Get to Know Me!!!!!! Questions about me {^=^}V



Hair colour: Dark brown


Eye colour: Dark brown


Skin colour: Milky? I'm not pale, but I rarely get tanned, which doesn't make sense because I live in California and summer is crazy hot here!!!


Most favourable facial feature: My eyes.


Most disliked facial feature: My chubby cheeks!!!! >.<


Height: 5'5 in. (165 cm.) I grew two inches!!!!!


Body type: Short and skinny, NOT boney!!! I have very little muscle fat and little toned muscle







Name: Ken 


Age: 16


Nationality: Half Korean, Half Chinese (Korean on my Dad's side, Chinese on my Mom's side)


Country of origin: United States


Current location: Still here! XD


Favourite colour: Black and white, and neon colors.


Favourite animal: Dogs! Especially puppies!!! (I have two little husky puppies O.O)


Fandom: Inspirit, After School(Fandom called Playgirlz, but that sounds weird to call myself that :P), STAR1, Angel, 4nia, A+,  SONE (I only like Seohyun)






20 Random Questions:


Summer or Winter?: Winter! I prefer cold weather.


Do you have a special talent?: If eating counts, then yeah! I can eat two packs of Korean ramyeon like nothing! :P


Do you think you are a strong person?: Sometimes, but I could get emotional at hard times.


What are your phobias?: The dark, when I'm about to go to sleep, I close the light then run back to my bed. And when I use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I run back to my room. I'm such a kid :D


When do you feel most calm?: Being in the arms of someone special.... ;)


What inspires you?: Stuff....


What do you dislike about yourself?: No matter how much I can eat, I can't gain any weight because I have a fast metabolism. As a guy I want to gain more muscle, plus I'm one of the shortest guys in my grade. Personality, I can be very self-conscious sometimes and it effects stuff I do.


What are your top three favourite colours?: Black, White, and any neon color.


What are your hobbies?: Soccer, running track&field and cross country, tennis, listening to music all the time, plating games(LoL, Call of Duty, PS3,Nintendo games,but not Pokemon), eating and sleeping :P


What is your favourite subject?: P.E. and Art (Academics ain't ma thing, nobody got time for dat!)


What are three of your current favourite songs?: SISTAR "Push Psuh"(kinda old, but still catchy), After School "Because of You"(Best K-pop song in my opinion), and INFINITE "Man in Love"(some of you guys know why)


What is your favourite day of the week?: Saturday, sometimes Friday.


How would you describe your current mood?: Cozy, typing on my laptop in bed.


What are your future goals?: Become a Soccer Athelete, for now I gotta graduate so my momma don't kill me!!!


What artists do you like?: SISTAR, After School, 4minute, T-ARA, KARA, SECRET, Dal Shabet, A pink, IU, Son Dambi, INFINITE, Teen Top, MBLAQ, B.A.P., BEAST, ZE:A, BtoB, VIXX.


If you could travel back in time, where would you go?: To the time when I got mad at my best friend, all he did was try to make me happy again, but I just ignored him and cried, I really want to take that back.


Which artists do you dislike?: No offense to anyone, but I'm not really into artists from the big 3 (SM, I like SHINee a little, YG, JYP) each company's songs are too predictable. 


What is your favourite month?: Between November and December (Love the holidays!).


Do you believe in love?: HELL YEAH! <3 <3 <3


What is a saying/quote that you live by?: "Don't care about what others think. If alll you do is make sure other people like you, you ain't living life." - my Dad.


Last beverage: Yakult (the whole pack, all five :P)


Last text message: "You're crazy." -To my boyfriend.


Last song you listened to: SISTAR "Push Push" while replaying it like five times XD


Last time you cried: No comment.


Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?: No.


Ever been cheated on?: Nope.


Ever kissed someone and regretted it?: Not at all.


Ever lost someone special?: Yes.


Ever been depressed?: Yes.






This year have you…


Made a new friend?: yes !


Met someone that changed you?: No


Do you want to change your name?: No


What can’t you wait for?: Thanksgiving and Christmas, time with the family!


What were you doing at midnight last night?: Watching youtube vidoes in my bed on my phone.


When was the last time you saw your mother?: Not too long ago, like a minute ago,


What is the webpage you visit the most?: Youtube.


What is your relationship status?: In a relationship, with the best guy in the world!!!!! (^=^)


What do you worry over the most?: School and Grades.


First surgery?: Hasn't happened.


First piercing?: Don’t have.


First sport you joined?: Soccer, in 4th grade,


Do you want kids?: Not yet, but probably yes.


Do you want to get married?: When the time and the person is right.


What career do you want?: Athletic, or artistic.


Ideal type: Taller than me, muscular, a bit tan, handsome, someone who isn't serious all the time and can we can laugh about anything. I prefer Asians, but I love everybody equally :)


Gender?: Male, and gay.


Older or younger?: I prefer older, someone who I can look up to. Not too old! 


Shorter or taller?: Taller.


Romantic or spontaneous?: Mixture of both equally.


Nationality?: I prefer Asians, but I love everyone equally :D


Lips or eyes?: Eyes.


Appearance or personality?: Personality.


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You're not a kid just because you run back from the toilet to your room( I say this cause I still do it and the toilets a room away from my bedroom :D!!!)
OMG!!! How can you hate chubby cheeks( the only thing I keep on remembering >.>), I LOVE THEM!!!! They're just adorable.

I feel you on the not gaining weight, it feels like when I eat I lose kilos( don't question the way my brain thinks ;D) if that is possible ?.?.

I like this it's like, you're sitting right next to me and I'm learning new things about you ^.^
wow, that was cool :D

Now I know you better :D
myungyeol98 #4
u are gay..?!! that's so awesome..!! xD
i like gay peoples..they r so cute..^_^
i try to imagine u though based on u described urself..i dont know why i keep imagine sungyeol..-_-..i think i read to much myungyeol..heh....xD anyway,its nice to be friends with u ^_^..
You finally grew a little more!! And awww chubby cheeks!
We actually share some things in common....hehe man in love I know why~~ some things on here are really cute >.<
fan #6
gayy peoplee are soo cute ^^,
choding_yeol27 #7
Hehhehe hiii. Is your boyfriend older or the same age? {gay people are cool}
AZN_Ninja7 #8
1) you like winter yet you live in California XD HAHAHAHAHHA
3) Phobia: OTL I used to do that when I was little XD hahahahhahaha
4) P.E. & ART FTW YO \m/(>w<)\m/
5) harharhar at the cute parts X333333