` ( N.O ) » — Lee Soon Mi



Lee Soon Mi.
  username: -farewell- | nickname: aley | activity: 9/10 | timezone: GMT+1 


 image                  image                  image  
the queen.


Name: Lee Soon Mi

Other Name: Soomin Lee

Nickname(s): Spring Child - Her parents call her this because she was born in the Spring.

Age: 18

D.O.B: March 12, 1995

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown(s): Seoul, South Korea

Language(s): Korean (Native), Japanese and Mandarin (Fluent; she learnt them at school and she studied in Japan for a whole year when she was 10 years old), English (Basic).

love hate.



  • cartoons
  • sunset
  • rainy days
  • horses
  • skinship


  • violence
  • backstabbers
  • drugs
  • bugs
  • loud noises


  • nail art
  • shopping
  • hanging out with friends

Fear: She is afraid of crossing the streets alone, because she was hit by a car when she was 10 years old.


  • biting her nails
  • touching her hair
  • claping her hands while laughing


  • when she was 5 years old, she disappeared. Everybody was worried about her, but then her father found her sleeping under the bed.
  • she auditioned to be an actress, but the company was also really impressed with her vocal and dance skills.
  • she is good in any table game, she always wins.
  • she was an ulzzang in her predebut days.
  • took ballet lessons in the third grade.
  • is a student at Seoul of Performing Arts.
  • is rumored to be the lead role in the new drama 'Heirs' along with the actor Lee Minho.
  • she did her first appearence on television with the drama 'Boys Over Flowers'.
  • she appeared in VIXX's 'Hyde' and Hangeng's  'Wilde Cursive' MV.
  • her life motto is 'impossible doesn't exist. like the world says i'm possible.'
  • she already had more than 10 mobile phones, because she keeps losing them all.
  • she isn't good at maths.
  • she eats a lot, but doesn't gain weight.
  • she can't eat something without brushing her teeth right after, so she takes her toothbrush with her all the time.
  • she is very blunt and likes to be bossy.
  • her biggest idol is Christina Aguilera.
  • she says she wants to be a mom at the age of 22.
  • she is Bangtan Boys's J-Hope classmate.



forever me.

Personality: Soonmi is the type of girl that doesn't allow anybody to mess up with her. Try to do it and you are already on her black list. She is very blunt and holds her pride as if it was a precious diamond. She is ambitious and always fights for what she believes, even if it brings troubles to her. Her past wasn't easy so she learnt how to protect herself an never bow to those that wouldn't do the same for her. She has a bad-girl personality that makes all the boys droll over her. The director office was the place she visited the most during her school days, because she was always in troubles, in fact her middle name should be troublemaker. The anger she shows to certain people is nothing more than a defense mechanism. It’s become hard for her to be close to more than a few people, and she decides to argue with the ones she doesn’t exactly care about.

She’s extremely sarcastic, but never does it to hurt anyone unless she feels as if they’re coming at her. Naturally, she’s a very cheeky girl and uses that to her advantage in conversation, even if people don’t see it that way. She’s very loyal to her friends, and will do anything to protect them, there is no way she’ll let anyone get hurt on her watch. She’s the type of girl who’s never fully dressed without her attitude. Being the only child in her family, she was practically born with the quality of being a leader. She likes to be the one in charge pulling the ropes rather than the one following behind. Although at times she may seem to be one of those well brought up, pureblood, polite girl, in reality she’s still a clumsy kid wanting to have fun. Sometimes acting like she’s in her own world, a great word to describe her would be odd. Others might find it offensive, but she doesn’t mind - she thinks it fits her quite well actually. 


my memories.


Background: Soonmi's parents separated very messily during a New Year’s Eve party when their daughter was a toddler. When she woke up on New Year’s Day to find her mom throwing her dad’s clothes out on to the lawn, it was clear that this year really would be a new beginning. From then on, she spent half the week with her mom, and the other half with her dad. Her parents worried that their separation might have damaged their young girl, but Soonmi found ways to make the best of the situation; she quickly learned how to play her parents off against each other, and turn their feelings of guilt in to expensive toys and days out. Her life surely wasn't easy before, her mother was just a 18 year old girl when she found out she was pregnant. Her father was also a 19 year old boy that didn't wanted a kid to mess up with his life. Even though none of them was expecting it, they decided to raise the baby the best they could. Her father tried to find a job while her mother would stay home with Soonmi.

Luckily, Soonmi's grandfather was a big help to the two teenagers and found a job to both of them, in his fashion company. Even though Soonmi was born to young and still immature parents, she always had the best things available to her, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. Soonmi always attracted a lot of fake friends. People would be nice to her, telling her how pretty she was...but they were all pretty rude when her back was turned. She was both the most liked and the most disliked girl. Her so-called friends would comment nasty things about her in the school corridors, spreading rumors and later, the bullying thing started. Publicly, Soonmi pretended not to care about what people thought of her, but when she was alone it was difficult not to cry. After middle school gradutation, her mother decided to move to Seoul. It would be good for both of them because Soonmi could finally start all over again, with new people in a new school and her mother would also start to work in a music company as a HairStylist. But there were something that Soonmi truly liked: singing, the world of music! With 15 years old, Soonmi auditioned for Kanderella Entertainment, passing the audition at the first try and becoming the most loved and famous vocalist among the trainees. Her trainee life wasn't hard but she had some bad moments along the way, she even thought about giving up, but she had friends that stood there for her, not letting her fall without getting up again.
Life in Seoul was being everything she ever dreamt of, there was no bullying or harsh comments, Soonmi also changed her personality and became more nice to others, because she knew her bad attitude certainly wouldn't buy her any friends.

b f f.


Bestfriend.  Choi Myeon Jin.  19.  Trainee.  Myeojin is a sweetheart and sometimes can come across as ridiculous because of his personality. He likes to make other people laugh and sometimes forgets about making himself happy. Is really vain and sometimes behaves like a girl. He is gay and doesn't hide it, he is proud of who is has become.


forever yours. 

Love Interest Name: Im Jae Bum

Back Up Love Interest Name: Do Kyungsoo

Age: 19 years old

Group: JJ Project

Status: Stranger | Friends | Best Friends | Secretly Dating 

Personality: What can be said about Jae Bum? He is still a kid and sometimes behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar.  He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also stubborn, Jae Bum can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him.

How you met/will meet: Soonmi met Jae Bum two years ago in a school trip. Her class and Jae Bum's class were together on the bus and they spoke to each other for the first time in that day. He was a jerk and his attitude wasn't what Soonmi likes in a boy, but once he was alone with her, he seemed to change. On the way back to the school, they sat together and decided to give it a try. Two months later, he was already on his knees, begging her to be his.

How you act around each other: They are not the typical cute and perfect couple. She keeps calling him stupid names and he does the same. It's a weird relationship but they feel good in that way. He sometimes calls Soobmi a pig, in a cute way, but never forgets to add the 'my' before every word: my pig, my dwarf, my pabo etc. She often calls him stupid giant, jackass and . But at the end of the day, they always hug and rely on each other. In public they look like kids that can't admit how in love they are, but in private, they are in fact, quite romantic. They both like to cuddle and steal kisses from each other.


my superstar.



Stage Name: Minee

Persona: Charismatic Bullet (because of her fierce personality that is capable to hurt like a bullet, sometimes).

Fanclub Name + Color: Mine's +  #ccffcc

Trainee years: 3 years

Position: Lead Vocalist

Back Up Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist


forever beauty. 

Face Claim: Park Hwan Hui | Park So Ra | Jang Hae Byeol | Do Hwe Ji | Byeon Seo Eun | Yoo Hyun Jin |Jung Min Hee |Kim Seuk Hye | Kwon Su Jeong | Baek Su Min | Jin Jae Young | Kim Soo Yeon | Kim Ja Young | Kang Ji Won | Han Byul | Gyeong Eun | Yura | Ahn Su Kyung | Kang Su Jin | Lee Eun Jin | Ryn | May | Sin Bi | Park Cha Hun | Kim Da Hye | Kiko | Park Ji Hyun | Kim Do Yeon | Lee Jung Ha | Han Su Hyun | Park Seul

Back Up Face Claim: Park Hwan Hui | Park So Ra | Jang Hae Byeol | Do Hwe Ji | Byeon Seo Eun | Yoo Hyun Jin |Jung Min Hee |Kim Seuk Hye | Kwon Su Jeong | Baek Su Min | Jin Jae Young | Kim Soo Yeon | Kim Ja Young | Kang Ji Won | Han Byul | Gyeong Eun | Yura | Ahn Su Kyung | Kang Su Jin | Lee Eun Jin | Ryn | May | Sin Bi | Park Cha Hun | Kim Da Hye | Kiko | Park Ji Hyun | Kim Do Yeon | Lee Jung Ha | Han Su Hyun | Park Seul


my fullstop.


Password: her <3

Comment/ Question: i'm looking forward to work with you !!

Show Suggestion: Immortal Songs, After School Club, Weekly Idol, All the KPOP, and I think they should have their own show like BTS, VIXX, Seventeen and BAP have (:

Scene Suggestion: i might add this later!


profile credit : harlequin.


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