
Hello people, I have a little update to share. I got into a creative writing class at Emerson college and it stats Saturday which gives me an excuse to write. I can finally post again. Most of them will be oneshots, but I shall be working on I can't tell you so I can at least update one of my stories. News on No Longer the Prey I am really sorry about not being able to update it for awhile. I have most of it done, but the most important part is the scene and I am having a huge problem with it. I mean a huge problem with it. It is the most dirty and ed up scene I have ever written. To give you a sense of what I mean I will give a little hint. Stick Blood Lube News on Wild Heart Hopefully you haven't forgotten about it, but I will try to update that soon because that should be the easiest for me to write I just have to re read the last chapter and write from there. I also am not sure if I want to fast forward to a few years later to write something that is relevant to me now or just keep it going the way it is. Please comment about that. News on He's my Black Pearl That is going to happen soon so don't wordy about it. News on You Don't say that tomorrow (I'm not a monster) I want to update it, but don't know if people care about this one enough to write it. News on other stuff I really feel like writing a really ty one shot and I mean down right make you wet your pants . Involving Jay park, but have no clue what to write lol. No ideas what so ever. Someone give a good idea about it. Haha. Bye for now.


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