Always Into-you ღ | Kim Jungwon


Always Into-you


Always Into-you


The Intro:

Username: --paresol--

Nickname: Risa

Activeness:  8




The Basics:

Name: Kim Jungwon

Nickname(s): Jung-01 - members, because she's a robot and because she always wants to be number one

Birth date: May 16th

Age: 17

'Oil' type: AB

Height: 167 cm





The Core:

Personality: At the beginning, Jungwon's behavioral programming is simple: while (person's ability >= your ability), increase your ability until your ability > person's ability. Jungwon strives to be the best. According to her programming, her success depends upon how good she is, how many people support her, and how many people she can beat in a talent competition. She's also a little bit iffy on what to do with people who get in her way, and usually just brushes them off tersely. Jungwon is not patient in the slightest and has no qualms about forcing people out of practice rooms if she feels she needs to practice (which she doesn't, but let's pretend for argument's sake). For her, music is not a passion - it's a job, and she's determined to do that job right. She also tends to ignore individual humans, focusing on hard numbers and statistics like album sales. In other words, she's exceptionally boring at fansigns and only really appreciates topping charts and winning award shows.


After a while, she learns sympathy/empathy. She learns that others have feelings and she can't always demand her way with things, and becomes more patient. She's still not the nicest girl (or robot) around, but she's not kicking people out of rooms anymore. At fansigns, she starts paying attention to each individual fac and makes an effort to talk to them. She also learns passion, and realizes that she doesn't need to be the best. She learns that sometimes, friends can be useful and she shouldn't compete with them all the time - she still doesn't much like making friends, but she starts enjoying the company of the ones she has more. She's still pretty assertive, though, and starts trying to make the people she cares about better instead of just herself.


Edit: Even from the beginning, quite a few people tell her to cool it. She normally ignores it, but she catalogues each time and that accumulation helps to convince her that she could afford to be more laid back. There were two big events that really changed her view on things, though. First, she films a CF or something and works under a very strict PD. She deals with it at first, because she's grabbing that opportunity, but eventually she gets fed up and starts ignoring him. He starts yelling at her and tells her to pay attention, or else she's off, the ungrateful little brat. That sets her off, and she's dropped from that opportunity. When she complains to her members, they nod sympathetically but kind of laugh and tell her "he sounds like you". She denies it, but realizes after a while that his actions were somewhat similar to hers. The second was during a contest on a TV show between members (either singing or dancing). She was very cutthroat, because she saw it as a very good chance to prove herself, and did win. However, the loser was very gracious about their win, and a lot of netizens commented that the other girl should have won and Jungwon was kind of a . After the initial anger, Jungwon realized that she won the battle but didn't win the war. This also helped her with the acceptance of her position in the group.

Likes: Noise-canceling headphones; Hard rock/punk rock; mascara; ice hockey; being on stage; animal eye-masks; first-person shooter video games (develops over time)

Dislikes: Blues music; long wait times; being interrupted; mud; cats (unless they're declawed); being dismissed; people who don't use honorihics when they should; flowers; candy stores

Hobbies: Singing; dancing; audio mixing; reading books (especially mystery); origami

Habits: tilts her head when confused; folds origami if she's holding a piece of scrap paper; taps her feet when she's sitting down; blowdries her hair

Fears: At first, Jungwon was afraid of water because she always read that water + electronics = bad, and became paranoid of malfunctioning if she was submerged. She refused to swim or take a bath, and was wary of rain and showers. After some time passed, she got over that fear a little and gained a new fear of never being happy - always striving for something she can't ever have.

She doesn't get out much, unless she has to

Thinks that romance is overrated and satisfaction at a job well done is so much better

Thinks learning languages that are not Korean or English is a waste of time (and Korean only because she lives in Korea)

Is a really good liar

If she doesn't want to talk to someone (which happens a lot), she'll just stare at them without saying anything.

Doesn't like to eat in general, because she thinks it'll dirty her insides. She's okay with drinking water, though.

Doesn't blush easily

Thinks crying is for wimps





The Visual:

Ulzzang Name: Jang Hae Byeol

Ulzzang pictures:    

❀  | ❀ | ❀ | ❀ | ❀ |   

Back up Ulzzang Name: Sin Bi (yeah, they look nothing alike - I went for different kinds of chic. Is that okay?)
Back up Ulzzang Pictures:  

| ❀ | ❀ | ❀ | ❀ |   

Clothing Style: Things that look put-together without being too formal. Business-casual tends to be her way to go - a nice pair of slacks or a pencil skirt and a nice blouse. She doesn't wear blazers because she thinks they're too formal. She also prefers tailored or more form-fitting clothes than looser or baggier clothes. The least formal she goes is a t-shirt and jeans. Jungwon wouldn't be caught dead in sweatpants or a sweatshirt. She also has a huge collection of headphones and wears them if she expects a long waiting time.

Number: 004 - Goldenrod





The Performer:

Stage name: Jungwon

Personal Fanclub name: Medalists

Personal Fanclub color: Goldenrod - #DAA520

Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Singing: Choa (AOA): 1 | 2 (if she's too good, then AOA's Yuna)

Dancing: Eunji (9Muses): 1 | 2 (she's the one with the short hair)

Rapping: n/a





The Social:

Member they are closest to: 001 (Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist)

Member they are awkward with: 005 (Maknae, Main Vocalist, Rapper)

Opinion on Leader: If Jungwon were to attribute her personality change to one person, it would be the leader. L encouraged her, supported her, and helped her realize that she doesn't need to best in order to be happy. She's the person Jungwon trusts the most. At the beginning, she did try to prove her superiority over L in terms of talent, but it didn't really achieve much because they had different skill sets. As a result, L became one of the first people Jungwon didn't see a need to be better than and compete against.

Opinion on DAN-B: If DAN-B weren't older than her, Jungwon would get fed up with her so quickly. In her opinion, DAN-B needs to learn how to settle down and stop being such a nuisance all the time. She's also very competitive with DAN-B, because they're both dancers and singers, so she never misses an opportunity to prove herself. Because DAN-B is older, though, Jungwon tries not to be too hostile and respect her. When Jungwon mellows out some, she starts appreciating DAN-B's personality more and sometimes fake-argues with her.

Opinion on Main Dancer: Jungwon dislikes that  MD was pronounced a better dancer than her, and doesn't hesitate to try and show her up. Since MD is still older than her, she reigns in her animosity on that point. Once Jungwon got past the competitiveness, she appreciated MD's calmer personality more. Even though she is jealous and she gets exasperated by her daydreaming, Jungwon thinks MD is a good listener and a good friend (although not to the level of the Leader).

Opinion on Lead Vocalist: n/a

Opinion on Maknae: The maknae bundles several problems Jungwon has with DAN-B, several problems she has with MD, and is conveniently younger. She's too outgoing and talkative for Jungwon's taste and also out-sang Jungwon as a trainee, so she harbors a grudge of two fronts. As a result, Jungwon snaps at M the most. She's overly critical of everything M does - if M happens to mess up a dance move or crack on a high note, Jungwon will be all over her like flies on honey. The other members tone her down, though.

Opinion on being an Android: At the beginning, she loves being an android (except for the water part) because it makes it so much easier to improve and be the best. She pities humans, to some extent, because they have so many physical limitations. As time goes on, she starts realizing that being human has some upsides, too - namely, they're happier than she is. She sees that they can be satisfied with a good performance, even if it didn't win, and is jealous of that. She starts thinking that maybe it is better to be a human. By the end, she reconciles the two, and though she has regrets, she's satisfied with who she is.





The Lover:

Love Interest: Zhang Yixing (EXO)

Personality: Yixing is quiet and cautious, with a tendency to think a lot before he speaks (although that somehow doesn't help him remember where he puts his wallet. And his keys. And his bag.) He always tries to improve and doesn't like competition. He's very kind and compassionate, and tries to think about what other people might think. He tries to please everybody, which often backfires because that's too much for him to do. He also really loves music and singing and dancing, and gains satisfaction just by doing that.

Relationship:They meet when shopping for headphones, actually. They both wanted the same pair, because that type was the only one in stock for some reason. Yixing let Jungwon have it without even putting up a fight, which confused Jungwon somewhat. She bought it. They met each other again at a hair salon, while both were off-schedule. She thanked Yixing, because she was trying this new "being polite" thing. Yixing smiled back and told her that it was okay, because he had more and he could get one later if he still wanted it. They started talking about favorite kinds of music. Jungwon was again surprised that Yixing like music for the sake of liking music, not because he wanted to be the best at it or anything like that. They fall in love because Jungwon admires Yixing's musical ability and Yixing admires Jungwon's drive and ambition.

Back-up Love Interest: Nam Woohyun (INFINITE)

Personality: Woohyun is LOUD AS HELL HOLY CRAP and outgoing and mischevious and GREASYand pretty much everything Jungwon hates if it wasn't for the fact that Woohyun's also ridiculously sweet and always stops to make sure people are happy. It's like he feels that he's had so much happiness in life that he just has to share it with others. He's a great singer and works hard to keep it like that, but he's not averse to skipping out on practice to run to Busan and buy a gallon bag of candy. 

Relationship: They met during filming for a variety show. Woohyun decided Jungwon looked too grumpy and took it upon himself to either make her smile or exasperate her until she broke down and ran around screaming like a madwoman trying to kill him. It didn't take long for his goal to be achieved, although he probably didn't expect a long rant about everything that's wrong with "people these days". He decided that maybe annoying her wasn't the best idea, and took to sneaking her candies at random times. Jungwon didn't much appreciate that, either, so Woohyun settled with talking with her. Jungwon thought that Woohyun was a complete immature idiot at first, but soon grew to appreciate his efforts at being friendly. She learned to stop freaking out and loosen up. They never really fall in love, per se, but they become really close friends.





The Goodbye:

Comments/Questions:  hey look i finally put together an app for this orz sorry if it . please tell me if anything needs to be changed.

Scene Requests: Jungwon completely blowing up at the entire group because of frustrations in her life in the past while.

Song Recommendations: BESTie - Love Options, Apink - Bubibu, Shy Boy - SECRET, 





picture credit goes to google and tumblr.



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