Weird Time at School Today

I have always been known as the "mysterious" guy at my school. I usually walk around my school alone whenever I am bored and I always listen and dance to music (Kpop) in which nobody has any idea of what it is. It is for that reason why I am somewhat popular in the school. I never really cared about being popular. I just prefer to be and act as myself.

Today however.... was one day that popularity was a bad thing. At lunch, I was listening to SHINee's Everybody (My god, I don't know how many times I had that song on loop) while I was walking around the school. I may have snuck in a few dance moves while I was walking around but I made sure nobody was around in order to do them. I now realize the motive of them following me. When I was listening to Everybody, I was at the bottom of the hill and there were people in my grade on the top. It just so happened that it happened to be that portion in the MV when they hop repeatedly like little toy soldiers. I copied Jonghyun in MV and just did the hopping and spinning. When I looked back however, I saw those guys beginning to hop around like idiots. A few seconds after that.....they left to follow me.

3-4 boys from my grade were following me around like creepers. They "attempted" to apply stealth but I saw them leave the tables and follow me from the very beginning. When I went up the stairs, I turned around and saw them hide behind some pillars. I yelled, "HEY! I CAN SEE YOU. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?" They just poked their heads out slightly to see whether I was still there and I was able to see them clearly.

In the end, I just went to the elevator, went up one level, went all the way across the school, walked two levels down using the stairs, walk past the tables and reach my classroom losing the mob at the same time.

Funny thing was that while I was escaping those people, I passed by my sister and told her that I was being followed. I left and a few minutes after I left, she and her friends found the mob that was following me. Apparently, they were snooping around, sticking their heads in every room in order to find me. One of her friends just laughed so hard according to my sister. Talk about my classmates being crazy..... -_-

And, I never saw them again that day. I was glad when lunch was over. Why can't those people let me dance around and let me be in peace... T_T


Oh yeah! Forgot to mention one thing. Two of my classmates came up to me and asked me if I liked a girls because they heard rumors that that girl liked me. I just said, "I think that the guys I listen to are more attractive than her. -_-".

Well, I wasn't lying! I was only speaking of the truth! You know how attractive Kpop idols are. Both male and female! Then again, I feel as if its unfair since I'm comparing regular people to Gods..... And also that girl annoys me like hell to begin with.

Okay bye~ ^^



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OMFG Broc that's a little mean!