NaNoWrimo 2013 : Find Me MY (TOP) Melody

So I decided to use a fanfic idea for GDTOP for this year's entry for NaNoWrimo. 

If you do not know what NaNoWriMo is then go to their website and read up about it. 

It's pretty simple. You have 30 days starting Nov 1 to write a novel that is 50K words long. Sounds easy, right? Code in real life with that and it would not be so easy, I tell you. I tried. Twice. Somehow October and November is a busy month for me. T_T 

So I though that since I have finished fanfics before then perhaps it's best if I stick to this genre and try not to bring new out of my . Since I would have the idea of the story in my mind then it can pretty much write itself.

If I was going to be an I would just submit one of my already finished ones but the whole point of the writing challenge would be forfeited. MY main goal is to prove to myself that I can finish a novel that long in 30 days even once. 

If you didn't know this about writers, our egos and confidence levels are eratic. And most often than not we seek the approval of others. And our inner demons. 


So I hope that this year I can silence my NaNoWriMo demon with 50k words or more. 


^.^ Pray for me.


I had to change the name of the characters OF COURSE since I am submitting it as a Romance. If I (by some unforseen death of all good writers) win this (winning means finishing the challenge) then I would post it here at AFF since my GDTOP was a co-kpop fangirl request. 


So winner or not I will still continue the story. ^.^ 

Click on pic to go to their site. SIGN UP!~


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