`( ℒℴℒ ╎Jung Ja Yeon ╎ JaY
















     Ja Yeon

♛ This Is Me.

Username: JungJaYeon.

Activeness: 7.

What Should I Call You?: Jay.

♛ Goodbye, Hello.

Character Name: Jung Ja Yeon.

Other Names: Rossaline Jung Smith (English name).

Nicknames: BabySaurus (Comes from Baby/Becuse of the age & from Tyrannosaurus/Because of her height).

Birthdate: 09/17/1995.

Age: 18.

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea.

Hometown: Houston, Texas.

Ethnicity: Korean/American.

Languages Known: English&Spanish/Fluent --- French&Korean/Medium.

♛ Tell Me, Tell Me

Personality: When you look at her, you will think that she is the king of outgoing-confident girl, but she isn't like that, she is shy, inocent, weak and really cute girl, who cares about other over than herself, she is always smiling, and making people happy.

She is also the kind of girl that need to be protected from others, because she trust to easly in people and finish hurt, that's why, when you first meet her she will cover her realself with a cold-without-emotions girl, because she is afraid of what others think of her and might judge her.She is really insecure of herself, because she use to be bullied.

Background: She was born on Busan, South Korea, but he move to Houston Texas. There she got bullied in her school because of her dream of being a famous person, she didn't tell her parents, not because she was scared, no, it was because they were always busy and she didn't want her parents to worry about her. Because of the bullying, she get really insecure of herself, and she give up in her dream.

A year later, at the age of 15, Dreamer Entertainment make auditions in the US, she went, and she was accepted. She told her parents, at first they weren't really convinced, but at the end, they let her go to South Korea with her aunt, there she become an ulzzang and start attending to a Korean school, where she was really popular because of the "ulzzang" thing, but she didn't have any friends, and as a trinee it was the same, she had non trainee friends.


  • Color Green.
  • Music.
  • Stuffed Animals.
  • Basquetball.
  • Nature.
  • Hedgehogs.
  • Sweets.
  • Horros Movies.
  • Making people happy.


  • Insects.
  • Vegetables.
  • Alcohol.
  • Lies.
  • Talking about her family.
  • Rude people.
  • Haters.


  • Playing Basquetball.
  • Listening to music.
  • Drawing.


  • Making aegyo when she is bored.
  • Making weird sounds when she is excited.
  • Sing when she is scared.


  • She suffers Acrophobia (Fear to high places) and Claustrophobia (Fears to closed places).
  • When she is nervous, her legs start shaking.
  • She cry, if someone scream at her.
  • She owns a little african hedgehog named Chyu.
  • She has 2 piercings in her left ear, and 1 in her right ear.
  • She is "good" in everything, because she works really hard.

♛ You're My Only Hope


[Jung Tae Hyun | 45 | Business owner | Alive | Closeness 4].

[Alice Smith | 42 | Teacher | Alive | Closeness 4].

[Jung Joseph | 23 | Student (University) | Alive | Closeness 5].

[Jung Min Hye | 13 | Student | Alive | Closeness 3].

Best Friend:

She doesn't believe in Best Friends (It's okay? u.u)


[Jang Do Yoon (Doyyon --- SEVENTEEN) | 18 | He is a really sweet guy and a caring person, who tries to be prudent and comfortable.]

[Choi Jong Hyun (Chanjo --- Teen Top) | 17 | He is really creative. When he is with Jayeon, he act all cute and childish, always teasing her, calling her noona.]

[Kim Nam Joon (Rap Monster --- BTS)| 19 | He loves to joke around, he is really talkative and warm person.]

[Choi Ji Ri (Sulli --- F(x)) | 19 | She's funny and childish, always doing aegyo without noticing.]

Face Claim: Kim Da Hyun.

Links: Here & Here

Backup Face Claim: Seo Ji Hye.

Links: Here & Here


Casual: I prefer shorts over than skirts, I like wearing tank tops or loose shirts (Or sweaters), I have an obsession with beanies and I don't usually wear heels because I'm pretty tall: HERE / HERE / HERE / HERE

Formal: It depends, if is like a formal meeting I would wear a cute short or a skirt, a formal blouse or even a cute dress: HERE / HERE But if it's like a party, the I like dresses like that are tight in the chest and then they are loose, this are the few cases in which I wear heels: HERE / HERE / HERE / HERE / HERE / HERE / HERE

Airport: I will be wearing something fashion, but comfortable, like jeans or shorts and a simple shirt: HERE / HERE / HEREHERE / HERE

♛ Just Shut Up!
















Rival Name: Francesca An (Cheska from Fiestar).

Age: 22.

How Did You Meet: When Jayeon was a freshman and cheska was a seinor, she use to bully her.

Why Are You Rivals?: Cheska have always seen Jayeon like a threat, thats why she was mean with her, Cheska didn't want Jayeon to become an Idol.

How do you act around Each Other?: Jayeon is scared of her, so they don't talk to each other, they act like they don't know each other.

What is your future togther: Cheska admit that she was jealous of Jayeon skills, Jayeon forgives her and they become friends.

Backup Rival: Jung Soo Jung ( Krystal --- F(x) ).

♛ Still Into You~

















2nd Lover Name: Choi Ji Hoon (Ulzzang: Kim Hui Dae).

Personality: He is a really bright person, a little flirty, but always helping others. Making them laugh or just making them happy. He is always smiling.

How You Met: We bot work for the same clothing store (hobittown).

How You Act In Front Of Each Other: We act like our real selves, he is one of the few persons, that let Jayeon be her REAL self. 

What is your future togther: Surprise me ^^
Backup 2nd Lover: Min Myeong Jae (Ulzzang).

♛ Two Is Better Than One


[Replace with pic/gif of lover]

















Lover Name: Hwang Zi Tao (Tao --- EXO).

Personality: He tries to be cool, but it always fails when his cute childish side appears, He is REALLY overprotective with Jayeon and he gets jealous pretty easy, but in a cute way.

How you met?: She was going to appear in  SHINee's video "Juliette" There she meet, when he was still a trainee.

Status: Crushing.

How you treat each other: We treat like boyfriend and girlfriend, but we are not together, is just that we get jealous and we act really lovely to each other.

What is your future togther: Surprise me, please author-nim~ ^^

Backup Lover: B.A.P --- Yoo Young Jae

♛ This Is It

Position: Triple Threat, Maknae.

Backup Position: Main Rapper, Sub-vocalist.

Fanclub Name: LittleSaurus.

Fanclub Color:               

Persona: Cute Maknae

Trainee Life: I was a really shy girl, and didn't talk to anybody, because my korean wasn't really good. But I worked really hard, improving my vocal skills at the maximum possible

Trainee Years: 4


Comments: I looking forward your story ^^ I there is anything that I need to change just tell me

Suggestions: ---

Requests: ---



Thank You For Applying For LOL!

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