Wanna know me? Cool, here's a thing.


Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: I would say green but the other day a friend of mine said, "Woah, you have like a billion different colors in your eyes."

Skin color: I'm pretty tan all year round.

Favorite facial feature: My eyebrows, because I fix them and make them look nice.

Least favorite facial feature: Probably my giant nose. lololololol

Height: I'm like 5'5" or 5'6". I don't remember.

Body type: I don't really know. Not skinny? hah.


Name: Andrea

Age: 17

Nationality: I am 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 German, 1/4 Italian, and 1/4 Czech.

Country of origin: USA

Current location: still the USA

Favorite color: certain shades of green

Favorite animal: the capybara

Fandom: I'm in far too many

20 random questions:

Summer or Winter? Winter because I looooooooooove cold weather.

Do you have a special talent? hahahahahahahah no

Do you think you're a strong person? Nope. Not mentally nor physically.

What are your phobias? I have lots but the main ones are butterflies, thunder, and the dark.

When do you feel most calm? right when I wake up in the morning

What inspires you? pretty much everything

What do you dislike about yourself? a lot of things

What are your top three favorite colors? chartreuce, white, and like a deep forest green

What are your hobbies? dancing, singing, writing, playing tennis

What is your favorite subject? I like math and science 

What are three of your current favorite songs? well the top three in my most played are Talk To My Face by D-Unit, Miss You by Tiny-G, and the Sliink and Kiff remix of Ellie Goulding's cover of the song High For This by The Weeknd

What is your favorite day of the week? I like Mondays

How would you describe your current mood? upset because my friends weren't on xbox to play CoD with me

What are your future goals? to like myself

What artists do you like? I feel like this is like music artists but instead, I'm going to mention like drawing artists. I really like Stephen Gammell art.

If you could travel back in time, where would you go? don't you mean, when would you go? ///dead

Which artists do you dislike? I don't really dislike a lot of art. Whether it be music art or like drawing type art. If people work hard to make it, I feel like I can't dislike it. 

What is your favorite month? April

Do you believe in love? yes and no

What is a saying/quote that you live by? "Eat whatever you want and if someone criticizes you, eat them too."

Last beverage: smart water

Last text message: "A guy in this show acts like Ryeowook in the SJ movie and I can't handle it."

Last song you listened do: obviously it's Say It by Topp Dogg c'mon guys it's fab

Last time you cried: earlier today when I found out that I can't get a library card because I live in a different county

Ever got back with someone you've been with before? sadly

Ever been cheated on? hah. only in every relationship I've ever been in. no lie.

Ever kissed someone and regretted it? oh yeah. I made out with this one guy twice this summer and now he wants to date me and I'm like "no"

Ever lost someone special? yes

Ever been depressed? we all have

This year have you...

Made a new friend? yep

Met someone who changed you? nope

Do you want to change your name? nope

What can't you wait for? honestly, CHRISTMAS

What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping because I'm a

When was the last time you saw your mother? Like a couple of minutes ago.

What is the webpage you visit the most? tumblr

What is your relationship status? single as FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

What do you worry over the most? is everything an applicable answer?

First surgery? none

First piercing? my ears

First sport you joined? oh sheesh. either basketball or softball.

Do you want kids? no. I would never want to raise children in today's society.

Do you want to get married? //pulls string Maybe someday.

What career do you want? I don't know

Ideal type: I just want someone to cuddle with me, play video games with me, and laugh at my puns.

Gender? I don't really care.

Older or younger? I feel like I'm really young so probably older.

Shorter or taller? I would prefer taller but I don't really care at all.

Romantic or spontaneous? romantic. spontinaeity frightens me.

Nationality? I don't care.

Lips or eyes? I'm actually going to say lips, because I've always had this weird thing for lips and hands. ugh. uuuuuuuuugh.

Appearance or personality? I honestly couldn't care less about looks but if they've got a great personality AND looks, it's a win win.

To my readers:

Is there anything that I didn't answer in here that you're genuinely curious about?

Well then ask away!

Go ham!

Love you all! ♥


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WOW! I feel like I know you. Your nafrais of butterflies. That's a new one. Who like Mondays. Hey, go to the next county until you get that card. Libraries open up thousands of world. Who would cheat on you. Losers that's who. Never regret anything. Just learn from it. And if you go into stand up make it into a joke. Tumblr is a black hole that pulls you in. We all get stuck there. Be kinder to yourself. Because most everyone want. Lips are the best feature right?