Get To Know About Me



Hair colour:

-Black, but when get sunlight, will be looked like brownish.


Eye colour

-dark brown (almost black)


Skin colour



Most favourable facial feature

-Eyes :)


Most disliked facial feature

-I love my self that has given by GOD



-165cms, i wish i can grow again.


Body type














Country of origin



Current location

-I can't say, I use to move. but now, i'm still in North Sumatra.


Favourite colour

-Black, White, Gray and Red


Favourite animal

-Dogs, Owl, and Cheetah



EXOtic Baby ^^ (VIP too, actually, i'm not in Fandom, cause I'm still confused)


20 Random Questions


Summer or Winter?

-There's no winter, but i like Wet Season (in my country it means Rainy everyday for a half year).


Do you have a special talent?

-I don't know. Sleeping in one second? Is that a talent? Ah, kinda rambling?


Do you think you are a strong person?

-Physically, yeah (But my immune is ). Emotionally, no.


What are your phobias?



When do you feel most calm?



What inspires you?

-My family, my readers, my friends, Benjamin Carson


What do you dislike about yourself?

-My egoistic side, my careless side, and my sharp words.


What are your top three favourite colours?



What are your hobbies?

-Sleeping, Drawing, Swimming, And Going to Karaoke.


What is your favourite subject?

-English, Math, and Chemistry.


What are three of your current favourite songs?

-What My Heart Tells Me To Do, Sweet Dream (Beyonce), Touch My Hand (David Archuletta).


What is your favourite day of the week?

-Saturday. (Beach, I'm comin!)


How would you describe your current mood?



What are your future goals?

-To Be an Awesome Dentist who can help the people, then I'll bring my parents visiting Europe.


What artists do you like?

-RnB, Ballad, Rock.


If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

-I want to see the day when i was born. I wanna see my parent's expression, so in the future, i can say thanks and i can love them more.


Which artists do you dislike?

-KPOP except for BAP, EXO, BigBang, BTOB, 2NE1, Lee Hi.


What is your favourite month?

-December. Because i can see my whole family in Christmas. 


Do you believe in love?

-Love is nonsense, Love is just a hormone that can.. I'm kidding. I do believe.


What is a saying/quote that you live by?

-"God have 3 answer for your wish. First, Yes, I wanna make ur wish comes true. Second, Yes, I wanna make ur wish come true in the perfect time. Third, No. I'll not make ur wish come true, cause I have a better plan for you. So, God never ignore you, AT ALL"


Last beverage

-Bubble Gum


Last text message

-Some idiot


Last song you listened to

-Avril Lavigne feat Evan Taubenfeld "Best Year of Our Lifes"


Last time you cried

-In My Birthday, when I'm alone.


Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?



Ever been cheated on?



Ever kissed someone and regretted it?



Ever lost someone special?



Ever been depressed?



This year have you…


Made a new friend?



Met someone that changed you?



Do you want to change your name?

-No, It's perfect.


What can’t you wait for?

-Being a Dentist


What were you doing at midnight last night?



When was the last time you saw your mother?

-Last month.


What is the webpage you visit the most?

-Asianfanfics,, Youtube.


What is your relationship status?



What do you worry over the most?

-Become a bad person in the future.


First surgery?

-at my left foot.


First piercing?



First sport you joined?



Do you want kids?

-After get married, yes. 2, one boy and one girl.


Do you want to get married?

-Of course but after i finish my college and i've got a job.


What career do you want?



Ideal type…



-Male :)


Older or younger?



Shorter or taller?

-Taller. ^^


Romantic or spontaneous?




-Any (But it will be good if he have gray eyes. but if he doesn't have, it's okay)


Lips or eyes?

-Eyes :)


Appearance or personality?

-Both. But if only one, I'd choose personality. :)




Chocola Kato/ Mary


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shay1903 #1
whoaa~ lol now I know you better ;3
exotics99 #2
can i steal it ? :D