Get To Know Your Author ^.^



 Hair color:

-Dark Brown almost Black


 Eye color:

-Hazel but some days my eyes are real bright Emerald Green


Skin color:

-Pale but like a Porcelin kind of Pale some people say I look like a little doll ^~^


Most favorable facial feature:

-My eyes


Most disliked facial feature:

- None I like the way I look



-5'3 1/2


Body type:

Slim(?) I am skinny but not anorexic lol I weigh 98pounds (44kg)





-Park Minki








Country of origin:



Favorite color:

-Sky Blue, Purple, Black


Favorite animal:




-EXO, SHINee, B.A.P, UKiss, BigBang, MBLAQ, etc.


20 Random Questions:


Summer or Winter?

Winter, I hate the Summer plus I love the cold and the way Winter just feels and its so beautiful! All Snowy White and just ughh I love it!! ^^


Do you have a special talent?

-I sing, rap, and dance


Do you think you are strong?

-When I'm mad other that nope


What are your phobias?

-Clowns!!! So scary and I am very Clausterphobic!


When do you feel most calm?

-When I listen to music, or when I write


What inspires you?

-I look up to a couple of people but one person has always stood out from all the others ever since I was little! Ellen DeGeneres <3 I love her so much I have looked up to her since I was 3years old!! In my eyes she is one of the most amazing and funny people!


What do you dislike about yourslef?

-Hmmm I let people take advantage of me, I am a very nice and caring person so people do tend to take advantage and use me......


What are your hobbies?

-Dancing, Singing, Rapping, and Writing


What is your favorite subject?



What are three of your current favorite songs?


-Symptoms by SHINee

-Bottle You Up by Zendaya


What is your favorite day of the week?



How would you describe your current mood?

-Happy kind of annoyed


What are your future goals?

- To be a Kpop singer, rapper OR a Lawyer


What artists do you like?

-EXO, SHINee, Zendaya, B.A.P, MBLAQ, etc.


If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- I would go back to the Renaissance time. I have always been so fascinated in that era!


Which artists do you dislike?

-Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, 1D, Lil Wayne, 2 Chains just that kind of crappy American music


What is your favorite month?

- October, November, December, April


Do you believe you're in love?

- Yes I am <3


What is a saying/quote that you live by?

"No mater how hard and difficult something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot" -Park Chanyeol <3


Last beverage?

-Chocolate Milk


Last text message?

- To my friend Kayla talking about how fabulous Obama is in my opinion........ It was a weird but regular conversation between us XD


Last song you listened to?

-MAMA by EXO <3


Last time you cried?

-Last night


Ever got back with someone you've been with before?



Ever been cheated on?



Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

-No I haven't had my first kiss.....


Ever lost someone special?



Ever been depressed?

-A couple times..


This year have you:


Made a new friend?



Met someone that changed you:



Do you want to change your name?

-No when I get married I want to change my LAST name!


What can't you wait for?

-Getting to see my family today


What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Studying


When was the last time you saw your mother?

- I am looking at her right now  XD


What is te webpage you visit most?

-Facebook, AFF, and Tumblr


What is youe relationship status?

-y, Free, Single and ready to Bingo!!!


What do you worry over the most?

-My grades


First surgery?

-When I was 2 I got tubes in my ears because one of my ear drum busted and now there is a hole in it! >.< But my actual cuting surgery when I was 10 got my tonsils taken out because I was a Strep-throat carrier.....


First piercing?

-Ears, when I was 4 years old.


First spor you joined?



Dow you want kids?

-Yes I want 4!


Do you want to get married?



What career do you want?

-Singer, rapper


Ideal Type....





Older or Younger?

Older he has to be older if younger than only by 1 year! I am no pedo noona lol


Shorter or taller?

Taller I like tall guys ;)


Romantic or spontanious?

Romatic <3



Doesn't matter love is love (But I do tend to only find Asian guys attractive so.....)


Lips or eyes?

Ooohhhh Idk, I love when boys have big Brown puppy eyes but I also like a small mouth not huge lips that look like you had stuff injected in them....


Appearance or personality?

Both, I don't want an ugly partner but I love funny romantic guys! I don't like guys who are all manly you know what I mean? I like pretty boys, flower boys (I hope that made sense ^~^)





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