Moonlight ( Park Chom Yeon )







❄{ Park Chom Yeon }❄ 






Hi There

Username : AliceHwang1

Activeness : 9/10

Nickname : Carol ( my real name ) or Alice





So, tell me aout yourself.

Name : Park Chom Yeong

Other Name : Nataly Park ( English name )

Nicknames :

  • Chomi -> Her American friends gave that nickname for her, because it was easier than Chom Yeon. And since then, she loved that name and prefers to call she that way than by her real name.
  • Cinderella -> This nickname is because of her passion for shoes. Her friends always call her that and even her parents.
  • Chokshin -> Is junction of Chomi with Shikshin. Her friends gave her the nickname because of her passion for food.
  • Naty - > Her american friends. They find it easier.

Date of Birth  Age : Oct 28, 1995  17

Birthplace  Hometown : California, USA  California, USA

Blood Type : O

Height ☽ Weight : 164cm ❄ 50kg

Languages : English ( Native ) | Korean ( Fluent ) | Japanese ( Semi-fluent ) | Mandarin ( Basic )





What's up Babycakes.

Ulzzang : Park Hwan Hui

Links : 

Backup Ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye



Mysterious pictures:   ( Park Hwan Hui does not have many photos with the concept, but these are good? )





The Simpsons

Family :

 Mother || Park So Hee || 45 || Teacher || Unlike some wealthy women, So Hee is a very humble woman, who is always helping everyone and often does charity. She is very loving and affectionate with everyone, mainly Chomi and their students. She is very intelligent and loves her profession with passion, she would never want to be away from their students. Even though a lot of work, she never leaves her daughter in hand and is always there to Chomi. || Chomi and her mother get along well. They are always together, when her mother is not busy. Her mother helps a lot with school work and Chomi usually helps in the work of her mother. They have much fun together and whenever you can, go to the mall or elsewhere. Chomi relies heavily on her mother and tells her everything. || Alive

 Father || Park Kyung Min || 46 || Businessman || It may seem like a serious man and rigorous, but it is not. He's a very friendly and loving, mostly for Chomi. It is very protective and can be quite jealous. When he are with his family, it is pretty funny and amiable. However when in the company, he is a serious man, as he has to take care of many things, it becomes a little harsh, but it is a great boss to all employees. || Chomi is very close to her father. In normal, many children are afraid of her father, but is unlike Chomi. She is very attached to her father and was never afraid of him, because the two are always fun and Chomi respects very well her father, as he deserves. Her father can sometimes spoil quite Chomi, but he does not want to make her daughter a girl snob. || Alive

Background : Chomi was born in California, USA. Her father is Korean and has a great company in Seoul. Her mother is Korean and is a teacher in one of the best schools in Seoul. Her family is considered rich and big business. Chomi grew up with everything they wanted, her parents never left that lacked nothing for her, making her become a little spoiled. Her childhood was very prestigious, a childhood that every child would love to have. Best clothes, the best toys, the best schools, many friends, maids, a huge house .... Such was the childhood Chomi, for she was truly a fairy tale. When small Chomi always wanted to be an actress, she dreamed of being on television and make many dramas. So her parents put she in a drama class, where she learned many things related. But as time went on, she began to listen to music, specifically American pop. Her desire to be an actress dwindled more she heard music.

With 12 years Chomi met a Korean girl who was traveling with her parents, they became good friends and this girl talked about kpop for Chomi. She was interested and find more about this style of music. Initially, she had not liked because she found very different, even her father being Korean, he never spoke in Korean with Chomi, so for her, the language was different and she knew nothing. However, as she was looking for more songs, Chomi slowly began to like it and find it very good. What she liked the dances were well planned and addictive rhythms. She began to imitate the dancing and singing the songs of kpop, especially SNSD, who was the group she most enjoyed, they inspired a lot.

When Chomi completed 14, her parents said they would have to move to south korea, her parents thought it would take Chomi to accept it, but was instead Chomi was thrilled she would be going to the country kpop, well, half of it was also sad because she would leave her friends behind. At first it was very difficult Chomi adapt to the culture, language and food. After a while she managed to learn Korean, but her was all American accent and was funny when she spoke. She still misses some things in Korean, but their language is better. Often Chomi still uses the American culture, as people did not bow of respect, or even hug people to greet them. After insisting too, 15 years old, her parents left she do auditions for SM Entertainment , she really wanted to get into this business because of SNSD. She did the auditions, but was rejected the first time, but since Chomi is a stubborn girl, she did not give up and tried again, this time she passed. She was very happy she could be a trainee and was a step to realize her dream. Chomi was a girl that applied very well trained, well, still had those times she slept more than trained, but other than that, it was very good. However, her parents made her promise to never stop studying.





Dayuuum girl.

Personality : Park Chom Yeon, who prefers to be called Chomi, is a girl super cheerful. Her joy can infect anyone, even those who are sad. Her smile is always on her face, showing that she is a strong girl and happy, who really does not care about the rest. However, one of its flaws is that, because she never will be showing her true feelings, so as not to bother anyone. To her, everyone has more important matters to do than worry about her, and Chomi also never like to bother people with her problems. But do not misunderstand, she is a cheerful girl, only hide her true feelings when she's sad. Except that, not much is needed, as she is always busy and happy. The day she is discouraged is super rare, because she always will be putting all go up with her animation. Loves being funny, making everyone laugh with her jokes. And Chomi no shame talking bull, but that will make everyone have fun, she will talk about what goes into her mind. And look what her mind is not very good at processing things because usually she will take long to understand something or sometimes talk stupid things. But it really does not matter to Chomi because she laugh at herself when it happens its moments " crazy ." In addition, she is a talkative number one. Almost every time she starts talking, she will take a while to finish. And sometimes even changes the subject, making some people did not understand anything that Chomi talking. Being super agitated, she is almost always clumsy, and lives in places falling or dropping things. To Chomi, that's funny, so she will surely laugh at it every time it happens, even if she have been hurt, she will laugh, saying it was funny. She really likes to show a carefree side of it, because she will not bother anyone.

It may not seem like much, because of her little face little girl, but Chomi is a huge ert. She is always talking nonsense, and almost always have to stay away from the maknae because of that speech. But generally, what she says, makes everyone laugh. This is not something she worries too much, she just likes to be herself. Another thing about Chomi she is even not appearing, can be spoiled when she want. Well, the only reason behind this is because her parents always gave her everything, the good and the better, thus making. But do not misunderstand, it is only that way sometimes, just when she really want something. She does not like no for an answer, but will usually accept it when told to her, but of course, depending on the subject. One thing that is not Chomi, is innocent. She will not fall easily in plays people but people who fall into of her. Well, but that will also depend, as she does not think well before doing something, sometimes even in jest can drop in plays the other... but it is only sometimes, for she though . This is the least important thing for her, since Chomi not really care about the opinion of others, nor to do anything with it. But do something with those she loves, and you awaken the great beast that exists within Chomi. It's pretty hard this happens because she tries to be as calm as possible. Because when she's angry, she can do things without thinking and end up doing something stupid, so she tries her best not to get angry easily. One of the things Chomi like to do, is to buy. She is almost always found at the mall, in stores expensive brands and famous buying clothes and shoes. She likes to go to the mall to buy shoes mainly, which is one of the things she loves most. Being called Little Cinderella, she has a great collection of high heels and never will dispense one. All see one of her closets, impressed as it is only with shoes , high heels ( which is the majority ) and flat shoes , tennis among others. Let's say , she is a great fashionista, especially when it is against shoes.

Chomi is really competitive. Losing is not in her vocabulary, and therefore will do everything to realize her ambition. She always has to win, because she hates to lose at all. And if Chomi wins? She will certainly throw in the face of those who lost , because sometimes win rises too her head. This small Shikshin, loves eating. One of the things she likes most is eating. And giving is always envy the girls because of her beautiful body. Even though she eat for five people, her weight will remain normal, the maximum she can go is 1kg, but she does not care much about it, since she can eat enough. And in the case of food, Chomi hate divide. Even though she has a lot she will never want to share her food, and even can beat the hand of the person attempting to steal it. And one of her favorite food is burger and can eat many of them without getting full. Chomi prefer American than Korean food, since she already was even hospitalized by eating Korean food containing shrimp. After this day, she got a little scared because she is allergic to shrimp. So she prefers American food and sweets. Any sweet, pleasing her. However, generally have to stay away from them. You must be wondering why ! Well, the simple fact is, she become more agitated than she already is. Chomi will be laughing alone, talking too much, playing with everyone and even jumping around in places. It's like she was drunk, but in a more cheerful and just by eating sweets. And after that? When spending effect, she goes to sleep... Yes , she will erase, no matter where she is. Even if we try to take all that away, Chomi never be far from her precious candy.

Laziness takes over her entire body. She is a girl super lazy. Being able to sleep for a whole day without even waking at least once. Because of this, she usually never does anything at home or in the dorm. But this is not a problem when people can blackmail her with her weak point ... candy or shoes. Everyone has to blackmail her enough to make her something. Will just say candy or shoes for her, or say that will play her candy and her shoes in the trash. Chomi quickly will do everything she's told . She says that the sweet ones and her shoes are her babies because she loves them very much. Even so, sometimes she keeps doing nothing, saying that anyone can nothing do with her babies. But she will always end up doing everything, since she hates to see people get too overwhelming. And with a teacher mother, she can take notes acceptable in school. Chomi is a real stubbornness in person. How she hates to lose, will persist with the person to death without letting the person get easily. Admit she's wrong, never in their plans, even if she is. And if the person continues persisting much, she sure will get angry, and when she gets angry, can punch something strongly , or be upset , and when that happens, she may be a while ignoring this person, even if it is a small thing. Chomi will not give cakewalk for anyone, but it's not just for this case. Is any case, she gets angry or upset. And for this reason Chomi has so many friends because she knows very well defend everyone she loves. She hates someone hurt someone she likes, and when that happens, she turns vindictive and aggressive. But even without anything happening, she is aggressive, usually without realizing it. Sometimes playing she can hurt someone because she is a strong girl, not even looking.

Anyway ... Chomi is a girl with a good heart, even with all her flaws. She is a girl who will not turn to the opinions of others and just live her life the way she pleases, being childish, playful and very fun. Moreover, her personality can be quite varied because she manages to be cute, y, tomboy and stuff when want. Say she's a fun girl!

Likes :

☽ Eating

☽ Candy

☽ Mall

☽ Sleeping

☽ Keroro and Pororo

☽ Fashion

☽ High Heels / Shoes

☽ Winter / Snow

☽ Ice cream

☽ Music

☽ Kpop

☽ Watch TV

☽ K-drama and J-drama

☽ Sky

☽ Mizzle

☽ Stars

☽ Dance

☽ Family

☽ Sing

☽ Dolls

☽ Bubble tea

☽ Orange juice

☽ Cookies

☽ Balloons

☽ Skinship

☽ Hug

☽ Dog

☽ Smile

☽ Photos

☽ Cheesecake

☽ Friends

☽ Iphone

☽ Chocolate

Dislikes :

☽ Fake people

☽ Bossy people

☽ Fumes

☽ Vegetable

☽ Alcohol

☽ Thunder

☽ Math

☽ History

☽ Blood

☽ Lies

☽ Be reprimanded

☽ Cats

☽ Lose

☽ Cry

☽ Bullying

Hobbies :

☽ Photography

☽ Buying

☽ Reading

☽ Eating

☽ Sleeping

Habits :

❄ Biting lips

❄ Throw objects when she gets irritated or even punch someone.

❄ Waking up in the night to eat food from the refrigerator.

❄ Talking in her sleep.

❄Is always looking in the mirror to check their appearance.

❄ Walking from one side to the other when she is nervous or anxious.

❄ Fill her cheeks of air when she gets frustrated or bored.


☽ Height

☽ Dark

☽ Death

☽ Thunder

☽ Clown

Trivia :

❄ Has a dog called Chom.

❄ Is allergic to shrimp so often go without eating Korean food, which usually has shrimp.

❄ Chomi says that Chom (her dog) is a friend of Monggu (Kai's dog), while Kai says that is Monggu is Chom's boyfriend.

❄ She always takes Chom in the park to play and walk. And sometimes Chomi takes Chom to play with Monggu. But who has more fun is Chomi because Kai always gets the ride more fun.

❄ She always takes her camera to where she is, to take selcas and photos of several things like landscapes.

❄ She is very flexible and was called "Elastic Girl" by her friends.

❄ If it were not part of the group wanted to be an actress known.

❄ Can not write very well lyrics. Only if she is going to get very inspired.

❄ She did ballet for 7 years old on the 10 years. Then she began to take dance lessons with other styles.

❄ Is that further delay in the bath.

❄ She spent much shame during her early days in SM because of the language. She only knew how to speak English and minimal Korean, and so was always missing words.

❄ Can not hide surprises. And also do not know how to lie well.

❄ Ever been hospitalized for a week after eating shrimp.

❄ Almost never like to eat Asian food. She thinks a bit disgusting. But still likes some, but still prefer a thousand times American food.

❄ Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.

❄ What does she like to eat is burger. She can eat 4 hamburgers integers without getting full.

❄ Love to listen music.

❄ Can't cook very well. She has burned a Ramen.

❄ She is always taking her Iphone and her headphones when going out or traveling.

❄ Not fattening easily.

❄ Like to drink milk before bed.

❄ Always watching Keroro and Pororo.

❄ She blushes easily.

❄ Hate to seem weak, but she is very sensitive and can cry easily.

❄ She always goes shopping to buy new clothes or shoes ( high heels ) when she tires of her clothes and her shoes.

❄ It may not look it, but she's a very strong girl.

❄ She's close of various artists

❄ She is popular in SM Entertainment because of her personality.

❄ In her audition: Sang Go Away ( CL's rap english ) and danced Damaged

❄ Appeared in B1A4's MV, Only learned bad thing / Exo's MVs Wolf and Growl / K.will's MV, Love blossom.

❄ Appeared in CF: Sunny 10 with Exo / Samsung galaxy player with Myungsoo ( L )





Forever and Ever

Best Friends : 

☽ Kim Namjoo || 18 || A pink's member || Chomi Knew Apink and quite like group. But she first encountered Namjoo personally backstage at Music Core. Chomi could not find the way back to camarin. They accidentally bumped into each other and Namjoo was super nice to her, and she showed all Namjoo Music core for Chomi. || Namjoo is a very cheerful girl, always encouraging everyone with her smile and her jokes. She has a very cute dimple and is always the sample, since she never loses her smile. It conveys an aura very good, always leaving everyone comfortable to be around her. Namjoo is very entertaining even with strangers, so nobody feels shy being around her. || They are always having fun together, even from different companies, they never fail to find. Are well known as "partners in crime" for always up to something. When they can not find, they always exchange messages or talk a lot by phone. But when they can find, they go to the mall together, or even for the amusement park. The two have much fun. || 8/10


Friends : 

☽ Seo Johyun || 22 || SNSD's member || Through Luhan, while they talked, Chomi said his group was preferred Girls Generation and their bias was Seohyun. Luhan made ​​a surprise Chomi and presented to all members of the group to Chomi and especially Seohyun. She was very friendly and on that day, the two talked a lot and became very close. || Seohyun is a very innocent girl. She is like a mother to everyone and always takes great care of all. She never forgets to take care of your health and also the others, because she is very concerned and cares too much about everyone, even who she is not very close. Even being a little shy, she conveys an aura of comfort, making everyone feel very close to her. Seohyun is releasing more nowadays and is becoming a girl much more lively and fun. || Even taking a personality quite different, the two get along well. Seohyun is like a second mother to Chomi, is always taking care of her and remembering to do things right. Because of the busy schedule of SNSD, the two are unable to find much, but Chomi is always wishing luck to Seohyun, and Seohyun is always supporting the dream of Chomi. || 7/7

☽ Kim Joonmyun ( Suho ) || 22 || Exo's member || They met while shooting Wolf. In fact, she already knew the group before, but she can meet them personally. || He is always smiling, even though he is not very good. He is very funny and great friend. He is also very reliable and always there to help everyone. || hey are very close and even have been arrested in a scandal because of it. But they just do not care and will not ruin your friendship because of fans. || 6/7

☽ Jeong Jinwoon || 22 || 2AM's member || In music core || Jinwoon is a very sweet and playful boy. Even though it is a bit shy around strangers, they make people feel comfortable around you. He conveys an aura very friendly and good for everyone, so whenever you are near him, feels comfortable. Being very friendly, he enchants everyone with his sympathy. || They are not very close, but they talk a lot. Jinwoon is always supporting Chomi to follow her dream and continue training hard, and Chomi always congratulates and gives good luck to her in his presentations. || 4/7



☽ Bang Min Ah || 20 || Girls day's member || When she was backstage at music core, she saw Minah screaming and offending employee. Chomi hate people like that, and went to her, defending the person. Minah thought Chomi was an innocent girl, by their appearance, however, was wrong. When she began to intimidate Chomi, she repented enough. Chomi can offend someone even a few words, or even with her cold stare. || She is always flirting with the boys. Besides always putting everyone down. She is a girl completely spoiled, do not settle for anything absolutamenta so often will be screaming with others or offend. Even with the members of your group, it is so. She will often be around boys flirting with them, and really do not take no for an answer and will fight to the end to get something she wants. || After that day, the two became great enemy. Every time they pass by one another, Minah give cold stares at Chomi, but Chomi not caring one iota for Minah, she just ignores the stares, to show that for she Minah simply does not exist. || 1/10

Why are you rivals : When she was backstage at music core, she saw Minah screaming and offending employee. Chomi hate people like that, and went to her, defending the person. Minah thought Chomi was an innocent girl, by their appearance, however, was wrong. When she began to intimidate Chomi, she repented enough. Chomi can offend someone even a few words, or even with his cold stare. After that day, the two became great enemy. Every time they pass by one another, Minah give cold stares at Chomi, but Chomi not caring one iota for Minah, to show that for she Minah simply does not exist.


Love interest : Kim Jongin a.k.a Kai

Backup Love Interest : Park Chanyeol

Date of Birth ☽ Age : Jan 14, 1994 ☽ 19

Group : Exo

Personality : Kai is a very playful boy, however, is also very shy to speak in public, so many times, he is still in his corner. He is very polite, but also can be very possessive and jealous too. Considered the iest of the group, he can not do very well aegyo, so when it does, is funnier than cute. Kai is not very talkative with strangers, but when he knows the person better, becomes a very fun and playful. He is polite with elders and treat everyone well, but loves teasing Chomi, so often the two are discussing. But he began to feel something stronger for she, and becomes very jealous when she's with other boys. However, he does not want to say anything to her and the only person that knows about it is D.O. He actually had never fallen in love with a girl, but he began to feel pretty when Chomi were shooting the MV Wolf. The personality of Chomi really charmed him. Anyway ... Kai is a different boy.

How you met : When Chomi turned trainee, she did not know much of the SM building. Chomi was walking when he heard a song coming from inside one of the rooms. She curious look was when she looked, Kai was rehearsing a dance (Wolf to be more specific), Chomi found it very good in dance and continued watching and sometimes tried to copy the dance. She was so immersed in dance, neither realized that Kai was not there, she looked around the room and there was nobody when she was turning to leave, she was startled by Kai, who was behind her and laughing because she took fright. Kai , asking if she was infatuated with him and winked at her, Chomi widened her eyes and began to speak. Kai looked strangely at her when she would not stop talking, he was wondering how she could do it, he did not understand a word she spoke. When she finished speaking, she stepped on his foot and left. Kai winced in pain and did not understand anything, but he smiled and thought it would be great to imply a bit with her and get closer to her.

How you act around each other : The two are always fighting. Kai is always teasing her and Chomi is always talking too much with it. Often he does not understand some of what she speaks, however, still teasing her. For Kai it's fun, but now Kai is starting to have more feelings in relation to her, and because of that, sometimes it's a little jealous and often shows great affection for her, which makes Chomi feel a little strange and whenever he does this, her heart beats faster.


Love rival : Min Yoongi a.k.a Suga

Backup love rival : Jung Daehyun

Date of Birth ❄ Age : Mar 9, 1993 ❄ 20

Group : BTS ( Bangtan boys )

Personality : Suga is a playful boy who is always talking and laughing a lot. He is sweet and polite to everyone, especially with their sunbaes or older people. Suga loves to play and tease who he likes, especially Chomi. Well, that's the way he shows his feelings, and is always playing with others. He is different from other boys, because even if his manly side, he also has his cute side.

How you met : Chomi met Suga backstage. The first time she was on Music Core, she did not know the place very well and ended up losing. While searching for the place back to the dressing room, bumped into Suga. He acknowledged Chomi because of the group's debut and then talked to her. How Chomi is also a talker, the two started talking and after a while, she remembered that she had to go to the dressing room and said she had to go. But Suga asked if he could accompany her and she gladly accepted.

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? : Chomi treats him as a great friend, but he does not see she this way. Whenever he can, he asked to have a dating, but he always says that is friendly, because if not she will not accept. His feelings for her grow, but he can not do anything besides giving tips. Suga always uses skinships with Chomi and treat Chomi as a real princess. Who does not know them, would find that the two are lovers. This leaves Kai very angry and jealous.





Once upon a time

How did you get in the agency? : Chomi convinced her parents to let her do the auditions in SM, and how her parents always supported her dream, left. Chomi is not the type of girl who gets really nervous to do something because she is pretty confident. But on the day of the hearings, her heart almost quit the mouth. Even with much nervousness, she did a great test. She sang ( Zinger's rap ) and danced Damaged. After a few days after the test, it was announced that she had become a trainee. Chomi was very happy and promised herself that she would be applied and that her dreams will come true.

How were your trainee days : She was well known within the SM, both by trainees when for some artists. Her personality made ​​her very popular there. Life as a trainee, was very quiet. She had many friends who supported her, and her parents who were always there to encourage her.

Number of years of training : 2 years

Persona : The funny princess | The female happy virus or The Childish Shikshin

Stage Name : Chomi

Position : Main rapper, Vocalist, Reaction Queen

Backup Position : Main dancer, Lead rapper

Fanclub Name : Chocos

Fanclub Color#ff6699            #ff9999






Comments : Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^

Suggestions :  None ^-^

Scene Requests

☽ Kai is teasing Chomi, however, she begins to talk too. Kai sighs and does something unexpected ... He kisses her, it was just a peck, but Chomi is motionless and wide-eyed.

☽ Kai is jealous of Chomi and Luhan.

☽ Kai gives Chomi a ring with his name.

☽ Kai confesses to Chomi in the rain. (I love romantic scenes in the rain)

☽ Chomi see Minah with Kai and gets jealous.

☽ Kai sees Chomi hidden diary and discovers that she liked Luhan, but now had another passion. Only she did not put the name and Kai did not know who he was, even then, he promised himself that he would be that person.

☽ Chomi is talking with Chanyeol and Kai are seeing. He is dying of jealousy and Chomi catches her wrist and takes her to the roof of the SM. Chomi is furious with him and asks what happened. But he did not answer and just hugged her from behind and rested his face on her shoulder whispering "Let's stay like this, just for a bit and see the stars. Even if you shine more than all of them, the view from here is very beautiful." this made her blush Chomi and freeze in place. She did nothing, just let kai stay as it was. Her heart beat much faster than the natural.




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