
yes... I know...no one reads my blog posts but.


I feel so lonely...


nobody ever asks if im ok when im sick...


one of my friends used to but now...they dont anymore...


I have nobody to talk to right now since they're all at school...


there is one person that made me feel better...Jessie did...I was talking to her yesterday and she made me feel so much happier and less lonely...




well uh yeah...im trying to update my stories now but my Umma is being a and is saying i shouldn't be on AFF anymore.


lol who cares YOLO!


//starts writing anyway mwahahahaha


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kaisooDUH #1
ya r u ok and can we chat later
awww I read your blog posts! and I know how you feel.. :( it's ok though! you have me and your other subscribers!! though I balls at consoling people, I hope I made you a little better hehehe hwaiting!!! ^^