
2. Do you have a crush on someone right now? Or are you currently in a relationship? 
Fovereve alone, OTL. But I'm currently have a crush on a basketball player named Jeron Teng. Remember my previous blogpost about him and his bro?

3. If I were to visit your country one day, would you bring me around? 
Ofcourse! I would love too !  Let's bring Liz and Aly with us ;)
4. Do you hate me? OTL
OMG~ Why would I? You're like one of the sweetest person here in AFF! 
5. Tell me what you think about me. 
Just like what I said at number 4. You're one of the sweetest person that I met here in AFF and so pretty! :)
6. Do you like watching horror movies?
A big no-no for me >< I hate watching horror movies. Once I finished watching one, I'll be so scared to go around our house alone in night. /yikes!
7. Do you think I should cut my hair?
Hmm. Based on your dp.. .I don't think so, I love your hair, it looks so fluffy and the highlights really suits you. Or is that hair extensions?
8. What are you majoring in now? Or are you currently working?
Ahahha, you already know this one! I'm a culinary arts student. I'm planning to do part time job since my school sched is niceu.
9. Yes or no? /ran out of questions/
10. Selca? Pwease?
How about no? /JK >< Ahaha~ Up until now I haven't shared a selca here in aff. I'm a bit secretive person, don't you think? /sneaky sneaky 
11. Do you have instagrammmmmmmmmm? :D
Yep I do have one! Should I pm you the link, lynn? Ahaha you can see a selce of me there!


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lol jeron teng ♡ and i wanted a selca from you tho. ;A;
Kris-C25 #2
si Aly unnie ba yan? O_O <3
Hanna! I'll keep that in mind :)
Ohhhhhhh a basketball player eh? Nice nice!

"You're one of the sweetest person that I met here in AFF and so pretty! :)"

hehe yay my hair looks flufffyyy.
AND Nope. Those are highlights :)
I wanted to dipdye my hair but my mama doesn't let :/

And me want your instagrammm acc :0