About Me

What's your name? nisa anisah
Do you still attend school? mmmm...yesh
How tall are you? 5'3
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? taller
Do you wear glasses/contacts? depends
What color is your hair? black
What color are your eyes? black
Your best physical feature: idk,*pout*
Your best personality trait: idkkkkkkk
Color? black
Non-alcoholic drink? pepsi
Food? lamb chop
Genre of music? RnB
Band? extreme
Singer? taeyeon
Movie? gravity
Actor? sandra bullock
Television show? NCIS
Current song? more than words
Concert you've attended? snsd
School project you've done? -
Place to be? lake garden
Book? fifty shades of grey
Person to be with? my lover (Kim_taekhun)
Flower? rose
Website? -
Ice cream flavor? chocolate
Pizza topping? beef pepperoni
State? -
Country? -
Culture? -
Religion? -
Politician? -
U.S. President? -
Language? -
School subject? Math
Accent? -
Moment in History? -
Thing about Bzoink? -
This or That
Eat or drink? drink
Watch a movie or T.V.? movie
Books or magazines? books
Color or black & white films? color
Cell phone or camera? cell phone,
Rock or Rap? rock
Country or folk rock? country.
Alternative or Indie? indie
Rap or hip-hop? hip-hop *yawn*
Screamo or metal? metal???
Guitar or bass? guitar
Drums or Piano? drum
Water or soda? water
Pizza or hamburgers? hamburgers
Love or money? love
God or the Buddha? -
War or creation? -
Meat or vegetables? meat
Life or death? llife + death? does it count? *pout*
What's your favorite genre of music? Why? RnB. idk.. 
If you could play any instrument, which would you chose? Why? violin.its fun n interesting
Would say music is an important part of your life? yes..
Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer in concert? yesh. snsddddddd *fangirling*
If so, did you get to meet them after the show? yeshhhhhhhhhh
Have you ever been to a concert? How many? less than 10? hmm.. dont really remember
Do you play any intruments? yesh.guitar,piano,drum,bass n ukelele.
Last song you listened to: confession
Does this song have any meaning to you? yesh.
Last movie you watched: gravity
Did you think this movie was good? yes?
Did it make you laugh at all? not really. but my lover did, *pout* 
Favorite quote from a movie: -
Does this quote have any meaning to you? -
If you had to be in a movie, what would the movie be about? -
What's your favorite movie? Why? gravity. bcoz what happening during the movie??
Favorite movie character? -
What's your favorite book? Why? fifty shades of grey
What's your favorite magazine? Why? epop
Do you enjoy reading? not really
Favorite quote from a book: -
Does this quote have any meaning to you? -
Are you subscribed to any magazines? Which? -
Favorite book character? -
Favorite book genre? romance
What kinds of magazines do you like to read? entertainment
Who is your best friend? iffa.
Do you trust this person a 100%? yup
Do you have a lot of friends? Do you think that matters? yes... no. why should i.
Do you still live with your parents? yes.depends
Do you have any siblings? What are their names? -
Were you adopted? WhAT?!
Are you a twin? NO
Do your parents/guardians like all of your friends? nope
Do your friends like your parents? never.
What is your current relationship status? taken
Are you happy about that? Why or why not? *nod*
Do you need a significant other to be happy? -
Have you ever been in love? yup.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? yes. i when through it before.
Have you ever been kissed? yeshhh..
Do you want to get married? yes, i want to have my own family,
Do you like to keep your personal life private or spread it all around? private.
Have you ever had a broken heart? Is it healed now? yup,not really
What is your favorite food? lamb chop
Favorite Italian dish: pasta
Favorite Mexican dish: -
Do you like Chinese food? yes
What's your favorite kind of soda? -
Hot or ice tea? ice
What is one thing you refuse to drink? anything with milk in it
You refuse to eat? pork....
Best thing you've ever eaten: -
What are some of your interests? -
The person you have the most in common with: my sis
What do you like to do when your bored? text n otp with my lover
Are you a fast typer? i think so
What is the weather like today? Are you enjoying it? -
Are you excited for summer or would you rather be in school? excited for summer.school boring
Do you have a job? What is it? yesh.
What are your plans for the future? to be a really succesful person
Do you believe Barack Obama will change things? -
What type of mood are you in today? sad
Do you write on an online blog? Does it get a lot of hits? no
Would you consider yourself an interesting person? idk..
What do you plan on doing after this survey? call my lover.
Do you like the movie "Finding Nemo"? not really
Do you make jewelry?



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waaahhhh soooo many questions@.@
Ohhh lots of ur lover