How to Use Cinnamon Oil to Plump Lips

Don't you wish to get softer, fully plumper lips? I guess yeah all you folks had dreams to get fuller pout. However, due to certain factors external as well as diet affect the delicate lip skin. You can get temporarily plumped lips without undergoing surgery by using the cinnamon oil. In this article we're gonna discussing about how to use this oil for plumping the lips naturally.

Cinnamon oil for plump lips:

The cinnamon oil is helpful to increase the blood circulation beneath the lips. This will irritate the lips and brings in the red colored blood to its surface. This will make your lips puffy and make it ier pout.

It is easier to apply and you need not have to bear the pain as in the surgical procedures. Applying the cinnamon will cost few dollars when compared to the expensive cosmetic surgeries. You can resort to this home remedy to get fuller, ier lips without having unnatural effects. It gives you kissable, ier lips by naturally swelling the pout. This can also provide you fresh breadth and reduces the anxiety and sickness experience with certain products.

Does cinnamon leaf oil really plump your lips?

If you wish to get super model like lips you can use the home remedy by extracting the oil from cinnamon leaf. This is cheapest alternative to improve the look of your lips. This works instantly and is an all in one natural lip plumper solution.

How does it work?

The cinnamon leaf oil inflames the membranes of lips and increases the circulation. This makes your lips puffed up and gives it fuller look which is desired by most women.

How to apply this oil?

You can use this essential oil in diluted form. Ensure to use this ingredient with caution else this can rip off your lip skin. You should always carry a lip balm or jelly to mix and use this oil. Carefully blend few drops of oil directly, do not panic with the strong burning sensation. Usually this sensation fades away within an hour due to diluted oil.

Instructions for use:

1. Brush the lips with soft, damp cloth or toothbrush having soft bristles. Remove the dead skin cells with brush by moving it circular to remove the flaky skin. The rubbing of brush is helpful to bring the blood towards surface of skin and give it slight plump.

2. You can scoop a tablespoon of Vaseline also known as petroleum jelly in a container. Mix few drops of cinnamon leaf oil. Avoid excess oil else this will cause severe lip irritation. This oil can be found at health food stores or via online.

3. Rub this mixture on your lips and wait until the lips begin to swell. Most people feel tingling sensation after applying this mixture. If you feel burning sensation you should avoid using excess oil.

4. Remove the lip balm mixture when stinging starts or wear it until you wish. This is a temporary method to get plumped lips as this result will remain until few hours only.

5. When you wipe it off the lip size will reduce and the plumped effect will fade away.

Tips and warnings:

  • You can mix the Chap Stick using the cinnamon oil instead of the jelly.
  • Avoid using too much oil else this will sting your lips.

Are there any safety concerns?

Yes, considering the fact that this can have strong sensation you should use this essential oil with caution. Do not use it while pregnant or nursing as this can get inside you. People with sensitive skin are affected with the ill effects of applying cinnamon. It is advised to consult your doctor before opting to use this method. You should also perform a patch testing on the back of your wrist to check if this causes any unwanted side effects.

Affordable Alternatives:

Considering the effect of using the oil; you can look for the lip plumpers which enhance the lips and give you permanent effects. Read the ingredients and composition and compare the prices of the lip plumping products. This will help you choose the best one that works and provides you positive results.


Read the Best Lip Plumper Reviews to find out the ingredients and safety. This will also help you to know "How Effective Is Nars Lip Gloss?" or not.


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