Getting to know your author (stolen)

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Skin colour: Kind of pale
Most favourable facial feature: My eyes. I dunno, I just love 'em.
Most disliked facial feature: Either my thighs or my hands. I wish my fingers were longer.
Height: 164cm or 5'4.5
Body type: I'm skinny, I guess...or so I'm told...
Name: Maki A.
Age: 16 but I have the personality of a 4 year old.
Nationality: Japanese and British
Country of origin: Japan
Current location: Japan
Favourite colour: Black
Favourite animal: Dolphins and puppies
Fandom: Shawol, ELF, blackjack, BBC, A+...and many more
20 Random Questions:
1) Summer or Winter?:
I love both, but if I had to choose, winter. 
2) Do you have a special talent?:
I'm really flexible. And I can rap.
3) Do you think you are a strong person?:
It depends on how well you know me. On the outside I am, but the inside I'm not.
4) What are your phobias?:
Spiders. And snakes. And big dogs. I got attacked several times when I was younger. 
5) When do you feel most calm?:
When I'm with my two best friends.
6) What inspires you?:
Key. He is my ultimate bias and role model. He is the one person I wish to be like.
7) What do you dislike about yourself?:
I hate that I'm antisocial and that I hate myself. 
8) What are your top three favourite colours?:
Light blue, black, and gray
9) What are your hobbies?:
I like to write and sing...
10) What is your favourite subject?:
I can't choose between sciences or foreign languages anymore haha
11) What are three of your current favourite songs?:
12) What is your favourite day of the week?:
I don't care as long as I get to sleep on that day.
13) How would you describe your current mood?:
I don't really know how to describe's neutural
14) What are your future goals?: 
I would like to become someone I'm not ashamed to be, and finally show the world who I really am.
15) What artists do you like?:
SHINee, Super Junior, MBLAQ, EXO, Block B, 2NE1, Teen Top...The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
16) If you could travel back in time, where would you go?:
Back to America when I lived with some of my family when I was younger.
17) Which artists do you dislike?:
There aren't really any specific.
18) What is your favourite month?:
October. I don't know why, I just love this month.
19) Do you believe in love?:
Well...yeah...there are different kinds of love, though...
20) What is a saying/quote that you live by?:
"I can't hide who I am. I can't say things that I don't mean, say that I like things I hate or that I hate things I like. And more than anything, I can't lie to myself. Rather than dwelling upon things I can't change, I'd rather develop the good things about me. So my dream isn't to become the best, it's to become someone I'm not ashamed to be." -Key, SHINee
Last beverage: Water maybe?
Last text message: "*hugs* :D"
Last song you listened to: Sleepless Night by SHINee
Last time you cried: Like, yesterday
Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?: Dreams don't count as dating right?
Ever been cheated on?:  nope
Ever kissed someone and regretted it?: nuh uh 
Ever lost someone special?: My great grandmother...I can't go a single day without thinking of her...God, I miss her so much
Ever been depressed?: Every. single. day...
This year have you…
Made a new friend?:  Thanks to AFF
Met someone that changed you?: DEFINETLY
Do you want to change your name?: Eh, sometimes. But for the most part I like my name
What can’t you wait for?: GOING TO KOREA NEXT YEAR!!!!
What were you doing at midnight last night?: Sleep...
When was the last time you saw your mother?: Literally, not even a minute ago haha
What is the webpage you visit the most?: AFF AND YOUTUBE
What is your relationship status?: Forever alone
What do you worry over the most?: All the work I need to finish 
First surgery?: Never
First piercing?: My ears. I really want more though.
First sport you joined?: I did gymnastics and softball when I lived in the US, but I don't remember which was first
Do you want kids?:  Yess! A boy and two girls :3
Do you want to get married?: Of course. I wish to be married with a career by the time I'm 28 xD
What career do you want?  Well, I really love animals so something to do with them. Or something to do with singing because that's fun as welll.
Ideal type
Gender?: Well...since I'm bi...
Older or younger?: Older, preferably but I'm not against having a younger boyfriend/girlfriend
Shorter or taller?: Taller...what? I'm a er for someone who's taller than me
Romantic or spontaneous?: Spontaneous!!!
Nationality?: doesn't matter
Lips or eyes? Oh my god, eyesmiles kill me.*dreamily sighs*
Appearance or personality?: Personality is definitly a biggie for me...
To my readers: 
What is one thing that you don’t know about me?
I'm not sure... I kind of tell you all everything (to a certain extent...) Let's see...


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