TRYing the best

so, this week will be a study week for the final exam for my 1st sem in matriculation and next week is the exam week. many things had happened this month starting me getting hospitalized early this month. ah, no...its not about being under pressure or burden.. it just the illness that i have c: i got two weeks MC but due to the exams and MUET but i cant easily skip and dismiss those classes. i will endure this pain, i used with it already by now and pray for my health so that i can do revisions for this week and ah for my MUET and final exam... ill be back home next two weeks and then ill write fics c: kekeke so for now , i will try my best to get at least 3.5 and above for the pointer..


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Good Luck! I hope you got 4 flat~ xD Fighting hyung! xD Shan Hyung! hohoho..
Stay healthy and I wish you luck on your tests! You can do it!
Fighting Shana (^o^)9
I know you can do it :D
Be well, and I hope you'll be healthy.

Good Luck with your exams! AJA AJA AJA WHAITING!!!