L'aime Coffeehouse's - Lee Jihyun

L'aime Coffeehouse

A story about love and coffee


ThatsTheWay | TTW | 9.8


Me & My Life

Character's name : Lee Jihyun

Other name(s) : None

Nickname(s) : The people she's closest to - and her boss, coincidentally - call  her

Age : 21

Birthdate : November 19th, 1991

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Etnicity : Korean

Occupation : Barista at L'aime Coffeehouse.


Home Sweet Home

Family Member(s) :

Mother | Park Hwanhee | 65 | Recently retired. | 4 | Alive

Father | Lee Jaehyun | 67 | Retired | 4 | Alive




Just Me and Myself

Background : Jihyun was the child that wasn't supposed to happen; her mother was a bit older when Jihyun was born, and the couple's plan didn't exactly include having a daughter. They didn't want to have children at all, actually. But when Jihyun was born, they put their differences aside to raise their little girl the best they could. When Jihyun was growing up, she was in the middle about everything - okay at math and science, okay at sports, okay at music. The only thing she was really good at was baking, which she had a natural talent for; her parents didn't want their only child to be a baker, however, so when it came time for Jihyun to enroll in university, she actually majored in mathematics instead of baking. In order to get some experience in the field she loves, though, Jihyun got a job at a Gangnam coffee shop, not expecting the people she'd eventually meet there would change her life so much.

Personality : Jihyun was raised with traditional values, and that shows a bit in her personality; she's feminine, polite, and knows how to entertain a guest if need be. Because of that, she also has awesome customer service skills. Jihyun's also the kind of person that doesn't show when she's angry. She keeps a stiff upper lip and doesn't let it show when somebody's bothering her. The pent-up emotions she holds will go into her diary later, anyway, though if a lot of bad stuff happens within one day Jihyun isn't afraid to snap at anyone and everyone who dare talk to her.  Jihyun also has a daydreamy side. When there's slow days at the coffeehouse, Jihyun just likes to lean back and listen to the shop's music, taking in the atmosphere and watching the people until there's a new customer to be served. She really does think the coffee shop is a good place, even if it's kind of small. Jihyun's very optimistic, too. She'd love to be the manager of L'aime someday, because she believes she can get there. And at the same time? Jihyun's not a happy girl. She knows her childhood could've gone differently if her parents were younger or if her parents were kinder... and there is nothing about her that doesn't regret that fact. She wishes she could be baking 24/7, like she wants to be, but she doesn't. Under her kind and polite exterior is a bittersweet girl.

Likes :  Baking, which is her passion; the colors dark pink and mauve; chocolate; acoustic guitar; mice, her favorite animals.

Dislikes : Being told what to do too much; being disrespected by customers; loud music; people prying into her personal business; Kim Himchan's noisy friends

Hobbies : Just baking. She bakes a lot of the cafe's sweets, as a matter of fact, though most of them are up to Soori.

Habits : Brushing her hair out of her face; leaning back.

Facts :

  • She has a pretty bad memory, and has to have the customer repeat their order every...single...time.
  • Before she wanted to be a baker, Jihyun showed some interest in palm-reading.
  • She has a crush on Eric Nam.
  • Her music library has a lot of Ed Sheeran and David Choi.


My Face When I Look at the Mirror

Faceclaim's name :  Kang Sura     

Pictures : Gallery

Style : Jihyun's clothes are simple and feminine; she doesn't like putting a lot of effort into her appearance, and her style of dress reflects that. On some days she dresses up - cute kfashiony kinds of clothings - but those are very, very special days, like dates or when her parents come to visit L'aime.  And Jihyun doesn't go on a lot of dates. Jihyun goes for comfort more than she does style, and that shows. She mostly wears browns, beiges, and brownish pinks.

Height : 164 cm

Weight : 53 kg


My Love



Love Interest's Name : Kim Himchan

Relationship : He's a customer, she's a barista, nothing more.

Age : 23

Birthdate : April 19th, 1990

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Occupation : Part-time model, college student.

Additional Information : Kim Himchan lives with five other guys because the modeling gigs he gets are enough to scrape by and not a lot else. He mooches off of Choi Junhong's money so he can get coffee and cigarettes and pastries and so he can talk to Jihyun. Maybe his life isn't the best, but he's working on it. Yongguk thinks his smoking habit will probably kill him, and Himchan's aware of that, but he keeps going because there's something he can't control that he craves.





Love and Coffee


Love Story : Kim Himchan is...that guy. He's the guy that orders the same supersugary coffee drink every Friday, and then gets mad when Jihyun doesn't remember it. He's the guy that comes in with his friends sometimes - Bang Yongguk that dresses like a rapper, Jung Daehyun who spends more time staring at the cakes than he does drinking coffee, Yoo Youngjae who tries to keep Daehyun from devouring everything, Moon Jongup who can never decide and Choi Junhong that just likes deciding a lot. Kim Himchan comes in with his friends more often than he doesn't, and in general, they're loud and annoying and the exact kinds of customers Jihyun can hardly stand. For the most part, Jihyun keeps them out of her mind.

When Kim Himchan comes into the shop alone, things are different. The small talk he makes when waiting for his coffee makes Jihyun's heart flutter even if it's just about how awesome he is, but she doesn't know why. Jihyun never learned about love, and doesn't know if that's what she's experiencing - but it's Himchan, and it seems to her that if it's him alone, it's okay. Himchan kind of has an interest in Jihyun as well, but he's not going to let anything come of it until he's sure he feels the same way, so they're just stuck in the middle, waiting for time to notice each other.


Problems : Getting time alone, firstly, since Himchan's friends are there so often; and then there's the issue of talking to each other, which is weird and harder than it should be. 


Favorite Coffee : Iced Hazelnut Macchiato

Favorite cake or bakery : Tiramisu Cheesecake


Meet the Owner


When did you meet Soori (the owner) ?
When I wanted to get the job, Soori interviewed me for it. So that's how...I guess.


What happened when you met her?
We just...talked to each other. She asked about my credentials and...things like that...


She was asking about your problem. Are you hesitate to tell her?
...She probably already noticed anway, so I didn't want to hesitate and tell her. I mean, I met him through this coffee shop, so...


Why did you come to L'aime Coffeehouse in the first place?
For a job, and not much else, I guess. But it's made me happy so far.



At Last

Suggestion & Question : Nah.

Scene Request(s) : Nah.

Any Last Words : Applying makes you 8 times cooler than people who don't apply.


Welcome to L'aime Coffeehouse

InfinityRhapsodyL & ThatsTheWay


All pictures belong to its owne


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