Stop it s

You're questioning me why I don't update any posts about that?
Seriously? You're questioning me if I'm a realy KISSME?

Let me tell you what,I cried buckets knowing that Dongho is going to leave.
Why should I update about something that will just make me feel worst?
I agree with his leaving because I respect his decision,his health isn't good.
He even hurried to the hospital once because of this being a singer thing.

Oh hey,Dongho,you want to live as a normal citizen?
No,you can't if in Korea. Come to Malaysia! My house have a lot of room for you!

and we have many many many delicious  food too! ^^

I finally update something about this,you're happy? satisfied?

I hope you're reading this. I don't even think you're KISSME at all though. OH WELL.


/ugly crying in the corner again. I don't want to read anything related to this.
It's sad. UKISS is like the first ever male group I know,love and adore!!! 
Xander,Kibum and now Dongho. T_T


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ObsessedWithChocoCak #1
It's okay unnie. I know you're a true KISSME. I agree with you 100%. I will feel worst too whenever I want to update a post then I'll see the post about this leaving. We need to respect his decision too. I hope it's just for a while and he will come back with a great health! :)
I had to hear the news from my mom oh my god. I respect his decision but that doesn't make me any less sad seeing as U-KISS is my favourite band ever. And we just got AJ back too. And once he leaves for uni again U-KISS will be 5 I don't even know
people tend to judge without knowing the real deal. ignore those people, they're not worth it.

it's breaking me to see dongho left ukiss. but i don't tweet or ramble about it on my social sites because it hurts me more to talk about it. people can be so... ugh. i hate it when we did something and people call us not a true fan. as if they are a true fan. pfft. -_-
lovelyme23 #4
I am a KissMe but I don't post tweets on my twitter and post a blog here on aff because I don't want to stress myself even more. Its so sad that he's going to leave but I will respect his decision. Time will come that I'll be able to move on...but I'm gonna miss Dongho. U-Kiss will never be the same without him :'(