Cute guy is cute.

So I'm messaging this Korean guy he's 23 and he's learning how to speak English better to speak to people who are fluent in English. So he told me that he watches the show Friends to help him with English. Then he asks me if I know what oppa means. Well I tell him what I know it to be and he said that that's correct and that I should call him oppa. 


Guys i I haven't even mention my kpop addiction.  


I'm a happy camper. XD


and he's cute. In looks and personality. 


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ara_kt #1
That's cool and awesome and whatever else that is a good thing! If he's cute go for it!! Lol, seriously though.
christina73 #2
Awwww congrats!!!! The Korean guy im really close to is in the military yah!!!! So cute bjt he wont get out till may :( i think im just gonna kidnap Jaejoong he he he