Flawed Perfection


To be perfect; this is something that is not only unobtainable, but incredibly lonely. Having a perfect, unchanging life where you look perfect, feel perfect, be perfect and are perfect and be nothing but perfect, that is being perfect.  Being perfect is to having nothing going wrong in your life because you are so incredibly perfect that you don’t feel happy because you have never felt sad, never feeling relieved because there is nothing in your life that you have even needed to feel anxious about in the first place. All you feel is perfection, for everything you do is to be just plain perfect that you never laugh when you trip over a cord because you have never tripped over one, never feel cold because you are so perfect you have everything you think you need. Perfection: entirely without any flaws, defects or shortcomings.  To be perfect is impossible, only because to be perfect is to be flawed.

To be flawed, this is something that is not only unobtainable but incredibly amazing. If nothing is perfect then how can perfection be flawed? Being flawed is to have many things going wrong and right in your life, because you are so incredibly flawed that you have the ability to feel flawed and perfect and anything and everything else. To be flawed you have felt sadness a million times, but know how powerful happiness is, to be flawed you have felt harsh rejection and angst, but you know how inspiring bravery can be and how beautiful love can feel like. All you feel is perfection, for everything you do is so complexly flawed, that you breathlessly laugh when you trip over everything and always feel warm even when it’s cold because someone is all you want. Flaw: a feature that mars the perfection of something. Let me repeat: If nothing is perfect then how can perfection be flawed? To be flawed is impossible, only because to be flawed is to be perfect.

To be almost perfect is to be almost flawed, because to be almost perfect is not to be a flaw but to be a part of this earth and because to be almost flawed is not being perfect but to be a part of this universe. Because this Universe is perfect because the only thing that mars it’s perfection is Earth. Earth is imperfect, time isn’t exact and perfection doesn’t exist but the Earth still goes round.

This is what is so great. We are part of this earth because we are like this Earth. This is an imperfect World, we are imperfect as well. This earth is as much as part of this universe as we are and while the Earth may suffer from hurricanes and smog in the sky and the worst things that happens it still goes round, and round and round knowing that one day it will end but knowing that today is not the day. This is why we are “Earthlings” We were chosen because our brain set is the Earths instinct, we get up and continue, we have problems and we have people that make those problems but we get up, deal with it even if it wasn’t our fault and just continue even though we know that one day we will all die.

The Earth is almost perfect as much as it is almost flawed, and it is really, extremely almost flawlessly imperfect that it’s beautiful.  Like Earth we are so complicatedly, elaborately almost flawed that we are absolutely almost perfect. But because both are inaccessible, you aren’t flawed you are just so simply unique that you are absolutely incomprehensible which is not perfect nor flawed, it’s just life, we are life and without life there is no Earth therefore We are Earth.

And the cycle continues.

I'm sorry, it's just a thought that popped up in my mind when I was twelve years old. O_o


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