Ulzzang Contest?

i saw someone wrote about an ulzzang contest thingy, here on aff. i want to participate but........ i'm not perfect hahaha. i have *whispers* pimples //runs away from emberassment// 

but i should have confidence right? lol no. hehehe p.s i wear tudung, and most of the contestent don't so yeah. i have no idea whether to join or not huhuhu T-T sad life


want to join? here { LINKY }


P.S this is my first post in aff hehehe xD i have no idea what to write anymore so byeeee~ //runs away// //runs back// *whisper* do follow me on twitter ((( @taobby ))) byeee! //runs away//


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Even though you wear Tudung, you should still join if you want to. I'd wear the best looking Tudung if I were you.

If you have pimples (like I do. lol.) Try playing with make-up. The best cover-up ;D

If you go through embarrassing things, you will gain more confidence. I was never really confident before but now I embraced my shame (bwahaha) and gained confidence. This is years of acceptance. Start small ;) Work your way there
We're in the Same situation.. pimples And wearing tudung.. OK...Idk... but just if u have confidence in urself..u could try it