new chapter

I should have taken a new bet =,=


If people notice when I in fact update, cuz that´s not really happening 

I just posted my new chapter of my story 2faced and no one gives two s about it *cries*

not even one comment...dis is so sad 

It´s like back then when I made the bet everyone only pretended that they would notice...not fair 


you guys are so cruel *sobs* 


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well, meng. you cant be upset after one chapter with no comments. i've gone through a whole freaking story with comments whatsoever. i was lucky to get one of those "please update" once.
it's tough to be a writer here because there's about 50,000+ fanfics going on.
i apologize if i mean to be harsh but bro, not everyone is going to be commenting.
are you there for writing or wanting the comments?
do you really want to write? because if no comments, you are lucky that people are reading it. look at your views and some other people's views.
so what if there aren't any comments for one chapter? at least people give two s about reading it.
I understand, happens to me sometimes......

It hurts, but I let it go, because truthfully ppl are busy and don't always have time to comment that instant, it takes time sometimes. I don't always comment at that moment so I get over it. I might read than come back. Because most the time I read when I'm at work XP. But if I have time I definitely try when I do.

But yeah its not easy at all, it hurts to receive none. But I'm sure they will come later, they do with my fics. So cheer up, I'm sure someone will comment soon, m'kay . ^.^
*hugs hugs hugs*
dont be sad^^
it happens. maybe they are too tired and busy to comment like i am when i read fics in classes (*shush* no telling my lectirers)