LOL haiiiii readers <3 <3 

leejoonlover here c: 

Just saying that I'm going on a short hiatus for yes---all three of my fics :C 

I'm moving all the way across the pacific ocean. (Now if you failed grade 3 geography, here's a review: well, I live in canada currently.. and i'm moving to korea. that means i'm going left. {across pacific} to asia.) So, yeah. I'm moving all the way to korea.. :O 

It's pretty upsetting, but that just means I'm that much closer to my blaqies <3 lol I friggin know where they live. yes i'm a creepy stalker. Ahem. Correction: there's nothing wrong with meing a creepy stalker. 

So how long am I on my sort of short but not really short hiatus? UM.. IDK. well i'm hopping on my plane on the 29th (no stalking plz) and I have to do some quick unpacking. How long do you think that will take? Maybe a week?

I might make some quick updates for all three of my fics b4 I leave, so don't be sad yet. 

Sorry for making you read this lengthy post, but better known than making you worry later (you know, just in case you think I'm dead.)

<3 byee (I would spam you guys with some joonie, but I'm on my friend's computer and let's just say, she's more of a g.o girl <3 lol k bye readers and DON'T UNSUB.) 

DON'T UNSUB or I'll take away your cookies I gave you when you were supportive. LOL jkss i won't take away your cookies, (I mean, you've probably already eaten them.) and you can unsub if you really really really lost interest, but I'll try not to let you guys down.

REMEMBER: joon is hot.


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I didn't get my cookie......