Get to know your author (stolen from NurulAina)


Hair colour:

- the top half is black and the bottom half is a coppery orange Oh and I have coppery orange blunt bangs too

Eye colour

- extremely dark brown, almost black

Skin colour

- yellow (?)

Most favourable facial feature

- hair (does that count? If not, eyes)

Most disliked facial feature - nose, jaw, lips

Height -4 feet 11

Body type

- 85 pounds


Name - Vy Tran

Age - 15

Nationality -Vietnamese Canadian

Country of origin -Vietnam

Current location - Under the rainbow

Favourite colour - Black and Pink and Blood Red

Favourite animal - Unicorns and Big cats


- EXOtic

- Primadonna

- Inspirit



- Cassie

- KissMe

20 Random Questions

Summer or Winter? -


Do you have a special talent?

- I can annoy ppl lol

Do you think you are a strong person?

- nope~ I dont work out

What are your phobias?

- absolute silence

When do you feel most calm?

- When I'm taking a bubble bath!

What inspires you?

- Dramas

What do you dislike about yourself?

- my procrastination and overall yness

What are your top three favorite colors?

- didnt I answer this already?

What are your hobbies?

-Going on the internet, make up, fashion, DIY (mostly clothing)

What is your favorite subject?


What are three of your current favorite songs?

- Chi anh hieu em (by some vietnamese artist whose name I dont know)

- Magic Castle DBSK

- Filth in Beauty GazettE

What is your favorite day of the week?

- Sunday, Saturday

How would you describe your current mood?

- Bores and hungry

What are your future goals?

- To be rich, beautiful, and admired

What artists do you like?

- FT Island B2ST EXO DB5K SuG GazettE B.A.P Infinite

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- To go when I was a kid

Which artists do you dislike?

- Justin Beiber Nikki Manage(?)

What is your favorite month?

- July June August

Do you believe in love?

- Yeah but ive never experienced it before

What is a saying/quote that you live by?

- "Sing like no one's listening, Dance like no one's watching, Dream like you'll live forever, Live like you'll die tomorrow."

Last beverage

- Green tea

Last text message

- I like apple pie :p

Last song you listened to

- Tasty You Know Me

Last time you cried

- when I watched Titanic, cuz Leonardo diCaprio was so hwat (did I spell his name right?)

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- Nopie

Ever been cheated on?

- Thankfully not

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- I dont think so...

Ever lost someone special?

- does a fish count?

Ever been depressed?

- yeah TT^TT

This year have you…

Made a new friend?

- Yes

Met someone that changed you? -


Do you want to change your name?

- Nope What can’t you wait for? -

When i graduate from highschool

What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Having a Harry Potter marathon

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- shes infront of me

What is the webpage you visit the most?

-AFF Mangafox Facebook

YouTube What is your relationship status?

- y Free and Single im ready to bingo (I mean mingle lol)

What do you worry over the most?

- marks and looks

First surgery?

- Appendix

First piercing? -

this summer

First sport you joined?

- Gymnastics

Do you want kids?

- Andwaeeee

Do you want to get married?

- I dont believe that a peice of paper is /that/ needed to prove two persons love

What career do you want?

- lawyer

Ideal type…

- boy: hot smart tall dominating (*blushes*)

- girl: hot smart tall big s dominating


- me? Im a girl~

- what I'm interested in? Boy, girl, crossdresser, tranual girl, tranual boy u.u

Older or younger? -

s/he must be older

Shorter or taller?

- Taller (must be over 5 feet 9, unless he's Takeru from SuG lol)

Romantic or spontaneous?

- Spontaneous


- Yellow asian.

Lips or eyes?

- Eyes

Appearance or personality?

- Both

To my readers

- what reader? No one reads my story >.>

What is one thing that you don’t know about me?

I was diagnosed with anger management and anti social but im better now

I have a gay imaginary friend named Benjamin (eversince grade 1, we're still friends lol) I use lol alot


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