I cried litrally. /dances awkwardly

[TRANSLATION] T-ara, A Tearful Interview… Instead of explaining, they are reflecting.
By Kim Yong Ho

I met with girl group T-ara. The “T-ara Incident” that caused uproar in Korea last year. At the time, after finishing their Japan Buddokan concert, success was right in front of their eyes, but a small argument between the members became a large controversy through SNS. More so than the truth of what happened, the public was more interested and passionate in their witchhunt. There is nothing more saddening than to be misunderstood. The T-ara members had also wanted to defend themselves saying that “This was not what happened in reality.”

Just like that, a year has passed and T-ara met with us reporters. But this time, the interview is not a consoling one. The controversy has to be something they face once more before their wounds can begin to heal. So right from the beginning I asked a powerful question “Why do you think T-ara is being criticised?”

The girls jumped at the question. But it is a question that must be answered. Perhaps it was a question they were mentally prepared for. Member Eunjung carefully replied, “We think that there must be a reason. Although there were some misunderstandings, because we think part of the reason we hear those words is because of us, we have humbly accepted [the criticism].” Hyomin said “Because we disappointed a lot of people who gave us love, we were wrong. That was an irreparable mistake. We can’t pretend it never happened. We have reflected on our immature actions and think that we can only work hard to [make up for it].” Eunjung said, “We think that not expressing our thoughts at the time was one of the reasons we were criticised so much. We are very regretful for not expressing our thoughts from our hearts well at the time. But now, instead of using words, we think that we should use action to demonstrate [our hearts].” The members expressed their regret.

T-ara used to be one of the most loved girl groups. But now they are harshly receiving hate. A change like that is difficult for young girls to accept. I asked, “Isn’t the reality now very saddening?” But the answer I received was a mature one, “It seems like the sad period has passed and now we are thankful for little things.” Soyeon said “In the past, being nominated for 1st place seemed to be a given. But now, when we hear that we have been nominated for 1st place, we feel so happy we get goosebumps.” Eunjung said, “The way we think have changed. I think we are lucky to have obtained these results from working hard. We hope that we will achieve better results in the future.” Jiyeon said , “It seems like we really learned a lot. We learned to be thankful for little things.” T-ara talked about their thoughts on their comeback. Eunjung, “Achieving a lot of popularity at a young age can make people arrogant and that appearance can be revealed unconsciously. Although it may not be revealed with bad intentions, it seems to have been interpreted as such.” Answers like these, instead of defending themselves, it seems like T-ara has embraced a reflective attitude.

Suddenly, the young girls began to cry. Hyomin and Eunjung were the first to pick up tissues. Soyeon, although saying “I really don’t want to cry”, started to choke up as well. Jiyeon, who usually does not say much and has been misunderstood a lot, her tears also ruined her makeup. The members all expressed their thanks to their fans. “We are so thankful for our fans who have stayed by us even after so many bad things happened. We understand how valuable they are,” they said, revealing their honest thoughts.

T-ara recently released their 8th mini album “AGAIN” and is promoting with double title tracks “No.9” and “I Know the Feeling.” In particular, No.9 has reached 1st place on several charts upon release and was even nominated for 1st in a music programme, achieving popularity. But T-ara is still very humble. With their heads down, they said “Instead of a desire for 1st place, we have been practising overnight with the thought that it would be great if we can receive love. We are thankful for getting response that is better than we thought.” 

Looking at T-ara, who expressed, “We were afraid about performing on stage when we knew we wouldn’t receive applause, but for those who have given us applause, we will do the best we can,” I am touched by the way they are struggling to overcome their trauma. I wonder if shedding tears like this will make them feel better. I look forward to T-ara overcoming these trials and becoming a cheerful girl group once again. 

Original source 
Translated via Chinese trans by TCN: http://www.t-arachina.cn/bbs/thread-67945-1-1.html

I am not lying the fact that I cried reading it. :'/
Give T-ARA many many love,juseyo~~~ /ugly sobbing in the corner/



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Queens are such good fans being able to accept the hate they have received for staying by T-ARA's side during the scandal. Also T-ARA is so strong and amazing I really envy them after all they've been through, I was never really a T-ARA fan but I always admired them and their fan base for being so strong and able to stick together so well. It really shows who the true fans are when a band goes through such a tough time like this.
ObsessedWithEunJung #2
Forever T-ARA. I read someone said that 'True kpopper supports every good no matter what happens' I support every groups especially T-ARA!
OMG I love you T-ara XD
T-ara will always be my one and only favorite group!!!
T-ARA hwaiting! I love you guys till the last drop of my blood! You girls are the best!
pioushej #6
and it always breaks my heart seeing my eunjeong cry :(
pioushej #7
it gives me goosebumps reading this news but at the same time proud of the girls and all the loyal queens who stayed and cheer for T-ara. everyone of us makes mistakes but nobody has the right to make someone`s life miserable. T-ara accepted their fault and working hard to show everyone their sincere apology. honestly i never doubted T-ara after all what happen for me they are just normal girls who make mistakes just like us and im proud to say that T-ara is still standing firmly on the ground making everyone happy eventhough theres a scar that theyre slowly mending. we love u T-ara! keep on fighting!
Saranghaeyo tara unnies!
I_LoveMyBiases #9
Sarangeyo T-ARA~ Ham Eunjung! Park Soyeon! Lee Qri ! Jeon Boram! Park Hyomin! Park Jiyeon! Hwaitingg 6-ARA!
Reborn-Nightray #10
If only I can go to the music shows and applause for them too. I'm just applausing in front of the computer~ T-ARA jjang! 6-ARA fighting!
BeMine_Inspirit #11
People why you hating~~ Haha,T-ARA will always be the first girl group in my heart!
WinterBlessings #12
Only true QUEEN'S knows which one is right and which one is wrong. If you're still hating on them,you're so 2012.
Sohn_Kpoppers #13
I wish the best for my T-ARA. Please don't cry anymore. Saranghaeyo T-ARA!
I feel sorry for them T-T
at first I didn't like them because of the scandals but I realized T-ara is still the smae and needs our support :D
kpopanimegirl4ever #15
I'm crying, too! T-ara had went through so many hardships; I hope that they will also go through this together, as a whole. T-ara, hwaiting!