WHO AM I IN MBLAQ?! (Made by me because I have nothing better to do)





Who am I in MBLAQ? 

Yang Seungho:  
[] You're a person who seems most like a team leader or a leader in general.
[] You're usually the oldest among your friends. 
[x] You have a habit of and/or biting your lips a lot. 
[] A lot of people love your lips because they're plump and a nice shade of pink. 
[x] You can't go a day without using any electronics (no computer, no tablet, no smartphone, etc.)
[x] You love music.
[] Not only can you play multiple instruments (especially the piano), but you can beatbox too. 
[] You know how to make great use of your body becase you know gymnastics, break-dancing, and/or acrobatics.
[] Your favorite color is red. 
[] You're very honest and mature, but you can be childish and dorky at times.
Total: 3/10
Jung Byunghee/ G.O.:
[] You're the second oldest among your group of friends. 
[] Your specialty is singing high notes. 
[x] You look mature on the outside, but on the inside, you're really not. 
[x] Your humor is more towards adult humor than it is to pretty much anything (like child humor). 
[] You have a pretty nice body, not fat, but not skinny either. 
[] You're pretty fond of body hair. 
[] You hate it when things aren't clean and organized, so you try to make it better yourself. 
[] You take showers longer than 15 minutes; they're usually almost an hour long.
[/] You love to cook and you're more of the 'umma' type among your friends. (I'm more of an umma type lol)
[x] You are a lefty.
Total: 3.5/10
Lee Changsun/ Lee Joon: 
[] You at Math.
[] You appear to be a blockhead (a good-looking pretty dumb person)
[] You wish to have a career in acting. 
[] You can dance well. 
[] You're more of a tsundere (a person who doesn't express their expressions well but secretly enjoys them).
[x] You tend to cheat in the majority of the games you play. (Hey, most games are about deceit. You gotta
do what you gotta do to win.)
[x] You try hard, but you usually end up failing. Hard. 
[] You tend to tease people that are younger than you a lot. 
[x] You have a lot of friends that are the opposite gender. 
[/] You love showing off, especially when you make someone jealous because you were jealous of them. (I do it unintentionally...)
Total: 3.5/10
Park Sang Hyun/ Thunder (Chundoong):
[] You are the second youngest person in a group of people. 
[] You are tall. 
[] You like dying your hair a lot.
[/] People find you precious because you seem so precious. 
[x] You do care for people, you just don't really show it.
[x] You're pretty agile and skillful.
[] You are a foreigner. 
[/] You seem pretty sassy and bratty. (Meh.)
[] You can scream really high (like Changmin).
[] You try to keep your image. (Screw that!)
Total: 3/10
Bang Cheolyong/ Mir:
[x] You're the youngest among your group of people. 
[x] You are the one who acts most like a kid. 
[x] You like screaming whenever something happens or you just wanna scream. 
[/] You have a famous family member. (My brother's well-known... Does that count? wait i made this lol wat)
[] Your favorite color is brown.
[x] You know what it's like to be in a rural village or on a farm. 
[x] You love talking about anything. 
[x] You like cows
[x] Nobody really takes you seriously. 
[x] You are the craziest person most people know.
Total: 8.5/10
did i not tell you mir and i are meant to be xD



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I love MBLAQ ^-^ ♥_♡
ddongppyong #2

of course you would xDD