Know Your Author

Got this from heart_surgery who got this from JungKristy's blog 



Hair colour:

- dark brown with light brown streaks and red hilights at the top of my head

Eye colour:

- brown

Skin colour:

- yellow/tan

Most favourable facial feature:

- eyelashes (I have really nice long ones ^3^)

Most disliked facial feature:

- none! I like my face XD


- 165 cm




- Nelle



Nationality (brace yourself)

- Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Mexican, Irish, German, and Spanish

Country of origin:

- The lousy US of A

Current location:

- Ohio (don't ever go here it's awful. I'm from California)

Favourite colour:

- neon green and yellow

Favourite animal:

- ...everything...except spiders. I don't care what you say, spiders are a threat to humanity and my sanity.


- Baby, VIP, Black Jack, B2ty, ELF


20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter?

- summer. definitely.

Do you have a special talent?

- I can rap surprisingly well. People also tell me my singing and fashion designs are really good.

Do you think you are a strong person?

- Yes I do.

What are your phobias?

- Clowns. ing clowns. You have no idea how terrified I am of clowns.

When do you feel most calm?

- When I'm writing or singing on my own. 

What inspires you?

- Music mostly. Sometimes weird things will inspire me like something I or someone else said.

What do you dislike about yourself?

- Nothing really. I'm very comfortable with myself. 

What are your top three favourite colours?

- Green, Deep purple, and Blue

What are your hobbies?

- Singing, dancing, writing, sketching designs

What is your favourite subject?

- English 

What are three of your current favourite songs?

- Neverland by U-kiss, Trouble Maker by Hyunseung and Hyuna, One Shot jp ver by BAP

What is your favourite day of the week?

- Saturday!

How would you describe your current mood?

- Tired and hungry. I'm always hungry, though ^~^

What are your future goals?

- To be a fashion editor for W, Vogue, or Madame

What artists do you like?

- Bang Yongguk, G Dragon

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- The 80s/90s. They may have dressed awfully, but they had the best cartoons and movies.

Which artists do you dislike?

- I don't dislike any artists per say. I respect all artists for getting where they are with the talent they have, but there are many that I don't want to listen to any of their music at all. 

What is your favourite month?

- May~ the weather's the nicest and school gets out.

Do you believe in love?

- A little.

What is a saying/quote that you live by?

- It's not necessarily something I live by, but I love this quote from The Breakfast Club "Bizarre? What's bizarre? We're all a little bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it." I love it because it's just so incredibly true.

Last beverage:

- a peach smoothie I made ^-^

Last text message:

- Yelling at my friend for asking a stupid question

Last song you listened to:

- Neverland by U-kiss

Last time you cried

- maybe a week ago

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- Nope

Ever been cheated on?

- Nope

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- No

Ever lost someone special?

- Yeah. My uncle died when I was little of leukemia.

Ever been depressed?

- Yes, but it helped me become the person I am today.


This year have you…

Made a new friend?

- Several

Met someone that changed you?

- Yep

Do you want to change your name?

- Definitely not.

What can’t you wait for?

- Halloween!!!! 

What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Sleeping, actually. Which is, like, a first.

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- Maybe half an hour ago

What is the webpage you visit the most?

- Figment, AFF, Tumblr

What is your relationship status?

- Single 

What do you worry over the most?

- Nothing much. I should worry about my grades, though 

First surgery?

- I was in the sixth grade. They had to stick a tube down my throat 'cause I couldn't breathe. Real exciting =_=

First piercing?

- I was maybe four or five when I first got my ears pierced, but I had to get them re-pierced many a times since I kept letting it close.

First sport you joined?

- Soccer

Do you want kids?

- Yes.

Do you want to get married?

- Eventually

What career do you want?

- Fashion editor


Ideal type…


- Male

Older or younger?

- Doesn't really matter. If it's a ridiculous gap, then no. But to me age isn't something that should stop love.

Shorter or taller?

- Prefer taller,  but it doesn't really matter to me.

Romantic or spontaneous?

- I'd say a spontaneous romantic lol

Lips or eyes?

- Both 

Appearance or personality?

- I'd like to say that appearance doesn't play a role, but I'm human and so are you. Everyone judges people on how they look. I'd say both.



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When u said Gender i litterally cracked up!!!