Application for JumpStart!

Name:Lee Moon Ah
Age: 16


Kim Seul Mi

Personality:Extremely Sarcastic, witty and has a sharp tongue, and slighty evil , Observant and a quick thinker but still acts dense just for the heck of it or to get a good laugh, doesn’t talk about herself so people think she's a bit mysterious. When its serious she becomes mature for her age, Doesn’t get mad easily and is usually the one who calms people, Independent and wants to prove that she’s more than just a rich spoiled girl , when she’s sad she puts on a poker face . Usually Blunt, although kinda awkward around people she meets for the first time.

as rude as she may seem to be at first glance, once you get to know her she’s very caring and never judges others and is always there when someone needs comforting , she’s a good listener and gives good advice even though she acts like she doesn’t care, and is the type of person who makes fun of you in front of you , and compliment you behind your back , she’s protective of the people close to her, Sensitive but doesn’t like to show it, she’s usually lost in her own world. Very easy going and laid back , Likes to Laugh and she’s friendly , and has a very wild imagination , Daydreams alot , Most of the time She's Hyper and Random, Can Speak Fleunt English , Korean , Japanese and Arabic

Position: Lead Dancer
Why do you want to be apart of the YG family?:  To Prove herself and show the world what she’s got and besides its her passion.
Persona: Mischievous Monkey
History: Moon Ah was born into a wealthy family and she’s an only child  , her father  owns one of the largest Companies in Korea , she was born while her parents were in the US for vecation , her mom died of illness when she was 4 , so  her father wanted her to never feel less then the other kids and he grants her everything she wants , and she’s very close to her dad , she started taking singing and dancing lessons when she was 8 . and she won two dancing competitions
Who is Your Crush: Donghae

Anyone you have your Eye's set on; Jo Kwangmin
Singing Link:
Dancing Link:

Stage Name: Nano
Fan club  Name: Cookies
Fan club color:Navy Blue 


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Ivy-Girl #1
Daesung ^^
Ivy-Girl #2
got your app ^^