▐░ : HAEDO APARTMENTS ↺ han yewon.


username : dereve

nickname : reve

activity level : 7

comments/questions : i'm sorry if there are any grammar error since english is not my first language -u-

scene request(s) :
↳ ljoe's return to korea and applied for hongik because he knows yewon is there
↳ doyoon asks yewon to a date without telling her it was a date (y'know what i mean)

scene suggestion(s) :

password : kicks ;u;



ulzzang : yurim

pictures : gallery

back-up : jang chom mi

pictures : gallery

appearance : her natural hair color is caramel but she dyed it (x), she has cupid bow lips (like nu'est ren), has long legs

style : her tittle as miss 1 million won is not just a nickname, she really spent 1 million won for fashion items each month. she's so stylish yet not looked too excessive. but her favorite style is skirts with blouse and wedges, of course with some accessories here and there 

extras : she only has regular lobe piercings on each ear, she wanted to have a tattoo but her mother didn't allow her


name : han, yewon

other name(s) : n/a

nickname(s) :
wonnie by family/close friends, some kind of a childhood nickname
miss 1 million won by doyoon because she spent almost 1 million won in clothes and also 'won' is from her name

age : 23

birthday : 10/24

birthplace : seoul, s. korea

hometown : seoul, s. korea

ethnicity : korean

language(s) :
korean native
english semi-fluent//taking classes

height & weight : 170 cm & 50 kg

blood type :a





personality :

i'm not a spoiled b*tch a spoiled girl is totally not her, she's an independent young lady who do everything all by herself. believe it or not, she is independent. she would do anything in her might by herself, she doesn't like it when people think she can't do it because she's a spoiled girl who only orders her servants around to do her jobs. she's totally not like that. i'll tell you one proof that she's not a spoiled girl; she's one of the top students in her university and she manage to get a scholarship even though her parents are rich.

social butterfly friends here, friends there, friends everywhere. yewon is a sociable girl, she smiles to everyone, even to strangers. but she's not that sweet. once you pissed her off, she would turn into a wicked witch, why is that? she can be so cynical and sarcastic once you pissed her off. so you better not to mess with her if you don't want to hear her hurting words.

miss smarty pants just as i mentioned before, she got a scholarship even though her parents are rich. creative and imaginative, those traits fits her perfectly. her creative mind leads her to get the scholarship. she always came up with briliant ideas, her designs are just unique in their own way you can't describe.

little miss touchy this is why she's cynical and sarcastic, she's so sensitive. not sensitive as in easily cry, sensitive as in easily offended. that's when she's become cynical and sarcastic.

background : 

city girl born and grew up in the metropolitan city of South Korea's capitol, Seoul. Born into a well known stockholder father and an elementary school principal mother made her social status as a high class. she grew up with maids surrounding her doesn't made her a spoiled girl. her parents, especially her mother always thought her to be independent. she said that her parents and maids wont be with her forever. she attended the best schools in the city. because of her sociable personality, she has many friends since the first day.

"i want to achieve my dream" since she was only 5 years old, her mother already introduce her into the fashion world. she had been into lots of modeling contests and also won lots, you can see one room full of her trophies in her house. the eight-years-old yewon along with her older brother, seungpyo who was only 10 that time enrolled to an agency by their mother. starting from there, she was a pretty known child-model in town. but as she began her first year in middle school, she stopped all her modeling activities and focused on her studies. but the passion of fashion didn't left her, she started to sketch dresses, tops, skirts, on her notebook when she was bored. and then she decided to be a fashion desinger. why didn't she just continue her carrier as a model? well, you see, when she stopped her modeling, she kind of gained some weight, her body wasn't ideal for a model. she tried lots of diet programs but none of them succeed, she finally lose weight in her senior year because she was kind of stressed and too focused for the final exams.

2 bedrooms, please once she's accepted in hongik university, she looked for a nearby apartment for her. since her house is on the other district and she don't want to be late becuase of the traffic, she decided to find an apartment. that was when she found haedo apartment. she like the place and its strategic location, not too far from her campus, just a few blocks away.

likes :
fashion items of course, what do you expect?
bubble tea & thai tea they made her calm down when she feel too focused
pastel colors because she found them unique
music who doesn't like music?

dislikes :
annoying people they pisses her off
loud music like rock/heavy metal, make her ears hurt
reptiles disgusting
cockroaches eww


habits :
pouts when she's bored
sticks tongue out when she does something wrong
bits tongue when she's nervous

hobbies :
watching fashion shows
watching horror movies

trivia :
allergies apples, beans, and dusts
favorite pastel colors, strawberries, apples, pizzas, colas, chocolates, rains, rainbows, stars, the number 3
scent she likes vanilla scent and she smells like vanilla
sns she's active in several social networks such as twitter, instagram, tumblr and she has the same username for every account: hanyewonnie3
pet has a dog named buddy

family :

father : han kapsoo : 50 : stockholder : stritch, independent, discipline, protective : though her father rarely home, they still have a strong bond, he would treat her like a little princess and she would complain that she's not a kid anymore : 6
mother : kim boyeon : 46 : elementary school principal : caring, stritch, discipline : even though her mother has lots of works to do, but she still put her children as her first priority, "my mother is my best friend" : 7
older brother : han seungpyo : 25 : business major student : calm, caring, kind, funny : they mostly brickering over small things but the got along pretty well : 5
cousin : han soonhee : 23 : civil law major student : calm, caring, kind, funny : soonhee is like yweon's second mother : 6

friends : 

best friend : kang youngmi : 23 : fashion design major student : loud, funny, 'crazy' : youngmi is yewon's 'twin', they're together everywhere, they both is like stamp and envelope : 6
friend : jung taewoo : 24 : model : kind, calm, funny : taewoo is like another brother for yewon, they would together every opportunity since he works for the brand she was working at : 4
friend : park hyunshik : 27 : taewoo's manager : caring, calm : same as taewoo : 4
soonhee's ex-boyfriend acquaintance : lee jeongsu : 23 : communication major student : clingy, overprotective : the both of them only talked when they meet or when he asked about soonhee : 3


name : jang doyoon

personality :

what?! doyoon might not be the nicest guy she ever met (because she thought that the nicest guy she ever met was hyungshik, taewoo's manager), but he is nice, in his own way. however, he's the sweetest guy she ever met, making her literally want to puke because of his cheesy lines. he's also a gentle and romantic man. but he's sensitive like her and a short-tempered too.

how they met :

who the heck are you?! it was a busy day at the boutique she was currently working at. first she got yelled at by her boss because she was late and that the boutique was really busy. her boss told her to brought a rolling rack to one of the vip rooms. she unwillingly dragged the rack to the room to found a good-looking guy sitting on the sofa, burying his face into his phone. she cleared her troath, the male stratled and screamed with all his might. "who the hell are you?! don't you even know how to knock?!"

why does she likes him :

i dont like that cheese ball that was what will come of if you asked her if she likes doyoon. but deep inside, she has this little crush on him. she didn't know why she likes him. was it because of his kindness? his sweetness? or his cheesy-ness? people said that if you like someone but you don't know why, it's because your heart choose him/her, and she kind of believe it.

interaction :

go away as much as she said that in front of him, he didn't listen to her, of course just to annoy her. it was worse when she found out that they live in the same apartment building. he would suddenly appear in front of her door with that smile of his (that makes her heart melts). he would ask her if she had some snacks, she knows it was just an excuse, but she didn't know what the real reason though.

back-up : kim mingyu


name : lee byunghun

job : painting major student

personality :

m'lady gentle, romantic, smart, kind, caring,sweet. he's just too perfect to be real. he was the kingka but he smiles to whoever he met, he's the total opposite from the kingka in those fanfics. he's humble and down to earth, loved by many. loved by the teacher because his academic is excelent, loved by girls because of his handsome face and attitude. he's just perfect.

how they met :

this is my little sister byunghun is actually her brother's classmate in sophomore year. he was in their house, working on a project with her brother when she came home from her friend's house. her brother introduced the two of them, "don't flirt with my sister or i'll kick you out of the universe," her brother joked. but it turned out the other way around.

reason : 

i'm back after the first encounter, the two grew really close. he finally cofessed to her and they were dating for almost three years. but they have to break up because byunghun was going overseas. however, after a few years passed, he was back into her life and she didn't know what to do.

interaction :

we're not an item anymore byunghun still treat her like his girlfriend, while yewon felt a little bit uncomfortable of it. she didn't said it to him because little did she know that she still has feeling for him, i mean they have been going out for almost three years.

back-up : choi minki/ren (nu'est)


what do you do for a living? i'm a fashion design major student also i work as an assistant designer at a boutique

which floor? 2nd since i don't really like high places

room type? two bedrooms please, i believe my clothes wont be fit in one place

do you live alone? or no? i live with my dog if that counts




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