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Hey.. I know that it's not yet the 24th but I just want to be the first person to greet you a happy birthday.

Let's just say I am someone who has a slightly poor memory but never really forgets. You might figure out easily who I am.. And you might not. But that doesn't really matter anyway.

First and foremost, I want to greet you a happy birthday. You've gained a year older and somehow it's a "yay" for me because we almost have the same age even just for a few months. But honestly, I miss those times when you'll fool around with me and call me noona. I miss all those times we've spent talking to each other... Above everything else, I miss you.

Thanks for everything you've made me feel and for all the efforts you have given. And I'm sorry if I wasn't able to return half of the efforts you gave. I tried but I ended up giving up. My bad.

Well, I honestly don't know how to say things since this is all awkward for me... See, I just wanted to greet you for your birthday but I ended up blabbing nonsense here. 


Sometimes Most of the times, I want to talk to you, ask what's up and how're you doing but I don't have the courage to do so. Chances are I'll ruin your day or I'll ruin your day. But oh well, I'm kinda doing it now, yeah? Couldn't care less. It's hard to avoid you. It's hard because the world is becoming a little too small for us. I guess I'll just end this here. There are so much things tha I want to say but my mind isn't working properly, as usual. Sorry for all the wrong things I did.

I wish you happiness and love. Take care of yourself and remember to always smile.

Happy Birthday Gina! ♥ 


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