Sarang High! ♡ || Lee Haneul


I remember you...!

Lyn || 9 || lynnie-chan

 Lee Haneul all my love is for you
■  what's your name? | Lee Haneul
■  16 winters ago, I opened my eyes | August 18, 1997 (16)
■  the memories lie here | Seoul, South Korea
■  call me maybe | Hannie (by her super close friends), Sky (by almost everyone else)
■  I grew up here | Seoul, South Korea
■  the blood running down my veins | B
■  I was born unique | Full korean
■  let's talk about love! | Korean (fluent) and English (conversational)
■  Is it your first year at Sarang High?
[ ] Yes  [x] No


Inside a heart...

 I am unique this is what makes me me.
  personality | 
Haneul is known by her classmates for her lazy personality.  She goes out of her way to do things the wrong way because she likes to irritate people.  You can always find Haneul sitting in the back of the classroom with her head down on her desk, sleeping.  Teachers dislike her because she rarely turns in her homework.  Guys find her intimidating and girls don't like her that much.  
But in reality, Haneul is not like that.  She pretends to be a jerk so that no one can take advantage of her kindness.  She doesn't want to be mean but the people at her school force her to stay on guard.  When Haneul is around her friends, she is very loyal.  She treasures her friendships with all of her heart and would do anything for her friends.  In a way, her friends are her weakness (once someone becomes her friend, Haneul lets her guard around them).
■  background 
Haneul grew up in an average family with an average income.  She spent her younger years in an international school where she picked up some English.  Haneul worked hard because she wanted to make her parents proud.  However, once she realized that the people in her group for a project were taking advantage of her hard-working nature Haneul decided that she wouldn't try anymore.  Her parents thought that she wanted a change in environment so they enrolled her in Sarang High.

■  family | 

Lee Dongwook || 42 || employee at a company || Father

Lee Ji Won || 40 || employee at a company || Mother

■  flaws | lazy and rude (around her classmates), too trusting (around her friends)

■  likes 
-chewing gum
-rainy days
-hanging out with friends
■  dislikes |
-sunny days
-mean people
-bossy people
-sweet food

■  habits |
-bites nails when nervous
-chews gum and swallows her gum
-blinks quickly when trying to memorize information
-always checks her phone for the time
-organizes her clothes by season

■  trivia |
-taught herself how to play guitar
-wakes up early to exercise
-secretly afraid of the dark
-favorite color: purple
-favorite subject: English
-favorite food: ramyun
-makes a wish at 11:11 P.M. every night
-also incredibly superstitious


Cupid's Perfect Match.

 You are my star I have always loved you.
  love interest | Kim Jongdae (Chen); 18; 3rd year
■  back-up love interest | Do Kyungsoo; 18; 3rd year
■  love interest personality 
Chen is known for his voice around school.  Girls fall for him by listening to his voice alone.  He doesn't mind all of the attention, but he prefers a quiet day in the library to screaming girls.  Chen takes pride in his studies, consistently earning high scores on exams.  Around his friends, he loves to play jokes, sometimes referred to as a "troll".  His friends appreciate his sense of humor and admire his optimistic personality.
Chen believes that people should never be judged by their first impressions, though it's kind of hard NOT to hate Lee Haneul based on her first impression.  To him, she is everything he hates in a girl...until he realizes that there's more to her than meets the eye.
■  back-up love interest personality |
Kyungsoo is also known for his voice around campus, and he knows it.  He has charisma which draws girls to him.  However, Kyungsoo has never had feelings for a girl before.  Of course, he had gone out with many girls during his time at Sarang High, but he hasn't met one that has made his heart beat.  Kyungsoo is searching for his true love: a kind, respectful, and beautiful girl.
To Kyungsoo, Haneul fits one of the three requirements for being his true love.  However, as he gets to know her more, he comes to realize that she is closer to his ideal type than he imagined.


Fashion is beauty.

 special flair I will love you no matter what you wear.

■  dressing up the school uniform 
Haneul doesn't really care about her uniform.  The length of her skirt is normal (she would never wear a short skirt), and she hasn't bothered to put pins on her jacket.  She does love to dye her hair (though she likes light brown and reddish-pink the most).

■  style outside of school | 
She loves wearing t-shirts and shorts the most.  For shoes, she loves Converse, and isn't seen outside of school without them.  She also loves wearing jackets, and she loves to go shopping for jackets the most. (1 2 3)

■  face-claim | Choi Haneul

■  back-up face-claim | Jung Roo
PASSWORD: clicky
I want to explain this: Block B comes back with a title track saying that they're tired of fake people, which is kind of the attitude Haneul has for the people at her school.
ANYTHING ELSE?: Good luck author-nim!  I hope that you like my character!





layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel




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