♕ ─ 〈 Pinocchio 〉 ─ Huáng JīnYùn

We are here to put you in danger, I'm Pinocchio's

Huáng JīnYùn



Character Name: Huáng JīnYùn (黃 金韻)


  • Winter | A nickname anyone is free to call her by. They chose that nickname because Nina is fond of jackets and hates skin exposures. She doesn't like being under the hot sun and enjoys to cold days.
  • Lily | A nickname LuHan made up for her because Nina loves the flower
  • Mikasa |Nina's Japanese name and a commonly used nickname by V from BangTan. V was amazed by her Japanese name because it's a character name from Attack on Titans.
  • XiǎoLóng/小龙/Little Dragon | A nicknamed Kris use to tease Nina. He knows how much Nina loves dragons (which he's happy about) and how feisty she is when he teases her. Nina likes the nickname but not the way Kris says it in a playful tone. He always uses that certain tone when Nina is upset.
  • Nina | This is her stage name and the name almost everyone calls her by.

Other Names: English: Nina Hunag __ Japanese: Mikasa Huang

Birthdate: March 10, 1996 (Age 17)

Birth Place: Shanghai, China

Height: 167cm

Weight: 48kg

Hometown: Chinatown, New York

Ethnicity: Chinese

Face Claim: Park HyoJin

Backup Face Claim: Hong YoungGi



Personality: Nina is very shy and quiet. This applies to everyone she doesn't know so well. Once she gets to know you and you get to know her, the real personality is revealed. The outgoing side of her is only shown when she's with people she feels comfortable with. She's also considerate of anything. She takes care of people well no matter what the age difference is. Nina likes to think and try hard not to get people to get her wrong. Sometimes she stutters when trying to get her point across. Self-conscious? VERY! Nina is wary about almost everything. Her skin, skills, life- everything. This is where being a perfectionist came from. When she finds something unsatisfying, she'll start over until it's right. Not a perfectionist about everything, but it's mostly about cleaning and drawings. Nina is also not very good at expressions her emotions. Instead of expressing with words, she draws it on paper. When she's asked about how she feels on an interview or shows, of course she just does it verbally. If she's alone, then she draws anything that comes in her head. Also, she doesn't like skinship unless she's wearing long sleeves or a jacket. The only time you can get her with a hug is when she's in an emotional state like crying.

She is surprisingly truthful. What she really hates are lies. Little joke lies are fine but not the ones that could affect tons of people around you. After her debut, she said if there's someone she's dating, she'll opening reveal it to the public. She doesn't like the feeling of guilt or betrayal. At first she received harsh comments about how bold or stupid she is but they eventually realized she isn't the type to lie about big things. The thing is, Nina doesn't want a boyfriend until she's close to 19 years-old.

She isn't the type to reveal anything about families or friends, where she lived in America or the drawings. She's a secretive girl that doesn't reveal her true feelings unless it's towards Jason and An' Nissa. Even though she just met An' Nissa on the second semester of 7th grade, their K-Pop ties made her turst An' Nissa. Jason being her childhood friend is very understandable why their bonds are strong. Nina doesn't feel why there is the need to answer personal questions about herself. She'll usually answer "I can't reveal/answer that" when being asked something personal. 

Background:  Born in Shanghai, China, Nina lived the normal life most children would have. She moved to the United States when she was 2 and lived in New York. New York was where her father's family lived so they moved in with them. After they got settled and her parents made many Chinese friends, they didn't really intend to move again. Two years later, they decided to go to China for summer vacation. In Shanghai, Nina's family decided to go to Beijing for a week along with her grandparents, aunts, and uncles in China for a tour. The first day there she met Kris, who's also going on a tour. They became fast friends because there wasn't much to do. Kris had a very fun time teasing Nina, but she hated the embarrassment. During her stay in Beijing, she was scouted. A scout introduced her to the Entertainment. Her parents were really against it. They declined the offer in a blink but didn't know the scout gave Nina a card before getting shooed away.

After the week tour ended, she went back to Shanghai and spent the rest of her summer there. Once summer was over, she went back to New York. Now after every 2 years, her family will go back to China to spend the summer. However, her family changed a bit when she started middle school. They were much strict on her for her grades. Nina have 3 older male cousins in China and the 3 of them were very smart and the same goes for her 2 cousins (An older female and younger male) in New York. She was always compared to the rest of her family and her childhood friend Jason with the grades. She felt depressed about not being smart so she studied hard to become successful. Nina decided to become a doctor and make her parents proud to be called their daughter.

At the summer after 9th grade. She overheard her parents talking how improved she is. Nina was glad to hear that but she felt sad too. Does her parents only love her because she was smart? Of course both her parents are the type that wants money more than anything else, but how will they treat her if she has adverage intelligent? She doesn't really want to become a doctor anymore after An' Nissa made her a fan of K-Pop. She rather be an idol now. She walked in to tell her parents her new dream and it totally backfired. Her mom yelled at her saying a doctor can make way more money than those stupid girls that just sings and dances. Her mom even said she knew Nina was going to be crazy after being obsessed with those Korean guys. Nina didn't like what her mom said about the people who changed her caged life. She played good for the rest of the summer and told An' Nissa about leaving her parents to go to South Korea. At first, An' Nissa was so jealous of her but then became solemn after figuring out the reason why. She encouraged Nina to be herself and made her promise not to cut ties off with her. These besties message each other pretty much everyday so no ties can be cut. Nina secretly brought plane tickets to South Korea and packed up. Since her parents weren't the type that cares about what she does in her room, she was lucky. Plus she saved every penny once she knew the worth of money. On the day before the date of her new life, she decided to tell Jason. He has the right to know, even though they weren't close as before. As expected, Jason just went along with it because he doesn't care about Korean people or the music. He did say they have to keep in touch since he worries about her safety and that confidence. After she left, Nina made the decision of cutting off all ties to her family. She knew everyone will worry about her but she also knew she can't trust them to keep this secret.

When she was about to board the plane to South Korea, she got a call from Jason. "Your mom said you're not her child anymore...."



  • Sour flavor
  • Drawing
  • Late night walk
  • Cooking
  • Animals
  • Nature
  • Stuffed animals
  • Anime/manga
  • Dragons
  • Daydreaming
  • Bubble tea
  • Jackets
  • Horror movies
  • Winter
  • Music (K-Pop)


  • ​Spicy food
  • Rumors
  • Exposure (doesn't even like shorts much)
  • Swimming
  • Alcohol/drugs
  • Girly clothes (dresses, skirts, etc.)


  • Late night walks
  • Drawing
  • Cooking


  • Studying poeple (since she's not very conversational at first, she just stares at other people having fun)
  •  Has a habit of studying because she wanted to be a doctor as her career
  • A bad habit is ignoring people when her mood is bad

Trivia: Nina doesn't really reveal what groups she likes. Infinite is her favorite but the only person that knows her K-Pop life the most is her best friend An' Nissa. Her best friend brought Nina an Infinite bracelet when she left for South Korea and she always has it on as a good luck charm. She wears the bracelet on her wrist if she's wearing long sleeves or jackets. She doesn't like to show people this bracelet since it's a secret. Sometimes she'll wear it as an ankle bracelet if she has to wear short sleeves. If she can't, then the next answer is making it look like a normal hair tie or place it inside her messanger bag _Link_

She doesn't like to show people personal things, so after debut, she brought a chest to store the things she doesn't like to show (like drawings and pictures). She also set a password for her phone. When the members are around, she changes the phone's screen lock to pitch black but usually it's a Pikachu or another Pokemon. Even her laptop needs a password to be accessed. It'll take a while before she starts to open up fully.

She is a great cook. She learned many types of cuisine during her childhood in New York. Her family was well off so she got many lessons of different kinds, even martial arts. Nina likes French cuisines the most so that's where she exceeds. Nina is a vegetarian but she can cook meat and everything.

Nina respects EunJi a lot! She wasn't interested in girl groups so much but A-Pink made a big difference for her. The powerful vocals and humor of EunJi...it was like love in first sight, or admiration. EunJi was the exact girl she wanted herself to be- the bright outgoing girl. Nina was in deep thought and concluded if she was a guy, she would've totally fallen for EunJi. She went through harsh trials to finally bring up the courage to ask EunJi if she wants to be friends. Nina was freaking out inside when EunJi accepted her friendship.

The style she likes are the easy ones. Nina likes to wear T-shirts with a jacket over it and long jeans. Nina does NOT like skin exposures. Dresses, skirts, or shorts are a big no for her! She'll like to burn those clothes if she can too. Being a good girl, she doesn't complain about it if it's related to her job. Once it's done, she'll go back into her simple style.



[Father | Huang XinHua | Age:54 | Architecture]

[Mother  Yang XiuLin  | Age:52 | Nurse]

Best Friends: 

OC → [An' Nissa Tallent (female) | Age: 17 | High school studdent] 

OC → [Jason Yung (male) | Age: 17 | High school student]


[Jung EunJi | Idol (A-Pink)]

[Kris (Wu YiFan) |Idol (EXO-M)]



Rival: Kim Ah Young (Yura)

Reason of Rivalry: Those 2 had nothing to hate about each other but unpleasant things happened for Yura. She was jealous about how many males always try to be with her. She doesn't see how Nina can be so popular with the guys. It got even worse when Nina became in decent terms with EXO. Yura didn't like all the spotlight the new girl was getting in the entertainment world. Yura doesn't trust Nina's words about being honest in relationships or anything. She believes Nina is acting shy and nice to get close to males. That innocent attitude of hers get's on Yura's nerves. Seeing Kris, V, and Nina together so many times makes her suspicious about the "real" relationship. Yura will try to expose the secrets Nina tries so hard to seal. Nina figured out Yura doesn't like her because she gets constantly embarrassed by her. However, Nina still wants to try to understand Yura....

Backup Rival: Bang MinAh (Girl's Day)



Love Interest: Kris (Wu YiFan)

How They Met: They met with each other in Beijing, China. Nina was 7 years-old and Kris was 13. Kris is a total annoyance to Nina. He knows Nina is the quiet, shy girl, but he just wouldn't stop teasing her for everything. She cried a few times but Kris just walked away to advoid even more trouble.... Leaving out annoying, the 2 of them had a good time with each other during their short stay in Beijing. Today, Kris is a member in EXO and introduced her to all the members after Nina debuted to have a good friendship with Pinocchio. The start was akward since Nina is shy but then it went out fine with every member. Nina was able to open up to EXO a lot. Kris didn't knew she was the little girl he met at Beijing at first, so he treated her like a dongsaeng. Once Kris realized she was that Nina after hearing her real name and studying that personality, their relationship changed. Kris went back to his teenager self where he keeps on teasing her. Once he went to far and made Nina cry...again. Not thinking, he reached out to hug her. And surprisingly, she didn't push him away. This was a good sign for Kris but it's a normal state to be in for Nina. I placed Kris in the friends because at first, Nina didn't have feelings for him, but Kris did after figuring out she was Huang JinYun. He has been a bit in love with her when he thought about the little girl in his trainee days. After seeing her again, it was hard to keep his feelings in- he wants to know Nina better than before. I want Kris to try to make Nina slowly fall in love with him. He wants to get out of that friend zone.

How They Interact: Kris can be the Teasing King when Nina is around. Of course Kris is very sweet towards her, but there are time when he just wants to pinch her cheeks. Sadly, it's forbidden to give away his feelings too quickly.... Kris knows Nina a bit too well. He doesn't like the sight of other people getting too close to her so he would always drag Nina away. She can't stay with Kris for too long because she finds it flustering to be with the guy. Skin ship with him is very awkward to handle.

Relationship: They're a bit like friends, but Nina is a bit catious around him. A part of Kris scares her, but she doesn't want to stop being friends though. 

Backup Love Interest: LuHan


Love Rival: Kim TaeHyung (V)

How They Met: They met backstage after Pinocchio's debut stage. Nina was sitting by herself on a sofa reading a manga (Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin). She didn't think anyone would walk through that path because it wasn't really used, but V surprisingly appeared. He said he was playing hide-and-seek with s because he didn't want to pay for their dinner. He was surprised to find Nina reading that manga and went to join her. They got along very well after that first meeting.

How They Interact: They get along talking about things related to anime. Nina and V wouldn't shut up about it either. This was rare because Nina wasn't much of a talker. However, they get along rather too quickly for her to believe. Nina really likes his 4-Dness but sometimes it gets too out of control for her to handle. She enjoys V's dorky side a lot. It also seems like some skin ship with him is ok too. Not too much skin ship, but she doesn't find it repulsive either. They even share their love of big cats.

Relationship: Otaku comrades

Backup Love Rival: Kim MyungSoo (Infinite)



Stagename: Xiǎo Jīn (金)

Persona: Winter

Fanclub Name: Snowflakes

Position: Main vocal

Backup Position: Visual, main rapper

Training Years: 1 and 1/2 years

Singing Twin: A-Pink's Jung EunJi

Dancing Twin: n/a

Rapping Twin: For backup- 4 Minute's HyunA

Talking Twin: A-Pink's Naeun



Remarks / Suggestions: If you choose LuHan, change the meeting info because LuHan was born in Beijing so he couldn't have a trip there. I picked Kris cause I think his character fits more than the other Chinese EXO members.

Remarks / Suggestions: Please tell me if there's any problems in my app so I can change it

Remarks / Suggestions: I am sorry about the length of this app, but I don't think it looks right when my things aren't detailed. 

Scene Request: 

  • Jason calls Nina a lot because he's worried about her. Kris will get really jealous about the fact she's close friends with him.
  • Nina eventually told EXO's Kris, BangTan's V,and her members about her family problem. Stating how she left without words and her mother's words. She even said how her parents might not even recognize her because how different she looks. Jason even told her that her parents didn't recognize it was their daughter when they tried to find her on TV. 



© xoxo_yeon


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