Loving You Forever❤-Jung, Hyun-joo

  Jung, Hyun-joo



username : mocheeeh
what I should call you : Chia

activity : 8


Name: Jung Hyun-joo

» Hyunjoo; her preferred nickname, so mostly people called her this way
Idiot; her bestfriend called her this way because she's not a smart girl at all, even though it's seems so rude, Hyunjoo never bother to think about it

Age: 17 years old
Birthday: 05.30.1996

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korean
Ethnicity: Korean

Bloodtype: AB
Languages: Korean-native, English-conversational

Occupation: A senior year student and a part-time photographer for a teen magazine
What is it like at work: Basically she's moving from one place to another to take different pictures, so it's very interesting.



Ulzzang Name: Kim Sooyeon (Mint)
Ulzzang Picture Links: gallery

Backup Ulzzang Name: Lee Dasom
Backup Ulzzang Picture Links: gallery

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 54 kg

Style of Clothing: Hyunjoo is not a picky girl, she wears any kind of casual clothes, but preferably oversized shirts, hoodies or jackets with skinny jeans or shorts and she chose flatshoes rather than heels. She also doesn't usually tidy her hair, she just let it loose instead.

Extra: Hyunjoo has a necklace which was given by her grandmother




careless, playful, honest, lazy;
Hyunjoo is looks like a cheerful and bright girl, she loves to play around, jokes around and wander every where as if she never get tired and bored. But when people get closer to her, they’ll know that Hyunjoo is a careless girl rather than cheerful and bright. She plays around not because she wants to make friends, she plays around because she is too lazy to study like what the other students do during the break time. Even Hyunjoo can be seen playing around (or the worst, sleeping) during class. She doesn’t bother to listen to the teacher who is standing in front of class. During exams or tests, Hyunjoo likes to answer the questions honestly. She often wrote ‘I don’t know, Sir’ when she’s really doesn’t know the answer. Not only that, in reality, Hyunjoo indeed a honest girl. She does what she want, and not even hesitate to say what she think out loud about anythings.

trustworthy, sweet, daring;
Basically Hyunjoo is famous for her stupidity at school, but still, many people came to her and wanted to be her friends. Surprisingly, Hyunjoo not only famoused for her low grades, she also well-knowned for her trustworthy side. Many people said that she’s the right person to talk with when ever people need someone to listen to their problem. She keep secrets and promises well. Beside of that, she also willing to help those people if she can. Even if she should help them in a difficult ways, when Hyunjoo said that she’ll help, she dared to does it.

sensitive, emotional at times, good at hiding her feeling;
At school Hyunjoo seemed so active and outgoing, but when she’s alone, she’s more sensitive and emotional. At times, Hyunjoo cried by herself in the corner of her room, thinking about her problems. She loves her family a lot, and she suffered because of them. She doesn’t really understand the feeling of family even though finally she has a complete and happy one. Even though Hyunjoo is sad, she hid her feeling well. She doesn’t want the other people know about her deepest feeling.


gummy bears
milk tea
amusement parks
puppies & kittens
weekly dramas
minnie mouse stuffs


hot weather
crabs and shrimps
bugs & wild animals
math and history
medicine & injections


online shopping


sport; swimming
english literature


is a sleep talker
is allergic to crabs
used to be a professional swimmer during her freshman year
brings a pack of gummy bears in her pocket
likes to study about many dialects; fluent in seoul, busan and daegu dialect
a fan of Running Man show; a huge fan of Song Jihyo
has a few ex boyfriends; she broke up because of her boredom towards them
she believe in fairy; because she loves peter pan
obessesed with any stuff that contain Minnie Mouse
her first kiss haven't stolen by anyone yet
she can play piano and guitar




Father | Jung Dong-il | 40 | lawyer | thoughtful, wise, caring | 4
Mother | Na Hyun-jung | 42 | housewife; former pianist | sweet, warm hearted, straightforward | 4


Jung Hyunjoo was born on May 30th, 1992 in Seoul, South Korea. She's the only child in her family, but she didn't feel the affections and loves from her parents due to their busy schedule. Little Hyunjoo often spent her days with her Grandmother instead. And her life twisted after her grandmother passed away because of her illness. Hyunjoo could make her parents proud back then, she won a few swimming contest, singing contest and many more, but she stopped join those contests since her grandma left her. And her behavior changed too, she became more rebellious and stubborn.

Because of their child's change, Hyunjoo's mother decided to stop working as a pianist and chose to be a housewife instead so she can look after Hyunjoo better. At the age of 13, finally Hyunjoo felt the real love from her parents. But it not changing anything on her, she continued grew up with that rebel personality. After she became a high school student, finally her parents accept the fact that their daughter is not a smart girl. Since her sophomore year, Hyunjoo moved and live by herself in an apartment unit near her school.


deskmate; best friend | Shin Yoo-ra | 17 | senior student | spontanous, curious, agressive | 5
locker buddy; ex boyfriend | Jang Hyun-woo | 17 | senior student | playful, possesive, rebel | 4

Outside Friends:

neighbor next-door | Hwang Yoon-ae | 20 | freelance; web designer | calm, kind, dumb | 3
company boss | Yoon Hanbyul | 23 | founder of a teen magazine | funny, caring, outgoing | 3


rival | Nam Jaemin | 19 | college student; part time photographer | ambitious, protective, loyal | because they work at the same field, and their boss often compare them to one another



Plotline: Mismatched

Name: Kim Joon-myun
Age: 18 years old
Birthday: 05.22.1996
Group: EXO


Kim Joonmyun is a perfect prince for many girls out there. Even though he's a bookworm, he's so handsome and charming. More over he's coming from a wealthy family, he's smart, kind hearted, doesn’t get angry easily, very diligent and polite. Many people like to be around him because of his soft side. He is totally a gentleman in front of everyone especially girls. He likes to prioritize them first and treat them well. Behind his perfect mask, joonmyun is a timid guy. He couldn't stand horror stuffs and dark atmosphere. He also not daring to does many things that have high difficulties because basically he's too afraid to try. Only few people knew this side of him because he never showed it to the public.

How He Treats You:

Even though Joonmyun is a kind and gentle boy, he acts quite rude in front of Hyunjoo because he heard from his friends that Hyunjoo's personality is so bad. Because basically the teacher forced him to teach Hyunjoo, he does it not with his heart. Thanks to Hyunjoo's stupidness, he often scolds her and feeling so frustated. But after their frequent meetings, Joonmyun softened and act more casual because he thought that Hyunjoo is not that bad as a girl.

How Did You Guys Meet:

Their first meeting happened during the first year because they're on the same grade. And beside their minor meeting at school, they never talk to each other. They're officially introduced to one another when their teacher gather them in the teacher's room.

Happy Ending?: yes, please.



Hyunjoo only does well in English, Music and Physical Education. Beside that, the teachers should calm down because of her lacking ability to understand the lessons given by them. Hyunjoo is so lucky to pass every exams even though her grades are the lowest in the class. 

Extracurriculars: She joined athletics and school's choirs.


Actually, Hyunjoo didn't treat the teachers nor her schoolmates in the bad way. Many people mocked her for her low grades, but she just like to ignore them and never bothered to think about them while she thought that she still need to think about herself. Hyunjoo respected her teachers, even though she rarely listen to them during classes and chose to sleep instead. At times, Hyunjoo skipped a few class and prefer to sleep in the school's gazebo.



Sorry for grammatical errors o u o;; i hope you like her! Anyway i love your plotlines o<-< especally this one asdfgh. good luck with this fic! <3

Scene suggestions:

A scene where Joonmyun came to her house to teach her but ended to stay there for a night because it's raining so heavy. Both of them don't dare to sleep because they're shy and afraid that something will happen between them.

A scene where someone mocked Hyunjoo because of her stupidity in front of Joonmyun, and he tell that person to stop mocking her with angry tone.

Questions: n/a

Am I Allowed to Change Things With Your Character: yes, sure!

Are you ready?: yes o u o



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