Questions for boredom. [From LegendaryShipper's Blog]

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?

- Not so, but I live with it.

2. Do you drink enough water?
- I drink too much. :/

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?
- Never.

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
- Mountains! I love fresh air and green sceneries. ^^

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?
- Crazily tired! Especially on the day I couldn't sleep. Thank you for the nuisance, life.

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?
- Taken on a date would be nice.

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?
- 7 Months ago.

8. Vodka or wine?

- Wine!

9. How often do you cry?
- Just sometimes. I hold it back, but if it's worth a cry-I cry.

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
- *nodding

11. Can you wire a plug?
- Thanks to dad and my itchy hand, I could.

12. Do you wear socks to bed?
- Almost never.

13. What is currently bugging you?
- Fights with sociopath and searching for someone lost.

14. Where were you when you got your first period?
- It was long... long ago, inside my room after I woke up.

15. Can you change a car tire?
- Glad that I could! But it was damn heavy. :/

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities? 
- Heol. No. :/

17. Do you sleep ?
- Uh.. Never. But I've tried sleeping without......... bra.

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended? 
- I never have time for this kind of thing. TT_TT

19. Have you ever had ual feelings for anyone you follow?
- Heck man! No.

20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot?
- Uhm.........................

21. Favourite Disney princess?
- Belle!

22. Favourite city?
- London.

23. Can you drive? 
- Yeah, but not always.

24. Cigarettes or alcohol?
- Alcohol.

25. Excercise or healthy eating?
- I'm okay with both actually.

26. Favourite and least favourite accents?
- Honestly.......... I love British accent and Javanese accent! My least favourite accent....... hmm.......... gibberish accent?

27. What are you looking forward to?
- Great and wonderful job!

28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?
- Never. :/

29. Are you more attracted to men or women?
- I'm attracted to a man like Cap'n Barbossa! And for woman, someone like Yoona or Taeyeon. Teehee......... I'm alright with both actually, but I'll stay out from something like dates whatsoever. ^^v

30. Do you like 1980s fashion?
- If we're talking about the beautiful gowns and manly tuxedos, LOVE it.


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Hello , love ^^ *supremely fake British accent
