After 2 Years ^~^

It took a lot for me to get here taking that I have friends who became popular in less than two months TT.TT and I'm not even close to being popular. but even so, the new number on my profile page made my heart skip a beat today :)

I finally reached 1,000 subscribers! <3 I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that perfect number today when I logged in on AFF! TT^TT I'm very grateful to all my friends and readers, to all those who supported and still are by my side even after all this time. And, I'm especially grateful to AutumnHearts, who promoted my stories like crazy in her own stories, which I found incredibly sweet and helpful ^~^ Thank you, dear! *huugs* I don't think there are enough words for me to express my gratitude towards you <3

And of course, there's an entire list of people I'd love to mention, but I don't to sound like I received some kind of prize^^' So, thank you, all those who helped me! You're forever loved! <3


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Did you know that
Jay from Nefelibata
mentioned you as one of his
fav authors?
Wahoo congratulations that's amazing ^^
Congratulations on such an awesome achievement! :3

That's incredible! Congratulations, you deserve it ^^
Congratulationsssssss you definitely deserve all of those subscribers **
Congrats! You deserve every subscriber out there, and many, many more! ;hugs back;
I didn't do much, only helped some readers get to more wonderful stories :)