MV Review: SHINee Everybody



I know that this is really late but I saw SHINee's music video, Everybody!! Yay!! As a shawol, I was super hyped up at the teaser. SM really knows what fangirls want. OMFG! I saw Taemin shirtless! *fangirls*

Anyway, back to the mv. I thought it was a little bit different than their other videos. From the start, a little boy went in and gave SHINee energy to start dancing. I thought the dance was great. It followed the theme of toys well. However, a few dance moves looked weird. That’s when they started shifting to the side around 2:54 in the music video. But just my opinion of course. 

Overall, I felt that this song was very energetic. Even though the music made me cringe a little at first, everything came together because it was SHINee. I may seem really bias right here, but its true. SHINee can pull off any song with their awesome live skills. 

Rate: 3.5/5

ps. I loved symptoms. Why didn't SM make SHINee sing that instead?


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