Top random things

To clear my about me section lol.... Ill put this here SWEE SWEEEEE! Im actually waiting for sam to update her blog XD Im a stalker ! I KNOW!


Top weird/random things about me:

(I dont really care if you're gonna read, but if you do, let's be friends ^^)

 ddfffggrfdfrffgbbg  rfdfdsrtggfeggg1 11. I actually dance, but none of my friends knew it, except my cousins.

2. I always think I have a nice voice which my mom the extreme.

3. I am very flexible, I can adapt easily and blend easily.

4. I swear Im a good pretender, I myself can get shock sometimes...

5. It's very difficult to know whether I'm your friend or your foe (points at no. 4)

6. I actually can copy people's laugh, recently I've been laughing the way minho laughs, but I realised last night I'm copying hyo seon's laugh (the one in cinderella's sister)

7. I love money

8. I spend almost 100 bucks for SHINee related stuffs... it's still increasing... planning to fly to korea on dec hols.

9. Yes I love SHINee

10. I hate coffee, unless there's sweetener included inside ><

11. I dun actually read stuffs, cos I get cringes and weird feelings, unless it's jongkey or onkey or maybe when the plot looks attractive however I really try to avoid them.

12. The same goes for rated stories, I tried to avoid them as much as I can since I dont feel comfortable while reading them, and I swear my imagination is beyond kidding.

13. Currently I only read SHINee fics, I think only Poshteen's fics attracted me, despite not having SHINee characters inside hahaha.

14. Currently I have four LOVELY dongsaengs:

cnbluee(the supportive one),chocolove(the sg-ian clever witted girlXD), lyricallies(the y one HAHA) and harumi95(The closest one).

15. I always believe that and idiot could only understand a fellow idiot hahaha !

16. I believed that everyone have a crazyness inside its just a matter of how extreme is !

17. I do read some rated stuffs yeah yeah whatever. Lol especially Mentioned again POSHTEEN's FICS and someone elses lol. I mean there's nothing wrong, Im growing and I believe as long as I dun do it yet.. LOL it'll be fine I mean, gonna happen your married right? whats the fuss.. AND STOP ACTING INNOCENT FOR SOME OF YOU.. I only believe that SEOBABY's the innocent here lol (Yup seohyun form soshi ^)


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elfyraa #1
eheh! i see we have some point in common :)