
I have like four other fic ideas brewing in my head, so every time I try to go write on another one my brain says no and I brain fart and then I can't think at all. I'm very grumpy. but I'll try to get over this and write some more for you guys! Please be patient with me. I've thought of something fun for my TaoRis, so when my brain stops being dumb, I'll write it up for y'all. <3
Also, those fics that are brewing, I will do something about them for you guys ;)
There's a KrisSica (I ship Kris and Jessica together when I don't want Kris to be gay, sry nt sry), a CAPJoe, an OnKey, and J-Min (I don't know what to call the J-Hope and Jimin OTP).
I don't know how successful some of these will be, but if you don't see them in the near future, then I probably gave up and deleted 'em. I'll try for you guys though.
Also, don't get upset with me, I think I'm going to end the KangTeuk with roughly 16-17 chapters. I'm not good at writing a fic that's over 10 chapters. I lose focus and can't write anything proper. BUT! I will write (or attempt to) a little somethin' somethin' at the end of the KangTeuk, if you know what I mean. ;) I've lost my touch for writing that kinda stuff, but I'll try my hand at it for you guys. Just don't be too critical. <3


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