My dream... someone help?

(ok so it's 6: 03AM right now)


        I can't really rememeber or put it into words but I'll tell you what I do remember so please help me. ^^"


1) I had bought a small pink Hello Kitty handbag

2) I think I was on a date with this really cute guy in my class in the cafeteria of a mall(?)

3) I was in a big store with my dad (Goodwill I think)

4)I lost my Hello Kitty bag

5)There was girl secretly being held hostage in the back

6) Girl happened to be my daughter

7)I shoot guys then run to my dad's car in the parking lot

8) In the car, she tells me shes my daughter

9) I tell her "Always keep your shoes on, you never know when you have to run."

10) other stuff happen that I forgot and then I wake up



Anyone wanna help me inerpret this? PLEASE????


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ClassA #1
can I have a go at interpreting this? ^_^

1. I feel that maybe your 'daughter' represent you as a child... or you presently.
2. The Hello Kitty is associated with your childhood and losing it is a sign of maturity
3. The store being named 'Goodwill' is really interesting especially since you saved your daughter as an act of goodwill :')
4. Your quote 'always keep your shoes on, you never know when you have to run' is you telling yourself to always expect the unexpected and be ready for what's coming.'

well, that was fun :') do tell me if anything I mentioned made sense or not :)
I love interpreting dreams... I had a dream I about shooting bad guys too, they were oddly thrilling, and for some reason my dad was also involved o.o :/
MizzPeel0007 #2
Wish I knew what dreams meant because I usually have some awesome and yet weird ones. I agree with xXKenzyKooXx.
fandomfriends #3
That is an awesome dream I have to say...but I have no idea. Maybe it's just an awesome dream meant to confuse you. :P