2 Every Soul ⎡2MAZING⎦ ⟨ Ahn Shinyong ⟩ « The Voice of Cold Winter »


Bringing music to every soul,

I am Ahn Shinyong.


Tell Me, Tell Me 

Character Name: Ahn Shinyong

Plot line: The Voice of Cold Winter

Other names: n/a


Shin noona – originally by her younger brother but the nickname soon influenced younger boys around her too
Shin – people who are close to her since her name somewhat mouthful to say even if it sounds like a boy's name
Ice Princess – Chen calls her this for two purposes: to annoy her and to flirt

Age: 20

Birthday: May 1, 1993

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean-fluent, Mandarin-conversational, English-conversational, Japanese-basic

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type: A

Face Claim: IU

Back-Up Face Claim: Ri Se from Ladies Code


Special Girl

Personality: Cold and serious is what you got inside your mind when you set your eyes at Shinyong at the first time. She always has this one straight face and rarely put a smile. Even if she does it won't go upwards and break into a grin with imaginary light. Most of the time she has a blank, nonchalant expression etched on her face thus not only once intimidated others. Same as her outer look, her words although intended to not give any harm, sometimes came out way too straightforward and rough to be told. "But that's the truth" she constantly told the others either just for justified herself or merely pointing out the obvious. Not only that, she has the difficulties on showing her emotion to others. It took time for someone to make the difference between her feel amused or just mildly annoyed. Shinyong takes things quite seriously and is hard to feel impressed.

However, once one dig deep enough, she's actually someone who cares about her surroundings. Shinyong wasn't the type to bother asking someone 'what's wrong' repeatedly until the person finally told her. She shows her concern through small actions by offering some sweets or simply accompanies the person until he/she feels better even if she's not so sure of what exactly made them feel bothered in the first place. Although she's not exactly introvert, Shinyong is quite awkward with new people and accidentally definitely more than once, giving the wrong impression of herself. As she tends to make people get the wrong impression, it was hard for her to be close to anyone.

Even if she’s a cold, blunt and serious girl, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any quirks or weird tendencies. For one, Shinyong is hard to feel impressed by jokes – often unable to tell if someone’s being serious or joking. But, once she has, she can laughs freely until she cries. This also applies on aegyo or cute acts. Shinyong will pay no attention, but sometimes it becomes her weakness for unable to resist them. “I give in,” she says before doing what favor the aegyo-maker asked.

Background: Born in Seoul and mostly has been living there since birth. Born in 1st May 1993 from a doctor-oriented family. She has a 4D little brother with two years gap between them. Since little, Shinyong is quite outstanding with her studies. Some says it’s because of the gene, but she insist it has nothing to do with it. She only has a lot of free time and she chooses to study. But, as time passed, her ‘studying’ habit decreased a bit. It was more apparent in her second year of middle school, when she’s on the journalistic club and started having a rivalry relationship with Go Taehee – a girl on the same club.

They eventually ends up in the same high school. Their rivalry is still about the same thing. That, until Shinyong got her first boyfriend who also happened to be her first love too. His name is Goo Taejoon who is a year older than her and apparently Taehee, her rival’s cousin. Taejoon is a part of an acoustic band as the guitarist. It is from him Shinyong first exposed to the world of music. She fell in love to singing which her parents supported. They even planned to make Shinyong auditioned after she graduated high school. Meanwhile her boyfriend in their last year of high school, tried to audition in different agencies, only to be rejected. He was heartbroken and his anger turned to Shinyong when he heard about her plan to auditions.

He acted different, from loving and friendly to abusive and harsh to anyone he knows. But, mostly to Shinyong. However, she choose not to do about it. Only after she graduates, Taejoon never appeared in her life since, without officially ending their relationship. Although she still hasn't deleted his previous haunting messages, Shinyong decides she had enough with love and move on as she auditioned to SM Entertainment and eventually casted. She still applying for university but dedicates her time as a trainee. Shinyong is extremely surprised when she’s chosen to be the Voice of Cold Winter in 2mazing.


Give It To Me


Fantasy novels
Variety Shows (Running Man, Dad Where are You Going?)
Nature documentary
Ice Coffee
Cinnamoroll character


Romance movies
Salty foods
Strong perfume
Cold places (which is contradicted with her persona)
Having too much skinship
Small, secluded, dark places


Watching Animal Planet or variety shows
Listening to music
Photo and video editing
Playing her guitar in her free time


Bites her fingernails when nervous
Scream her brother’s name when utterly mad
Checks her phone frequently even if there are no notification
Making small remarks or a simple quiet 'wow' on almost everything
Being sarcastic over things (either is joking or not)
Shakes anyone nearby when she gets excited
Playing with her bracelets, rings or anything close with her when gets bored
Always wears at least a bracelet even when sleeping
Clears before speaking in public
Stares judgingly at things that annoys her, live or not


Her phone’s screen has a crack on it but she’s too lazy to buy a new one
Her phone strap is Cinnamoroll character
She sings with her brother accompany her with acoustic guitar at her brother’s school
Her brother is still frequently visits her
Her relationship with her brother is close to be called a sibling complex
Her ideal type is someone who can show her different side of him
She idolizes BoA and K.Will
She wants to have a duet with Nam Woohyun from Infinite
Admits that most of the time she doesn’t think twice of what she says
She has tendencies to like male accessories such as watch and bracelets
Is actually pretty easy to get scared
Has a very sensitive back
If she’s not being an idol, she chooses to be a journalist
Always wants to adopt a cat, but her brother has asthma
Used to be a dancing idiot


I'll Be There


Father | Ahn Seokjin| 48 | doctor

Mother| Ahn Yoonlee | 48 | dentist

Little Brother| Ahn  Joonseok | 18 | student

Best Friends: 

Kim Hyeri | 20 | student in management faculty, cafe waitress (younger sister of Kim Hyesung)


Amber | idol in F(x)

Jonghyun | idol in Shinee

Kim Hyesung | photographer (older sister of Kim Hyeri)



Rival name: Go Taehee (OC)

Reason for rivalry: In middle school, Shinyong and Taehee were part of newspaper club. On the time they were recruited, originally there was only one spot. It was a rivalry based on circumstance at first, but it continues on their career path – even if theirs are not same, Shinyong as part of a girlband where Taehee starts her career as a journalist.

How you interact: As teenagers, Shinyong and Taehee shows their rivalry with sharp words (Taehee) and mute glares (Shinyong). However as they grow up, they acted less hostile outside and become a lot more mature although the tense between them has not yet subsided. Now, they only show their rivalry relationship between themselves, thus often gives comical effect when they denied for being enemy with each other.

Back-up rival:


I Got A Boy

Love Interest: Chen/Kim Jongdae

How they met: They met on their trainee years. At that time, Chen was just casted. It was a rare day for her to stay at the practice room until late. When she walked out from the building, she saw Chen on her way. As usual, even if she knows who they are, Shinyong does not initiate conversation. Chen, acknowledging her, greeted her but only to be replied with a slight nod. Even at that time, most trainee knows about Shinyong being cold, but for him it was between scary and awkward. Time passed when they waited for the bus to come. Shinyong was busy with her phone – watching her favorite variety show, while Chen is being left alone in the silence, asking himself if Shinyong is really that cold. He was wondering alone before being startled by Shinyong who suddenly laughs so hard – because of the video she watched – until tears coming from her eyes. She forgot Chen was there all along to witness. So, when she looks at Chen’s amused face, she was truly embarrassed. Luckily her bus came and she bolted to the bus. But, unfortunately it was enough to make Chen suddenly being so clingy on the next day.

How they interact: The way Chen always follows her sometimes gets under her skin. When the boy always tries to get her attention, Shinyong tries to ignore him. But Chen is quite persistent and crafty with his words. Shinyong would try to shoo-ed him off, however Chen already finds a way to stay most of the time – which is irked Shinyong at the eternal trolling boy. One thing about their interaction is Chen’s failed jokes at Shinyong. She would usually take his words far too seriously and the joke just went down the drain with a very annoyed Ahn Shinyong. In despite this, Chen’s affection towards Shinyong is genuine. At best, they are pretty close friends – or so what Shinyong tries to convince herself.

Relationship: Close(?) friends, one-sided love in Chen's part

Back-up: Baekhyun


Love Rival: Yoo Youngjae from BAP

How they met: Shinyong first know Youngjae merely because of the young man’s occupation as one of BAP’s members. They first ever real encounter was an accident. On one of the music show, Shinyong happened to recharge her phone next to other idol’s phones – including Youngjae. But because of the rush, both of them pick others instead of their own. The first one to realize is Youngjae, and thus they meet up to exchange the phones back. But, Youngjae made a mistake of reading some old messages from Shinyong ex(?)-boyfriend. They exchanged their phones back and Youngjae promised not to say a word. Somehow, later on, they started talking more frequently and becoming friends eventually.

How they interact: Even if originally they becoming close because of an accident and Youngjae’s guilt, they actually quite similar to each other. They find themselves liking the same thing and share mutual interest on something. Since Shinyong and Youngjae come from different company, it was rare to them to have time to talk – usually they find time in waiting room. But, when they have the time, it was almost impossible to stop their chatters.

Why is he your love rival: Chen was clearly annoyed by the display of affection between Shinyong and Youngjae. And, even go as far as declared “He’s a sly little thing”, which is replied with “Funny, I thought you talk about yourself”.

Back-up: Jinyoung from B1A4


Sweet Dream

Stagename: Shion

Persona: The Voice of Cold Winter

Fanclub Name: Snowdrift

Fanclub Colour: #BCE0EB

Position: 3rd Lead Dancer, 1st Main Vocalist

Back-up Position: 3rd Lead Dancer, 1st Main Vocalist

Training Years: SM (March 2010-present)

Singing Twin: BabySoul

Dancing Twin: UEE

Rapping Twin: -

Speaking Twin: IU



Suggestions/Remarks: Good luck with the applyfic, author and co-authornim~~

Scene Requests:

Joonseok visits and creates racket with the EXO boys
Chen mistaken Joonseok as Shinyong’s boyfriend and sulks
Shinyong and Taehee scare others while saying “we’re friends” but with creepy smile on their faces
Chen gets angry when there was a remark that says Shinyong and Youngjae are secretly dating (this was a joke though, not a rumor)
Joonseok and Chen work together to prank Shinyong – Joonseok convince Chen it’s a best way to get close to his sister

Password: Aster - it means love, faith, wisdom and also symbolize valor. The hidden message of this flower is: "Take care of yourself for me"





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