Happy Birthday to Ohno and Maruyama ^O^

YEAH!!! Today is November 26 and it's Ohno's 31st Birthday and Maruyama's 28th Birthday *O* So I'm going to say something about these two ^O^

First! Ohno Satoshi from Arashi ^^ My nichiban (2nd fave) in Arashi ^~^ Would you guys believe that he's already 31 years old when obviously he still acts dorky and childish everyday ^O^ Here's a picture that proves that Ohno doesn't age *O*


See! O_O Nothing's change except of course the hairstyle ^O^ That's an exemption ^^ But I really admire Ohno ^^ Not just an actor or singer but also an artist/painter *O*

When I knew his love for Art, it made me like him more and one of the greatest artist that I admired ^~^ And I hope he'll keep continuing to show his talent for Art all over the world ^~^ Here are some samples of his paintings ^^

He drew the members ^O^

And now it's Maruyama Ryuhei from Kanjani8 ^~^ My ichiban ^^ He's 28 years old just like my older brother *O* Can't believe his 10 years older than me O_O But until now his funny side is still there ^O^ That's why I like him ^~^

Also because his really good at playing bass *O* It makes me melt when I watch some videos of him playing bass ^~^

But when I saw Kanjani8's FIGHT PV *O* I can't stop squealing how hot he was O.O But still there's a funny about him in the PV ^~^

LOOK!!! The two birthday boys have acted in a drama together called Uta no Onii-san ^^



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Yay~! Ohno Satoshi~! I love him! Arashi was my first ever asian boy band and so I've been knowing him for so long. His art is soooo good~! And he hasn't aged at all over the years. I respect him so much, and that last piece is marvelous. I wish I had that kind of talent. My art is mediocre compared to his. Happy Birthday, Ohno~! Although my ichiban is Nino-chan. ♥