Alphabet Survey!!! ( took from Palabra_viva

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- Taken :P

B: Birthday- July 14

C: Crushing on- 2 people :PPPP

D: Drink you had last- Arizona !!

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to-  My friends and family

F: Favorite song- ummm... nonono -apink

G: Grossest memory- idk...

H: Hometown- LA, CA


J: Jealous of- umm..... Chorong hehe Niel likes her.. (No HATe! i still love choring tho)

K: Killed someone- NO

L: Longest friendship- 4 days right now..

M: Milkshake flavor- dont like milkshake

N: # of siblings-  1 , im the youngest

O: 1 wish- To have anything i want come to me!!

P: Person you last called- kid named david

Q: ?'s you always ask- random stuff

R: Reason to smile-Love , humor, happiness, Kpop

S: Song last listened to- well.. now is mymy - Apink

T: Time you woke up- today... 7:00 am needa go to skool!

U: Underwear color?-  blue and white

V: Violent moment you had- never had a violent moment

W: Worst habit- i blink uncontrollably , i whine alot when im talking, i dance at random moments, i eat eat eat eat eat, ettcc.

X: X-rays you had-  dentist check up

Y: Your last time you cried- idk

Z: Zodiac sign- Cancer



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Palabra_viva #1
Yes eating~! Bwahahahahaha o(`ω´ )o
And I honestly didn't know that Niel liked chorong.... Noooooooooo~