
I don't really know you since you haven't accepted me....but I still love you <3 cause this rp wouldn't be the same without you!~





I love you even though you make me go crazy sometimes...U_U

but you're always a good friend /even though not always mine but still/ a very good friend <3

and I know I screw up a lot and even though I seem like a stuck up idiot that should be shot I really o listen to every word you say and many times you're think of things I never thought about. I have always only thought about myself and how poor I am, but in truth it's not that bad about me cause all my is all my fault cause I never thought about the other person and I have come to realize this now. And I'm sorry for hurting you and your friends, and even though I know it won't matter I still wanna apologize

I'm so sorry

I have been blind and a total to both you and Changjo and pretty much everyone, I never thought about your pain and what you feel I only though about myself and for that I am so so sorry. I hope you will forgive me one day.

and I will always love you.../even if you call me mean things or throws potatoes at me.../


We have never talked but just cause I'm a dougchbag that doesn't check my wall post U_U

/but it's too many of them!!! TT~TT PM me instead/

but you're a preacious member of this rp and I love you <3 and it's very nice to meet you too, I'm Exo M's Luhan *bows*



I never answered you either OTL...

but that's not cause I hate you! it's causse I hate wall posts /that ain't ToD/ you! you I love cause you're one of the people that makes this place so wonderful and I'm happy you're in this rp <3

and it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*



I never answered you either....OTL but I love you even though!!! <3 you're one of the people that makes this place as wonderful as it is and I love you for that and I hope you will stay for a long time ^^

/p.s PM is the way to get in contact with me/

and it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*


Hayoung my young apprentice! I love you cause you're always there for not only me but everyone whenever someone is sad or down or lonely for that sake~

and I love you for that <3 you're the greatest sweetie <3 you make this place fun and loving I hope you stay around for a long while ^^ 



I'm sorry for ignoring your wall post/S/...OTL

you see I'm an PM person...and you don't have to worry about dares sweetie~ everyone do them^^ you won't be hated for it <3 just make sure you have fun!

I love you and you're a great person and I hope you will stay her in this rp for a long time <3

and it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*


NANA! My VisualKei loving buddy!!! <3 <3 <3  I love you SO much! and I wanna thank you for making this place funktion and accepting all of my many semi hiatus requests <3 you're great and this rp really won't funktion without you! so thank you thank you thank you<3

I really hope you will never leave *clings to you*

but you know we really should talk feels like ages ago TT_TT 3


I'm sorry I stopped answering our wall conversation, but I'm really bad with walls....I prefer PM and it's not as big chance I miss the message that way.

but you should know I love you and that you're doing a great job with the rp and that I'm very grateful you're making this rp funktion <3

please continue your great job and don't ever leave <3 and I promise we will go to that festival together!! *^*


once again I'm so sorry for not have answering your wall post U_U

/but wall posts are evil!! TT_TT PM me/

but I wanna tell you that I love you and you're an wonderful person that makes this place just as wonderful <3 <3

And it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*


I know we have never talked and that we know nothing about eachother but I know one thing!

and that is that you make this rp a wonderful place and for that I love you <3

 I hope you will stay here for a long time^^ <3



Hello angel I'm sorry I never answered your wall post...I'm a bad boy U_U

but I love you anyways cause you make this rp a better place and I hope you will be happy here and have lots of friends that will be angels for you <3



Hi buddy it's been a really long time since we talked...I kinda feel bad about it U_U

but I still love you <3 you're an awesome person! and I'm sorry I just stopped answering the wall post....but me and wall post are not too good friends...BUT YOU! you are a great friend and I really wanna start talking to you again/in PM/!!!

I love you buddy <3


Hey my drinking buddy! 

it's okay that you're slow at replying cause so am I! after all I haven't replied you yet...U_U I will do it soon though! 

in the mean time I just wanna tell you how much I love you and that I really hope you will stay in this rp and be awesome for a long while <3


Zelo I love you! you're awesome!  <3 and I wish we would talk more cause you're a great and innocent person and we haven't talked for ages!! 3




I know we have had our ups and down and to be totally frank you go on my nervs a lot...but I still love you cause you try really hard to make people happy, and even though your methodes doesn't work on me it's the thought that counts and you really have a big heart <3

so take good care of Jongjin <3



I*m sorry for not answering your wall post/but I don't do that *shot* / but I'm a lazy that only answer PM..

but I'm still a very big BIGBANG fan and I would love to get to know you better cause I'm sure you're a great person and I love you for making this rp just as wonderful as it is <3



I am really sorry for not answering your wall post, and I'm still a big fan of you/not the wall/ and I wanna continue getting to know you cause you're freaking awesome! 

and I wanna thank you for making this rp just as awesome! I love you <3



we have never talked to each other and I wish we had cause you're an awesome person that makes this rp a wonderful place and for that I love you <3




you have hurt me many times and I'm pretty sure I have told you I hate you...

but lets be honest..I don't hate you! how can I? I loved you so much before, I would shine up when I saw that you had messaged me and you was there for me...then we both made some stupid choice and I should stop blaming you for those mistakes cause I really miss our friendship, you're an important person to me and you will always be that.

So lets talk again and forget what have happen in the passed and be friends again cause I really love you buddy^^ <3


without trying to insult you I just wanna say we are both a pair of idiots...especially I. 

you're a good friend and you're right...even I would never take me back /..okay maybe I would since I'm an idiot../ and I really hope we can be friends without having CX cause I really want you there as a close friend, you're important to me and

I love you <3


we have never talked...but I love you! not only cause you make this place a better place but also cause you added me as your friend! many forgets that so that you remembered makes me so happy <3

and I just love you <3



Hey buddy <3 We don't talk much and well what can I say...we should! cause you are an amazing person and we really should finish playing ToD~

and also I love you<3



You my friend are a very mischievous  person! and that's just one of the reasons I love you! and I promise that I will answer you one day! cause I love you <3




I am very sorry I haven't answered your wall post.../I at doing that you should PM me/ and I'm even more sorry I never noticed it came a new Jungkook! and I feel ashamed since you are my favorite member in BTS!

I love you! so keep up being awesome <3



We have never talked and you know nothing about me..but I know that you are a wonderful and great person that makes this place to what it is!

a great family! <3  

/....or more like relatives..../ and for that I love you <3


Wow...why haven't we talked? we're team mates for got sake! we should be besties! cause you are an awesome person and I love you for being here and spreading your awesomeness! <3




OMG! why I not answer you? I don't know...something's wrong with me....but I love you Bacon! and I really hope you will stay! I don't want any other bacon I want you and your beautiful eyeliner! cause I love you buddy! <3




Chan you are one of the most amazing people I have had the honour to get to know and I want you to know that I love you <3 and you deserv to be happy no matter what your mistakes have been! cause we have all been there and we all deserve happiness! especially you cause I know you have had a really though time and I really hope you have foun your happiness now <3



I want you to know thatI still feel ashamed for hurting you, I never thought about you and your feelings and for that I am truely sorry. I really hope we can patch things up cause I really don't wanna lose a friend like you, you are an amazing person and you deserv to be treated with respect! and so I'm really sorry for not treating you with the respect you deserved! but you should know I always loved you and still do

/...maybe more like a friend now XD but still love <3/


Kai you are my absolute bestie! there's no doubt about it! you will always be my flatnosed pig and I will always love you <3 and there's nothing that can change that! and my holy cheeks that you have been fighting for so hard do and will always belong to you /until you give them away that is/

And I really wish you could be on a bit more cause I really miss you so much! it feels so dull here without you 3  /you're my pork in the morning<3<3<3TT_TT/ and I also wanna apologize for all the pain I have put you through, both in this rp and in the have always been my number one and you always will be bestie <3

~I love you~


Hey Gege...I love you<3

talk to me gege I wanna cuddle you with love <3 <3 <3



we both know I love you dragon <3

you are almost as awesome as me^^



I know you're going through a though time right now and I want you to know that I will be here by your side and

talk about SehunXD /I had to/

no but I know you're having a hard time with people pitying you after that Sehun left and I feel a bit sorry that yet another of your bf left the rp...but now you're at least free to date the new Sehun that is coming and I will do my duty as your friend and team mate and as your gege! I will make sure that this Sehun is or get turned GAY!

cause that's how much I love you! <3

Jag finns här för dig in rl också <3 du vet att jag älskar dig <3 <3 <3


You're an awesome person panda bear! and we gotta get you some gucci later! you deserves it! I love you <3





You have not added me...but I add you cause I love you and you're special <3




You're one of the funniest people and I love you! you really make me  happy talking to you, and bullying Kai with you! <3 And you're always welcome to throw watermelons on your umma Kai <3




We have never talked but I love you! you're really important and you're loved! <3




We haven't talked that much but I really love you cause you PM:ed me and didn't post on my wall!!! <3 and it's people like you that makes this rp so wonderful! you're a great person!




I hope you enjoyed the pizza and I like you're style and personality! I love you <3 




Even though you're terrible in finding places I really love you! and I wanna thank you for all the job and efort you put down in the rp when you were an admin and also for work you might do that ig gone passed by. 

and I'm always here to spin you around whenever you feel down or just wanna get spinned <3

I love you sweetie <3


I'm older than many so I treat people like kids...that's a hobby of mine...but that doesn't mean I don't love you uncontrolly <3 you're a great person!!




We have never talked but I love you! cause you make everything special in your own way!



tumblr_mkp4jsdjv01qlkxclo5_r1_250.jpg Hyoyeon  

My baby girl!! Where are you!? Appa misses you so much baby <3 <3 <3 <3 talk to me!!!! 

I love you so so so so so so much!!!!! <3



We haven't talked but I love you for making this rp a wonderful place by being here, and I hope you will stay for a long time <3



tumblr_mkp4jsdjv01qlkxclo8_r1_250.jpg Yoona

I'm sorry I'm slow at replying and I'm sorry you have felt left out, but you should know that I love you and you're always a friend to me <3



tumblr_mkp4jsdjv01qlkxclo10_r1_250.jpg Seohyun

I just added you cause you're an awesome person that I love <3




I just added you cause I love you and I hope to be friends <3




I have not answered your wall post and for that I am deeply sorry but I still love you and I'm happy you're here <3




I LOVE YOU!!! and I am fanboying you and Woohyun like everyday! you're like one of the cutest couple ever! and I hope you will last forever! 

and I miss you 3 if you get time over pm me <3 and also thank you for taking cre of all of us in this rp I'm so happy you're here! and you're an amazing person! <3 and I'm so happy I got to get to know you <3


Like I said to Gyu and have told you a few times...I am your and his biggest fan! I love you both and I hope you will last forever! 

and I'm sorry I stole your bf in the other rp...but I didn't know it was you....and I really love him!! he's awesome...but you're still my favorite cutie!! oh I love you so much! you should be more active so we can talk like before! who am I else to gossip with?

I love you so much!!! <3 <3 <3


Sorry I didn't answer your wall post and sorry I didn't know you were here...BUT I love you! cause you make people happy and so you make me happy! and that makes you a great person!




we never talked...but I love you <3

you're awesome!



I love you my favorite spoon! and I know I may be mean...but I really love you! and I appreciate your work with the rp! we're lucky to have you here!




even though we have never talked I love you, cause you make this rp wonderful!




We haven't talked but I love you for making this rp a wonderful place by being here, and I hope you will stay for a long time <3



tumblr_ml7iupXvAl1qlkxclo3_250.jpg Hara   

We haven't talked but you're great! I love you <3




I'm sorry I haven't answered you wall post!!!! TT_TT /PM me instead!/

but I love you!!!!<3



I'm sorry I never answered your wall post but I'm a bad boy....okay I just hate wall post...PM me 

Cause I love you!!! <3

and it's a pleasure to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*

tumblr_mnpdvzhHix1qlkxclo8_250.jpg Seungho 

We have not talked...yet

but I love you for making this place special<3



We have not talked but I love you for who you are cause you are an amazing person! <3



tumblr_mkpsik97Cn1qlkxclo3_250.jpg J.R 

We should talk again sometime....

Cause I love you <3



I love you even if we haven't talked <3




I love you<3 you're a wonderful person and you should be proud of yourself <3




I'm not mad at you Sweetheart! I love you <3 

you make things better with your smile <3


tumblr_mun6afU1CU1qlkxclo4_250.jpg Junhui

I do not know much about you but I know that you're a wonderful person

which is why I love you <3



you're perfect just the way you are

otherwise I wouldn't have loved you like I do <3



I really love you! you're a wonderful friend and I should talk with you more! I'm so sorry I'm slow at answering you! I love you <3




I just added you cause you're awesome! <3




do you love me? cause I love you <3

thanks for being here~



we should talk more cause I love you and wanna spend more time with you! <3




I'm sorry I hit you with a fryingpan....but I'm still happy you're here and I love you/as long as you take care of my baby girl that is/ and thank you for being here with us all and making this rp wonderful <3




Hae you're wonderful and I really wish for your happiness! I love you cause you're my baby, and my bestie and you mean a lot to me <3 so if you ever are down don't be afraid to come to me! I will do my best to make you happy! cause you're real special and I'm so happy you're here <3


tumblr_mkucf7JXFi1qlkxclo10_250.jpg Kyuhyun

yes yes my pikakyu~

I love you <3



Amazing I haven't talked to you, I'm a fan....I love you! you're awesome!



tumblr_mkpo68UfVe1qlkxclo3_250.jpg L.Joe 

I love you for being who you are!




I add you cause you're awesome! love you <3



tumblr_mkpo68UfVe1qlkxclo6_250.jpg Changjo

I know you hate me now...and I don't blame you, I screwed up and it wasn't the first time, I'm truely sorry for all the heartache I have put you through. I'm selfish I realize that now, I have only been thinking about myself and my pain that I never thought about you nor anyone else...but in truth all my pain has been caused by me, but I have been too blind to see that and so I just blamed it onto others and well..I'm pathetic and I'm an horrible person...and like you said, a waste of your time...and you deserve better! you're a wonderful person and I'm so blessed to have met you.

You picked me up from my pitchblack darkness/I created myself/ and took care of me without asking for anything in return but I just used you and played with your feelings and I'm really sorry for that and I wish I never did it..I never wanted to hurt you

but my blindness kept me from realizing your pain and that I was the caze of it and I really wish I would have been able to see it before I ever hurted you ...but I can't turn back time no matter how much I want

so I'm gonna do my best to heal the wonds that I left no matter what it takes...and if it means I have to leave I will do it and if you never wanna see my face I will make sure you don't have to, I won't ever hurt you again.

So don't leave this rp because of me, even if I may have screwed up there's plenty of people that loves you here and they don't wanna see you leave either!

And I want you to know that I have never lied to you! my feelings are sencere! 

You're one of a kind and you deserve someone that can appreciate you like I never was able to and I hope you will find someone that will do that one day. even though I really wish it could be me...but I won't stop loving you, you're my saviour and you have been that since the first day I met you, there's something special about you that makes me happy whenever I'm around you.

and I know I'm an hopeless idiot and that you really hate me...but I hope that if you come to hate me some less that we might become friends again...cause I really need you in my're my leading stare and

I love you  <3


you're aewsome and I'm happy you're here with us!




I should talk to you cause I love you <3 thanks for being in this rp <3




you're were pretty and I love you, not for the outside but for the inside cause you're inside is the most beautiful <3




I love you and you know that! we should talk more!!!! talk to me baby!!! <3




I love you even though I have not talked to you, but I know you're a great person <3



image.jpgSong Joongki 

We have not talked but I love you for who you are cause you are an amazing person! <3



tumblr_ml7hx8vqNM1qlkxclo3_r1_250.jpgWon Jongjin

I love you<3

*gives you a box of toys*


38735703cd70c958279c35224e2610ad.jpeg Lee Chihoon

We have never talked and you know nothing about me..but I know that you are a wonderful and great person that makes this place to what it is! 

a great family! <3  

/....or more like relatives..../ and for that I love you <3

tumblr_mrwm8gYRuE1sd6kvvo1_500.png Daehwan

I love you for being who you are!



tumblr_ml7hx8vqNM1qlkxclo4_r1_250.jpgPark Hyungseok

I thought you were leaving but here you are and I'm happy you're here cause I love you!!!! you're amazing! we need to talk more! I miss you!! TT_TT <3



bohemiany10.jpgPark Jaehyun

I love you!!!<3



image?format=raw&type=img&id=295Shin Gwangchul

I add you cause I love you <3



tumblr_ml7hx8vqNM1qlkxclo5_r1_250.jpgSong Chanho

I want you to know I'm sorry for everything! amd I'm sorry I never taught you how to dance!

I love you <3


tumblr_mlusw7A40O1qlkxclo4_r1_250.jpgBaek Sumin  

I love you <3 thanks for being here and make this rp so wonderful <3



tumblr_lsvf1whOx71ql4omco1_500.pngByeong Seoeun

I never answered you OTL...

but that's not cause I hate you! it's causse I hate wall posts /that ain't ToD/ you! you I love cause you're one of the people that makes this place so wonderful and I'm happy you're in this rp <3

and it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*

avatar_7f84437561a3_128.png Choi Sohee

you're make me happy and I love you<3



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo2_r1_250.jpgDo Hweji

I never answered you either OTL...

but that's not cause I hate you! it's causse I hate wall posts /that ain't ToD/ you! you I love cause you're one of the people that makes this place so wonderful and I'm happy you're in this rp <3

and it's nice to meet you too, I'm EXO M's Luhan *bows*

jang_hae_byeol_pack_by_kiriminatsume-d5nJang Haebyeol

you're aewsome and I'm happy you're here with us!



tumblr_mlusw7A40O1qlkxclo7_r1_250.jpgJung Sujeong

you're a wonderful person with a beautiful soul, thank you for being here, I love you <3



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo1_250.jpg Kim Seukhye

you're amazing! I love you <3



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo7_r1_250.jpg Lee Dasom

I'm sorry for slow replies I love you! <3



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo9_r2_250.jpg Park Hwanhui

Sorry I don't answer wall post! but PM me and I will answer cause I love you <3



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo3_r1_250.jpgPark Hyemin

Sorry I haven't answered your wall post...I'm bad at doing that....but I love you cause you're amazing!



tumblr_mlblpfshbM1qlkxclo5_r1_250.jpgPark Hyojin

Love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



tumblr_mlusw7A40O1qlkxclo1_250.jpg  Park Sora

we never talked...but I love you <3

you're awesome!


tumblr_lyvihySsvf1qctfhvo1_500.png Christina Fernandez Lee

I add you cause I love you <3




I add you cause I wanna be friends and I love you <3



I just wanna spread my love and apologize to everyone!

and I wanna apologize for not answering many peoples wall post but I only answer PM's


I want you to know that you're all special and this rp wouldn't be thesame without any of you! So thank you for being here and lighten up the day for others <3 you're all amazing and I hope you will all stick around for a long time! you're irreplaceable and absolutely the most awesome people in the world!  we'er one big screwed up family and 

I love everyone of you <3


/[give me some cred I have been working with this for hours and not it's soon 1 am and I got'm screwed but I love you!]


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I mean.... youre adorable writing all this for us~~
I love you tooooo
Diary-DoKyungsoo #2
You're forgiven, always.
Luv u 2!
Sho sorry 4 late!
aigoo Im sorry lulu i have added you back
thats a lot of love
gomawo *glomps*
your crazy hyung! just crazy
but this is freaking awesome!
telling everyone you love them
even me! I never thought that cause you said getting to know me would be too much work!
but I love you too~ so let's get married XD *slapped*
just joking of course
well at least you realized some stuff~
I love you, but that doesnmean that I forgave you nor that I'm not disappointed anymore~
Diary-Yenny #6
omg i look i...i mean
bby talk talk talk to me
let me love love love tonight....ukiss song
anyway talk to me
i wont bite..unless your kevin / grabs a knife
/wonders how long it takes for you to do all of this. lol

OTL STOP CALLING ME SPOON /cries. but i love you too<3 - u -
awww my visual kei buddy~~
OMG you remember
i thought you forgot
this is taeyeon's picture
this kai spam e u e.
Cause me and hyunnie has a fanboy. xD
I would pm you but you never reply.. >.>
Then again, i don't reply to people right now.
Too busy plus im on recovery state soo T__T
Awww I didn't expect you having me up there
But ima sho happy that you did
And I hope we will talk more soon
And the message you have wrote was shooo adorable <33333
Thank chu
I love you too <3
*smiles cutely*
You can drop a pm and we can talk more ne?
*blinks and chuckles*
I should be the more social one
I will PM you now so we can start a conversation