feeling kpoppers

well, most here are kpop fans right ? let's see if you can relate to me. I have this one not-so-much friend and she says she is a kpopper. she said she is a fan of snsd when I first met her. then I asked if she knows exo, she said her bias there is onew and minho. I WAS LIKE WAT, BWAHAHAHAHA. she said she is a fan of snsd, but doesn't know what is sone. she is a feeler. jejefans. feeling kpop. now that she really knows exo, she said her bias is baekhyun, I don't believe her. it's not that I'm greedy of baek, I'm happy when I meet more exostans who biases baek because I know many people loves him. I was asking if she's really an exostan. she said she isn't an exotic/exostan. how did baek became her bias ?? and she only knows wolf. ... I would prefer to be a directioner instead of being friends with her, then I have a growl album which where the members have pictures. I let her have a quiz where she would tell who is the member. she didn't get anything right... she said she only knows 7 members but only the names and not the faces. I would prefer to go with Miley Cyrus in the wrecking ball. then I said I will give her a quiz about exo. I was ready. it was super easy for exostans. she printed exo's Wikipedia. my questions wasn't there. when she said she was ready, she asked if there are choices. I said no and she said she wasn't ready. our quiz wasn't continued. I have a sister-like friend at higher grade. I'm her baby ♥ she is selling exo shirts. I bought exo - wolf 88. let's call the jejefan, jejefan. she bought baekhyun - wolf 88. she bought the medium size, it wasn't fit for her. bwahahahahah. she's like a Pou with fats. my size was small and it was a little loose. now, I have an another sister (seomin! we just ignored the past issue) who is just like my age who sells printed mugs, t-shirts, etc. she bought all things & groups. I was like  "what are you doing girl? you don't even know them" there was btob, exo, snsd, sj, shinee, bap, apink. she said she will buy all. then about today she asked me if there are any who biases tao in our section. I was being nicey nicey but hate her in the inside "you are free to pick a bias" you are asking if anyone biases our panda??? picking a bias is not picking who is available. there are millions of fans in the world. I really hate her, if you know anyone like that, tell me c:


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I had a friend too, and she only knows Kai, so she said she liked Kai. Then another friend of mine were talking about Kris, and she says "OMG YES KRiS!"

And when I talked about SHINee, I had a friend who was a fan of Minho. And then suddenly this person says shr likes Minho.

Now, she's going after my Junsu and Changmin.
oh my best friend, i got her into exo because of baekhyun.
when it was her first days, she still couldn't remember their faces, but she knows the names. only when she knows all of them did she consider herself as a fan.
and now she's a fan of snsd and shinee.
lol yeah she's a kpopper now.
and i used to doubt her, but now i don't because she did an art project and they were making sculptures and she made it to look like chanyeollie and even 'I' haven't gotten to that extent. like omfg, she's more of a fan than me, hahaha. //shot. just keeding.
That's kinda like one of my friends at school... O.O She says she loves kpop but when I gave her a kpop quiz, SHE FAILED! >.<" She's just a fakie~