Questionnaire Tag by 95anichan

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4:Let them know you've tagged them.

1. Which is your favorite band and why?
My Favorite band I would have to say is JYJ even though I'm not sure if they are considered a band

2. Do you have any weird hobbies?
I was hoping you would ask. Hurhurhur well I like to call males my 'hoes' like if they say "Hey Nya" I will reply "Sup Hoe"


3. Who is one person you can't live without?
My mommy because no matter how weird she is she is always there for me and can understand the things I say...otl


4. What super power would you want?
INVISI-FREAKING-BILITY. I would be invisible and watch the teacher while he/she is making the test and then study only those things.


5. How long has it been since you have read a legit book (with paper pages and stuff) just for fun?
Actually I read one today so I guess 3 hours maybe? (my mommy is making me read it T_T)


6. How did you get into fanfiction?
Well one night I searched Youngmin from boyfriend and I went to pictures I then saw this:

I clicked on the link it took me to mayaism's story I read it made an account and BOOM i'm here today.


7. First ever ship?
H.A.N.C.H.U.L. I love them always. I always go back and search hanchul moments on youtube I cried when they split though it was like someone was like "Oh so you want to be happy? Take this biatch!!!!" and took them away ._.


8. Do you watch any anime or read any manga?
OH HAILZ YEAH!. I have watched so many I don't remember my first one I even have mangas that I've bought in my room. (I read them when I'm "grounded")


9. What is your favorite fanfic to date?
I am a big fan of dbskgirl4ever. (Like I read almost all of her stories) And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! her story 'Leave us to fate' it is just so beautiful and at one point it made me cry but I still love it to death.


10. Favorite class in school?
Lunch..../slapped/ er well I like my Musical Theater class

11. How strongly do feel feel about grammar in stories (meaning will you go crazy with little grammar errors or are you more tolerant?)?
I'm not the type of person that is like "THERE SHOULD BE A COMMA HERE!" or something because I don't do grammar myself but I kind of get a little iffy when I see mispelled words. I'm not going to lie I do it to but when you mispell a word so bad that I can't even make out what you are trying to say it just ugh!

I tag


*you are not required to do this

Favorite movie?

What's your favortie food?

What's your favorite number?

First Kpop band?

Dream boy/girl?

Favorite TV show?

Who is your idol?

What's your favorite fanfiction?

What inspired you to write? (if you do)

What do you do on your free time?



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Yay you did it :D