Freeze ♡ Son Min-ah


 who am i?

Username: mocheeeh

Fullname:  Son Min-ah

Face: Park Sora

Back-up Face: Kim Sooyeon

Birthday and age: December 30th, 1993 +19

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

I can speak in Korean and conversational English

Family Members:

Mother // Yang Soo-jung

Father // Son Dong-il

Older Brother // Son Min-ho

Friends: Lee Hyukjae, Byun Baekhyun, Jung Eunji



 i am an idol 


Stage name: Ming

Persona: The Straight Shooter

Nickname: Michi, Minie

Position: Sub-vocalist, Rapper, Face of the group

Fanclub: Minute

Fanclub color: #cc6666

Trainee Background: Minah became a trainee after she passed an audition in 2009. In early 2013, she appeared in a music video as cameo. Her major debut was happened in September.



 real self 


carefree, independent, daring;
Minah is the type of happy-go-lucky girl. She does what she want, say what she think out loud, she follow her heart. She doesn't like to be under pressure, it's not like she can not does something as a team, but she preferred to work by herself because she likes dare and doesn't want to bother other people. She'll tried her best and ask for the other's help if she really couldn't afford it anymore. Minah laughs a lot and loves to play around with people she knew.

honest, straightforward, sincere;
She's the girl who grew up and raised in a strict way. She doesn't like liars because her father taught her to not to lying even just once if she can. She's so straightforward about anything, never bothered to say good things if she didn't like it. Minah's compliment is rarely can be heard because usually she'll point out the bad things first. Yet, when she said a good statement or compliment towards something or someone, she really meant it. Not only that, around her close friends, Minah is really gentle and caring.

clumsy, forgetful, awkward;
This side of Minah only appeared when she's around many strangers or at a foreign environment. She'll become nervous, awkward, blank and clumsy when she doesn't know what to do. Indeed she's not the type of girl who likes to hanging out with many people at once. Beside that, Minah also very forgetful about her things. She easily forgot where she put her wallet, phone, keys or even forgot her own number.

active, confident;
Onstage, Minah is not really different from the usual her. But of course, she will shine with her own way. She likes to be very active yet full with self-confident when ever she met her fans. She likes to treat them well because she treasured them so much. Minah knew that every single fans is the important person who will make them high. So as a feedback, Minah doesn't want to disappoint them.



Foods; who doesn’t like it?

Music; it’s her third language

Puppies; they’re so fluffy and cute

Coffee; it’s taste so good for her

Adventure; she likes to try something new

Running Man; this show is so Minah


Silence; it’s annoying

Cheeses; she’s allergic

Medicine; it’s bitter and make her sleepy

Tomato; she has a fear towards Tomato, doesn’t know why

Being late; time is money is one of her motto


Becomes silent when she’s sad

Ignores everyone when she’s angry

Becomes clingy and likes to hugs people when she’s happy

Her mind goes blank and become more clumsy when she’s shy

her bottom lip when she’s lying

Rub her own cheeks when she’s nervous

Cross her fingers when she’s concentrating or serious

Intruments: Saxophone and guitar


Is allergic to cheese and shrimps

Is Lee Howon (Hoya)’s cousin

Owns two adults of golden retriever, named Hana and Dool

A fans of Running Man; huge fan of Kang Gary

Likes to swim when ever she had spare time

Bring a pack of gummy bears where ever she go

Attending Kookmin University, majoring Theater and Film

Appeared in BtoB’s music video, 2nd Confession (2013)

Quite active in her own social networks; twitter and instagram: ssonming

Her favorite color is White and Red

Never drink alcohol



 who says we can't be lovers? 


EXO Lover: Kim Joon-myun (Suho)

His Personality:

kind, polite, caring;
Joonmyun is the ideal prince for so many girls out there. He's handsome, coming from a wealthy family, smart, humble and kind, does has a good temper, and very polite. He treats everyone like a gentleman, especially in front of girls. He likes to prioritize the others before himself. He also always tried his best to grant all his brothers' wishes even though their wishes are sometimes impossible. Because of his kindness, many people likes to be around him.

hardworker, trustworthy, timid;
He had been trained for seven years, and during that time, Joonmyun struggles a lot. He's a truly hardworker and he does his best to provide a perfect performance when ever they performing on an event. He's not good in dancing and just an average singer, but Joonmyun try to improve his skill. Another of him is the fact that he's very trustworthy. He can keep his promise to not let people's secrets unfolds. Indeed he's the guy people seach to talk with when ever they have problems. His only flaw that people knew is his timid side. Joonmyun couldn't stand it when he's surrounded by dark aura and horror atmosphere. Maybe there are still so many flaws in him, but people doesn't recognize it because Joonmyun image is kind of perfect guy.


The Storyline:

Their meetings weren’t smooth due to Joonmyun’s awkwardness around Minah. He maybe indeed a gentleman in front of girls, but Minah is an exception. Joonmyun doesn’t know how to calm Minah down. He also found that Minah is kind of weird girl. But after their frequent meetings, Joonmyun became comfortable and could ask more casual around her. Joonmyun started to understand about Minah. And Minah started to fell for every little things that Joonmyun dedicated for her.

Requested Scenes:

EXO and FREEZE have a special stage in a music program

Minah and Joonmyun watchs a horror movie, but ended with Minah watching the face of timid Joonmyun and laughed at him. Minah cuddled him for the rest of the movie.

Minah scolds Joonmyun for his habit to pile up his used clothes

Minah and Joonmyun first fight over something

Joonmyun taking care of her wife when she’s not feeling well after her schedule done



 i wanna ask! 


I just want you to continue this story, and please don’t leave it just like the others applyfic. It’ll dissapoint me and the other readers x( I hope you won’t do it. I truly in love with your story! x’)

Anyway, sorry for typos and grammatical errors. English isn’t my native language, so please bear with me x)

Good luck with your story, Sweetheart! ❤






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